Tan solo mencionar su nombre, es sinónimo de controversia, él será siempre recordado como el que uso sustancias prohibidas, quizás el que hizo trampa, tal vez mintió, y tomó ventaja antes sus colegas para sobresalir en el juego, pero hoy le demostraré a través de tan solo unos simples párrafos, que el hombre tenía su talento, y que el mismo, es muy difícil de cuestionar, cuando en el deporte del guante, el bate y la pelota, se requiere más que suplementos alimenticios para demostrar que un jugador es realmente bueno.
Although we are not in full season in major league baseball, that does not prevent us from talking about one of the players who had a positive impact on and off the field at the time, and I'm talking about Barry Bonds, who was recently awarded an official day in the city of San Francisco, and without talking much about what he did as such inside the diamond, because perhaps you already know his statistical records, I will talk about other things he did while playing baseball, and breaking some records, which had long been established.
Just mentioning his name is synonymous with controversy, he will always be remembered as the one who used banned substances, maybe he cheated, maybe he lied, and took advantage of his colleagues to excel in the game, but today I will show you through just a few simple paragraphs, that the man had his talent, and that it is very difficult to question, when in the sport of the glove, the bat and the ball, it takes more than dietary supplements to prove that a player is really good.
Imponente en todo momento | Impressive at all times
Cuando nos vamos al plano personal, Bonds aparte de que no caía muy bien entre sus compañeros según muchos, era una persona que todo el tiempo estaba hablando de béisbol, es decir, coincide con lo que dije anteriormente, eso lo convertía en un jugador superestudioso no tanto de sus oponentes, sino de todo lo que podía englobar el béisbol. Una persona que haga ese tipo de prácticas, llega a ser un deportista, en este caso beisbolista, que está siempre por encina, o un paso más de lo normal con respeto a los demás peloteros, añadiendo un plus a su rendimiento.
His teammates said that while he was an active player, he was always studying his rivals, in his case the pitchers, with magazines, photos, videos, and that this is said by many people, or those who surrounded him, says a lot, besides he was the first one to arrive at the stadium and the last one to leave. Not to mention the batting room, a special place used by the batters to take extra hitting sessions to improve their batting technique, and Barry spent hours in that room.
When we go to the personal level, Bonds apart from not falling very well among his teammates according to many, was a person who all the time was talking about baseball, that is, coincides with what I said above, and made him a super studious player not so much of his opponents, but of everything that could encompass baseball. A person who does that kind of practices, becomes an athlete, in this case a baseball player, always being ahead, or a step above the normal with respect to other players, adding a plus to his performance.
El tener esa cantidad de bases por bolas nos dice, que el tipo tenía la capacidad intelectual de elegir el mejor lanzamiento para hacer swing, para lograr conectar un buen batazo (cuadrangulares) algo que también se logra con instinto y una buena vista, y así poder ser paciente y aguantar un lanzamiento a distintas velocidades. Una base por bola se logra, para los que no conocen muy bien del tema, al dejar pasar lanzamientos que no están en la zona de strike, 4 en total, y así de esa manera conseguir llegar a la primera base, sin hacer muchos swings, él lo hizo miles de veces, por lo que fue y será siempre un bateador, valioso, imponente y con una vista milimétrica.
When we go directly to practice, Barry Bonds was very outstanding, and not precisely by the amount of homers in his lifetime, numbers for which everyone talks about and is decanted, but what they do not see for sure, are the more than 2500 bases on balls obtained, 2558 to be exact (Record), quality or ability that Bonds had, to be selective within the batter's box, not to swing at any pitch, which I believe and I think, a hitter does not need banned substances to get them.
Having that amount of bases on balls tells us that the guy had the intellectual capacity to choose the best pitch to swing, to get a good hit (home runs) something that is also achieved with instinct and good eyesight, and thus be able to be patient and hold a pitch at different speeds. A base on ball is achieved, for those who do not know very well about the subject, by letting pitches that are not in the strike zone, 4 in total, and thus get to first base, without making many swings, he did it thousands of times, so he was and will always be a valuable, imposing hitter, with a millimetric view.
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El traductor de texto del español hacia el idioma inglés utilizado para esta publicación fue: DeepL translator
Correccion de ortografía a través de la herramienta: Lenguage Tool
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Resources used in the publication
Cover of the publication edited with the Canva application
The text translator from Spanish to English used for the description of this publication was: DeepL translator
Spelling correction through the tool: Lenguage Tool
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