vídeo tomado con mi trípode y mi teléfono Huawey lua - II // video taken with my tripod and my Huawey lua phone - II
Como siempre e dicho ya el numero de repeticiones y el peso que usen esta a criterio personal de cada uno de ustedes, ya que estas posturas sirven para cualquier meta planteada ya que lo que variara es lo antes mencionado, peso y repeticiones, pero importante es, hacerlas bien y evitar lesiones ya que aveces no se presentan al momento pero con el tiempo se pueden manifestar de diferentes maneras.
Sin mas que agregar me despido de ustedes tratando de dejar alguna información útil para ser aprovechado de alguna manera y colaborar al menos con un granito a la evolución de quienes me lean o en mi entorno con los que practico.
A greeting to all the people who make life on this platform, as many already know I share part of the sports activities that I do every day always trying to give something different than just the postures, almost always I like to give additional information as small drops of some knowledge that I have managed to consolidate in this way, I feel and I am an apprentice of these disciplines, that's why I say drops hehe, because I am not well versed in these topics, but the little or much I always like to share and I love their contributions to improve either in the videos or in what sport is concerned, because if we never realize nuetras failures we will never solve them, and that is my motto.
Returning to the sports theme, it is important to always take care of the posture of our back because there is one of the keys when performing these exercises, keeping it straight is of primary importance to take care of our health and perform the work properly, so at the time of performing them would be good to have some means to see how we are placing our back and the displacement of the weight we are using, I have always done the new postures with little weight as it gives me the opportunity to practice them enough to have a notion or physical awareness of how I am placing myself when performing our exercises.
As I have always said, the number of repetitions and the weight you use is at the personal discretion of each one of you, since these postures are useful for any goal set since what will vary is the above mentioned, weight and repetitions, but it is important to do them well and avoid injuries because sometimes they do not appear at the time but over time they can manifest in different ways.
Without more to add I say goodbye to you trying to leave some useful information to be used in some way and collaborate at least with a grain of salt to the evolution of those who read me or in my environment with whom I practice.

traducciones: Deepl.com
Divider Design / Editing:
translations: Deepl.com
▶️ 3Speak

Tres posturas interesantes para trabajar la espalda muy interesante amigo.
Sigamos aprendiendo para mejorar nuestros contenidos.
Gracias por ser parte de la comunidad.
Saludos amigo, esos ejercicios están tremendos! lamentablemente solo dispongo de una mancuerna así que no la puedo realizar entera