I love table tennis. When I was little I lived at my grandmother's house for several years. One of my uncles bought a table and we played every day. It was a lot of fun.
I love table tennis. When I was little I lived at my grandmother's house for several years. One of my uncles bought a table and we played every day. It was a lot of fun.
Table tennis can easily be played almost anywhere and I think it is much less popular than it should be. It can be very difficult to find opponents to play against. Do you still play table tennis?
Actually I have not played, now it is not so common to see a tennis table before it was more popular.
Sad to hear man, I tought we could play table tennis next Hivefest 😂
Of course I wouldn't refuse to play a few games at HiveFest but I've seen several players at Hivefest ⁸ show their skills, Blocktrades was the champion that year.