Counting my Blessings

in Hive PH4 months ago

It's been two days since December has arrived and I'm an so grateful that I was able to witness this day and I am hoping that I will still be here to witness how the morrow would come.

I don't really believe that santa claus is he reason for the Christmas to be celebrated bit I have nothing in my phone that represents the season. However, I would encourage everyone to believe that Christmas was because Christ's birth was celebrated in this time of year(though he was not really born the same season and day) so that he would grow and be crucified on the cross to wash our sins away and get to heaven.

Advance Merry Christmas to everyone!

So we made it through the 11 months of 2024, it was a bit of a rough ride for me but I am glad that God had always been with me in every step of the way. It was never easy especially the inflation and all but we all made it through.

Honestly, I could not say I felt the time pass, all I did was go to work, go home, tend the kids, go to the farm on weekends, and a lot of doing the laundry and sleep half of the year away.

I still felt so blessed, the husband and I planned on fixing my mother's roof because it'sit would leak a lot when it rains, we literally put lots of pails and even cooking pots on the floor just to catch the rainwater and prevent the soil floor to be very muddy. Our budget did not make it because I thought it would be wise to spend the money in the farm first and then the roof but last October, my sister sent her husband home and fixed the roof.

Anyway, some of the money we saved, my husband used to buy our life long dream of having a sofa. We uses to have a bamaboo chair which he rescued from my aunt's garbages and we thought it was worth the very long wait.

Please excuse the messy floor and the tape on the couch, I tried to save the plastic cover my kids torn accidentally because of excitement.

Also, this year, after we experienced a very long drought, God made it possible to rain and we were able to plant and harvest corn. It was rough that we had to sell it on a very low price due to over supply, yet we are still blessed to be able to swell the corn before they were damaged. We also had a rough time drying them, typhoons were expected to pass the country and mechanical dryers were fullly booked yet we still managed to dry them.

In September, I got sick, very very sick to the point that it hurts to breath, but God was great and he healed served as a warning to me to not abuse my body and taking acre of my health.

Two weeks ago, I learned that Kerl was ona dean's list and we are really hoping to see him finish college one day. He is now on his fourth year and was struggling a lot because of his low finances and pressure. I hope he would make it through.

I honestly can't remember much from the earlier months this year, I may have so but I deleted almost all of the photos im my phone gallery, but March was a memorabe one, I was able to attend a family reunion and met cousins I never knew I had and had some opportunities in selling banana chips.

Last month, I met my uncle but he was already dead, yet it oppened an opportunity to meet his wife and kids and grandkids.

Last night, I heard my mum and sister talking that my mum and her half sister were talking at the senior's party they had yesterday, and her daughter had visited her twice already. They are also talking and looking forward to the 25th of December to have a fellowship and I hope it turns out good. I was used not having any aunties ar cousins around and I am overwhelmed of the idea, especially the expenses because they are planning on hosting. Lol!

I also started some business but was shut down a few months because the phone business I built would be paid by instalments and my friend did not pay the two units she got. It hurts a lot, I am still hoping she would be paying soon, but now she says one of her daughters has something abnormal in her heart and demanded medical attention.

I'm also very grateful to my husband who does everything for me and the kids, working very hard. He is also me rock when I am weak and my adviser when I get crazy. He calms me and even told me to let my friend pass of he debt and just be thankful that our kids are healthy.

There is more that I could share and more are coming to me while I was writing ( thatis why the events are not I Chronological order) but it's way past my bedtime and my head is aching so I am going tho make this post short. I am glad of counting my Blessings, that I may know there are stil good things in life despite the chaos in life and power and politics.

But the best thing that happened this year is that my uncle started a bible study sessions in my mum's home, and I and my husband agreed to attend and sieze the opportunity of hearing God's word.

Anyway, I hope my post made sense, this will be all for now, thank you for your attention and support. Keep safe, and stay happy!


So we made it through the 11 months of 2024, it was a bit of a rough ride for me but I am glad that God had always been with me in every step of the way. It was never easy especially the inflation and all but we all made it through.

Congrats to all of us na lumaban, lumalaban, at alalaban. We made it through and let's continue our fight!

It hurts a lot, I am still hoping she would be paying soon, but now she says one of her daughters has something abnormal in her heart and demanded medical attention.

Naku sana mabayaran ka na niya. Nakaka-relate naman yan 😔

Overall, congrats sa achievements and sa mga laban na kinaya. Tiwala lang tayo, advance happy Christmas! ^_^