**Western reaction and the western racist psyche
For anyone who is wondering why the western reaction to for example Gaza calamity can be so bluntly racist, double standaard, cruel, unjust and biased one only needs to look at the history.
This same group are responsible for the pillage and plundering of most of the world that is not part of the west. From genocide, colonisations, mass murders, wars against the defenceless, subjugation to slave trade and even world wars.
Some people might be fooled by the outer display of civilisation that this group tries to project in modern times, but nothing can be farther than the truth.
Just few decades ago this same group was a staunch supporter of the apartheid regime. Anyone who knows what this regime stood for should start to think for themself, why would anyone with one iota of decency and regard for justice support such a regime ?
But for the western world it was the most natural, logical thing to do, and as always the freedom fighting, oppressed people of South Africa were labeled as terrorists. Anyone with free will, sense of justice, courage to speak up, to act to defend themself or others against such cruelty are labeled as terrorists by those who invented and practised terrorisme themself.
Even when one of them creates a prison in Guantanamo bay, imprisons people for decades (multiple) without trail or charge, they all collectively remain silent even when it goos against all that what they claim to uphold and preach !
As if it was not enough to destroy different nations, civilisations even whole continents, this same group manages to be primarily responsible for the disastrous state of world climate.
Can we really expect such kind of people to have rehabilitated themself while they still support middle age practises of books burning under the disguise of freedom of speech ?
Most of these western countries never atoned, apologised, recognised or even showed any regret for their past well documented and well known crimes! So it is no coincidence to see the west ignore the past 75 years the cruelty, torture, murder, occupation, terror, humiliation, subjugation, imprisonment, destruction, war crimes, massacres against the Palestinians in which even the children, infants are not spared, just as they did themself and never shed a tear over it. But they certainly are not blind.
The west has not changed, rather the world has changed, and Israel embodies for them sick evil deeds they all are known for, the evil they collectively support to feed there inner desires and reminiscent their own past!
After having such a long and far reaching evil history they always choose to be on the wrong side of humanity, wrong side of justice, wrong side of decency!
I congratulate the Palestinians, the savages and evil of this world (the west) is against you, as they have been against all the freedom loving, strong independent people. They are projecting the Israeli flags and symbols on there buildings while their leaders are calling for genocide, mass murder, violating human right and expulsion, bombing civilians, killing murdering in the hundreds, small babes to old people, yet shameless they choose to be complicit in it, and support it not for years but for decades.
What they had wished for was killing ratio like in the past 6000+ Palestinians / 300 Israeli deaths, systematic oppression, assassinations, bombings, murders, shootings without consequences but their racists evil colonial savage project for the first time in decades got a hard unexpected hit, so their claws are out, to defend there last evil project before its a relic from the past like themselves.