First Walk on Kadikoy Beach - Kadıköy Sahilinde İlk Yürüyüş [EN-TR]

in Hive Türkiye9 months ago

Hello, how are you dear readers? I am trying to get used to Istanbul. It is not always easy because Istanbul is a very big city and people always complain about public transportation and traffic. But Istanbul can also be a big problem when you have your own car. Anyway, let's save my complaints for another post, today I will share with you the photos I took at Kadıköy beach.

On Sunday we took the bus to go sightseeing, it was much more crowded than I expected, there was nowhere to step on the beach. Even while I was taking this photo, someone was looking for a place to sit and was about to enter the frame. You will soon see how crowded it was.

I managed to take a few photos from different angles. The sea air is good for me, it makes me feel happier. It's like a feeling of freedom. At the same time I want you to know that I'm afraid of the sea XD I've almost drowned a few times before so I try not to get too close. I'm not a good swimmer. You must have seen the duck nearby. He's all alone, separated from his friends. It was strange that there were no other ducks around. I thought of the story of the ugly duckling lol. But this was a beautiful duck. Although we have no idea about ducks' perception of beauty, do we?

Then my friend and I walked down the side streets. There was a match that day and people were everywhere. It felt strange to stand in such a crowd and take photos. I could have taken a better photo of this red building, but for the reason I mentioned, I couldn't stop for a long time and examine the building.

After wandering around the side streets, we went down to the beach again but there was no place to sit there so we sat in the park a bit behind the beach. You can see how crowded it was in this photo. I just told you that there was a match and I saw at least 1000 people in jerseys that day but it is very interesting that there are none in the photos. There are three people in jerseys in this photo but you probably wouldn't even notice them.

I asked my friend to take some photos of me on the beach but I look terrible in all of them. One of the reasons is that I can't even open my eyes from the sun and it's very hot. The other is that my hair was not as nice as I wanted it to be that day. After I came here I went to a new hairdresser and my haircut was not as good as I wanted. It gets better with time but that day it was bad.

That's all I have to share for now. Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading. You can share your beautiful landscape photos with me in the comments. Take care and have a great day!


Merhaba, nasılsınız sevgili okurlar? Ben İstanbul'a alışmaya çalışıyorum. Bu her zaman çok kolay olmuyor çünkü İstanbul çok büyük bir şehir ve insanlar her zaman toplu taşımalardan ve trafikten şikayetçi oluyor. Oysa İstanbul kendi arabanız olduğunda da büyük bir problem olabiliyor. Her neyse, şikayetlerimi başka bir posta saklayalım, bugün Kadıköy sahilinde çektiğim fotoğrafları sizlerle paylaşacağım.

Pazar günü otobüse binip gezmeye gittik, beklediğimden çok daha kalabalıktı, sahilde adım atacak yer yoktu. Bu fotoğrafı çekerken bile birileri oturacak yer arıyordu ve kadraja girmek üzereydi. Ne kadar kalabalık olduğunu birazdan göreceksiniz.

Farklı açılardan birkaç fotoğraf çekmeyi başardım. Deniz havası almak bana iyi geliyor, kendimi daha mutlu hissediyorum. Özgürlük hissi gibi bir şey. Aynı zamanda denizden korktuğumu da bilmenizi isterim XD Daha önce neredeyse boğulduğum birkaç an olmuştu bu yüzden çok da yaklaşmamaya çalışıyorum. İyi bir yüzücü olduğum söylenemez. Yakındaki ördeği görmüş olmalısınız. Arkadaşlarından ayrılmış tek başına takılıyor. Etrafta hiç başka ördek olmaması çok garipti. Aklıma çirkin ördek yavrusu hikayesi geldi lol. Oysa bu oldukça güzel bir ördekti. Gerçi ördeklerin güzellik algısı hakkında bir fikrimiz yok değil mi?

Daha sonra arkadaşımla ara sokaklara dalıp yürüdük. O gün maç vardı ve insanlar her yerdelerdi. Bu kadar kalabalıkta durup fotoğraf çekmek de garip hissettiriyor. Bu kırmızı binanın daha iyi bir fotoğrafını çekebilirdim ancak söylediğim sebepten uzun uzun durup binayı inceleyemedim.

Ara sokaklarda dolaştıktan sonra tekrar sahile indik ama orada oturacak yer olmadığı için sahilin biraz arkasındaki parkta oturduk. Ne kadar kalabalık olduğunu işte bu fotoğrafta görebilirsiniz. Az önce size maç olduğunu söyledim ve o gün en az 1000 tane formalı insan gördüm ancak fotoğraflarda hiç olmaması da çok ilginç. Bu fotoğrafta üç tane formalı insan var ama muhtemelen dikkatinizi bile çekmez.

Sahilde arkadaşımdan birkaç fotoğrafımı çekmesini istedim ancak fotoğrafların hepsinde berbat çıkmışım. Sebeplerden bir tanesi güneşten gözlerimi bile açamamam ve çok sıcak olması. Diğeri ise saçlarımın o gün istediğim kadar güzel olmaması. Buraya geldikten sonra yeni bir kuaföre gittim ve saç kesimim istediğim kadar güzel olmadı. Zamanla daha iyi oluyor ancak o gün kötüydü.

Şimdilik paylaşacaklarım bu kadar. Okuduğunuz için çok teşekkür ederim. Umarım okurken keyif almışsınızdır. Çektiğiniz güzel manzara fotoğraflarını yorumlarda benimle paylaşabilirsiniz. Kendinize iyi bakın ve harika bir gün geçirin!


Well, in the first three pics it looked like the beach is so quiet and relaxing but then I realised how busy it was.

Come on man, you are beautiful in whatever state you are, remove the emoji 😅

It's better like that man, I already share enough photos here 😂

Check the backline in the 5th photo. You'll see more people

It looks very busy and nice weather there! Kadıköy beach is part of Istanbul? I was never in Istanbul, although I would like to one day. 😊

Yeah one of the most famous places in Istanbul. I hope you can visit once man ^^ It was really hot

I am trying to get used to Istanbul

Good luck! Haha. I could never live there. Three weeks was enough for me. I liked the historical look to some of it, but yeah the transport, overpopulation, poor air quality/pollution and the endless hills just killed me. I got super sick there just from going outside.

I did like the breeze from the coastal parts though. In the heat that was quite nice.

Haha yeah! You also visited Istanbul, it is a shame we didn't meet because I was not living here at that time 😂 It's not easy for me as well but I have to I think 😂

I did enjoy some of the cafes around there though! Some fun places with unique atmospheres. Mostly tucked away down the little streets. Quite small. I'll try to remember them for you!

I have actually never thought about it, what is beautiful for ducks or animals over all? 🤔since they dont not reason I think there is no beautiful for them just attractive, pure instinct, nice Rick and Morty tshirt 😜

Glad you noticed man. I'm not a fan of that series but I really love that tshirt I bought recently. It looks good on me.

The beach air is very good for brightening the spirit, releasing tension and reducing negative states.
But in particular I prefer places that are less crowded with people, it is great that they were able to enjoy such a pleasant day.

In that city there is no less crowded place, everywhere is crowded 😂😂

Wow dear friend, It seems like Kadıköy beach is active right now😍😍 Istanbul sounds cool. Oh wow the coastal breeze must be refreshing too, but the city's challenges sound tough to navigate bro and yep, ducks probably care more about snacks than beauty

Yup, being full is more important than beauty right?

Istanbul is very beautiful but you should be rich like crazy!

Must be super extra expensive 😂😂😂😍🥰🥰