
hive keychain is easy to install!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Hivesigner works on mobile withbpeakd very well.

In tried to loginto meme hub but the link is to a hive keychain isb a desktop browser plugin.

Any plans to implement the mobile ui?

Hivesigner does not have typescript type defs, I asked the devs on a post to add type defs but i dont have hopes up that theyll listen to me .. Basically all the hive devs using javascript ive seen dont use typescript .. :/ I will mostly likely encrypt n store keys with memehub directly myself as the alternative.

Ill do an app before I do a mobile ui, but serves the same purpose. Ive only been coding a year, n javascript only since march, so I gotta learn to write an app first lol. Next thing I do will either be the app or turnin the Memehub points into a token. Im a bit burnt out from the hustle of gettin memehub up n runnin, might be a few weeks before I feel that humph to start a big project like app or token

You've only been coding a year and this is your project! Bravo. I love it.

I don't think you need a mobile ui, just a way to sign in on your mobile phone w\hive account.

Thanks for the reply. And great work on the platform

yep n Glad ya like the project!

Doesnt the site look all fucked up on mobile? I figured it did since I didnt design anything for it

It's not pretty to look at but its useful. Kinda like some of our memes. Just can't interact with it. Waaah! :'(