Ha comenzado la gira europea en pistas rápidas bajo techo, le primera estación es en la ciudad de Metz, al noreste de Francia, con el Moselle open en su edición Nº 24, un torneo de la categoría ATP que se disputará entre el 19 y 26 de este mes de septiembre; y que cuenta entre sus pre-clasificados con el ruso Daniil Medvedev, el italiano Lorenzo Musetti y el vignte campeón, el polaco Hubert Hurkacz; no obstante, hubo un conocido atleta de la vieja escuela que logró ganarse un puesto desde la clasificación; y se trata del suizo Stan Wawrinka.
The European tour in fast indoor courts has begun, the first station is in the city of Metz, northeast of France, with the Moselle open in its 24th edition, an ATP tournament to be held between 19 and 26 of this month of September; Among the pre-qualified players are the Russian Daniil Medvedev, the Italian Lorenzo Musetti and the defending champion, the Polish Hubert Hurkacz; however, there was a well-known athlete of the old school who managed to win a place from the qualifiers, the Swiss Stan Wawrinka.
Era la primera vez en 17 años, que Stanislas no tenía la necesidad de pelear por un puesto en algún torneo, incluso este año tuvo la wild card (invitación) para participar en eventos de gran relevancia, como en Mónaco, Roma, RG o US Open, esto debido a bajo ranking, luego de su regreso tras 13 meses de inactividad por su lesión del pie izquierdo. Pero luego de sus primeras apariciones en el tour de este año (con unos kilogramos de más), ha podido competir nuevamente, no con el mismo nivel de antaño, pero a sus 37 años de edad, es algo muy positivo.
It was the first time in 17 years that Stanislas did not have the need to fight for a place in any tournament, even this year he had the wild card (invitation) to participate in major events, such as Monaco, Rome, RG or US Open, this due to low ranking, after his return after 13 months of inactivity due to his left foot injury. But after his first appearances on the tour this year (with a few extra kilograms), he has been able to compete again, not with the same level of yesteryear, but at 37 years of age, it is something very positive.
El oriundo de Lausanai no se resignaba con las 6 derrotas consecutivas en estos meses, donde incluso tuvo que abandonar en su primer partido del US Open por fatiga extrema, (considero que su gira norteamericana de este año, estuvo muy baja en rendimiento, pero tampoco podía rechazar todas las invitaciones que recibió). Así que Stan llegó a las instalaciones del "Les Arenez de Metz" y practicó de nuevo con su eterno coach Magnus Norman, para poner a tono ese exquisito revés a una mano, previo a su primer choque clasificatorio ante el serbio Laslo Djere.
The native of Lausanne was not resigned to the 6 consecutive defeats in these months, where he even had to withdraw in his first match of the US Open due to extreme fatigue, (I consider that his North American tour this year, was very low in performance, but he could not refuse all the invitations he received). So Stan arrived at the facilities of "Les Arenez de Metz" and practiced again with his eternal coach Magnus Norman, to tune up that exquisite one-handed backhand, prior to his first qualifying match against Serbian Laslo Djere.
Con Laslo fue su segundo duelo de este año y ambos los ha podido sacar adelante. Su segundo choque fue ante el joven húngaro Zsombor Piros con quien perdió el primer set, pero luego pudo remontar e imponer su ritmo ganador. Con esos dos partidos se ganó el derecho a entrar en el cuadro y su primer rival fue el experimentado portugués Joao Sousa, a quien no enfrentaba desde 2015, pero que ha superado en todos sus encuentros. No obstante, de mi parte esperaba un resultado distinto, por el mayor fogueo que ha tenido el de Guimaráes, incluido el título del Tata Open en India en enero.
With Laslo was his second duel this year and he was able to win both of them. His second match was against the young Hungarian Zsombor Piros with whom he lost the first set, but then he was able to come back and impose his winning rhythm. With those two matches he earned the right to enter the draw and his first opponent was the experienced Portuguese Joao Sousa, whom he had not faced since 2015, but who he has beaten in all his matches. However, I was expecting a different result, due to the greater experience that the player from Guimarães has had, including the Tata Open title in India in January.
Con Joao del otro lado de la red, fue Stan quien inició las acciones y le vi muy suelto, sacando cruzado y atacando al tercer golpe (sin perder tiempo); Por su parte, Sousa estaba jugando más corto (imaginé que era para hacer correr al gordito Stan, pero el suizo dio la talla y aguantó el ritmo). Sin embargo, el buen control de Wawrinka con el drive (golpe de derecha) parece haber confundido al portugués, que no vio otra salida que jugarle hacia el lado del revés y eso no es recomendable para ningún rival del suizo; ya que es bien conocido su dominio impecable del backhand a una mano.
With Joao on the other side of the net, it was Stan who started the actions and I saw him very loose, serving crosscourt and attacking the third shot (without wasting time); for his part, Sousa was playing shorter (I imagined it was to make the chubby Stan run, but the Swiss gave the size and held the pace). However, Wawrinka's good control with the drive (forehand) seems to have confused the Portuguese, who saw no other way out but to play him to the backhand side and that is not recommended for any opponent of the Swiss; as it is well known his impeccable mastery of the one-handed backhand.
Sin oportunidades de quiebre para ninguno, el tie break fue inevitable; pero precisamente en esa instancia fue que Stan sacó lo mejor de su actual nivel, manejando sin problemas el juego corto de Sousa y cuando Joao aceleraba, Wawrinka inteligentemente utilizaba el slice para bajar el ritmo y hacer la transición en busca de rallys que hacían incomodar al tenista luso. Me gustó ver al suizo en plan de dominio como en en los viejos tiempos; mandando sobre la hermosa pista azul que parecía sonreír a cada raquetazo clásico del maestro del revés.
With no break opportunities for either, the tie break was inevitable; but it was precisely in that instance that Stan got the best of his current level, handling Sousa's short game without problems and when Joao accelerated, Wawrinka intelligently used the slice to slow down the pace and make the transition in search of rallies that made the Portuguese tennis player uncomfortable. I liked to see the Swiss in dominance as in the old days; commanding the beautiful blue court that seemed to smile at every classic racket of the master of the backhand.
Ese primer set terminaría con un 7-6 (1) en 50 minutos, aunque lo más interesante para mí fue la resistencia física del helvético. Sousa arrancaba sirviendo en la segunda vuelta, con un Stan ganado en confianza y buen tenis. Su resto mejoraba ante el saque sin peligro de Joao, que de a poco se vió en problemas para sostener; de hecho no logró ningún ace y en el 5to y 7mo games cedió sendos quiebres por parte de su rival. Wawrinka firmó tiros en cruzado y paralelo, sin el más mínimo gesto de esfuerzo, ya que su movimiento parece automático y natural.
That first set would end with a 7-6 (1) in 50 minutes, although the most interesting for me was the physical resistance of the Swiss. Sousa started serving in the second set, with Stan gaining confidence and good tennis. His return improved against Joao's serve without danger, who gradually found himself in trouble to hold; in fact he did not get any ace and in the 5th and 7th games he gave up two breaks by his rival. Wawrinka signed cross-court and parallel shots, without the slightest gesture of effort, as his movement seems automatic and natural.
Joao no tuvo más remedio que plantear fuego cruzado, al que Wawrinka logró responder (mejor dicho sus piernas lo lograron ja,ja,ja). Quizás esperé más del portugués, pero su ranking N° 55 da para mucho más que eso; en cambio el suizo desde su discreta posición N° 284, ha estado a la altura del compromiso y con un categórico 6-2 cierra en 94 minutos, su pase a la segunda ronda para enfrente al ruso Daniil Medvedev, cuya posición en el escalafón lo convierte en el máximo rival a vencer en esta contienda.
Joao had no choice but to pose crossfire, to which Wawrinka managed to respond (or rather his legs did ha,ha,ha,ha). Perhaps I expected more from the Portuguese, but his ranking No. 55 gives for much more than that; on the other hand, the Swiss from his discreet position No. 284, has been at the height of the commitment and with a categorical 6-2 closes in 94 minutes, his pass to the second round to face the Russian Daniil Medvedev, whose position in the ranking makes him the best rival to beat in this contest.

Este cuarto partido de mañana, será apenas la mayor serie de juegos consecutivos para Stan, desde su vuelta al tour ATP y luego de 23 días de descanso, me ha dado la impresión de que su entrenamiento de piernas y fuerza, han funcionado. Meddy será el rival de mayor rango desde que regresó a competir; y aunque lo supera 2-1 (todos en Majors), su último duelo de hace 2 años fue para Wawrinka. Ya veremos cómo funcionan las cosas en esta batalla a 3 sets, está complicado pero en el deporte nada es imposible.
This fourth match tomorrow will be just the longest series of consecutive matches for Stan since his return to the ATP tour and after 23 days of rest, I got the impression that his leg and strength training have worked. Meddy will be the highest ranked opponent since he returned to competition; and although he is 2-1 (all in Majors), their last meeting 2 years ago went to Wawrinka. We'll see how things work out in this 3-set battle, it's complicated but in sport nothing is impossible.
La opinión en esta publicación es de carácter personal por parte del autor.
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The opinion in this publication is of a personal nature on the part of the author.
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Thanks for support friends @hivebuzz, congratulations for you work
Great performance for Wawrinka. I did bet on him to win that match and I am glad he eventually won after making that great comeback from a 1 set down finally winning the match on a 2-1 final scores. I was so match on pressure and had lost hope when he had lost the first set but was glad to see him make that great comeback.
Thanks for sharing.
All Stan's matches have been exciting, for me it's a pleasure to see him play at his 37 years old.
With Piros he suffered in the first set, but then he was able to step on the accelerator to come back and even close the 3rd set with the donut (6-0).
I consider Wawrinka to be one of the 5 best tennis players of the last 15 years, so it is a privilege to continue to enjoy his unique style of play. The match with Medvedev will be at 12:30 pm Venezuelan time and I will be watching it via streaming.
Thanks for your visit to my blog, it is an honor that a tennis coach sees my content.
Regards my friend @yohan2on!