Hola amigos deportistas, hoy les traigo un sendero señalizado llamado (Menino do lapedo) que en espanol se traduce como (el niño de la lapida), y es que hay una historia muy interesante que envuelve este lindo y largo sendero, hace mas de 30mil años fue hallado un niño en una "lapida" entre las rocas de la zona, en vista a este descubrimiento en los años 90 crearon un sendero para darle una vuelta completa al valle del pueblo de "Carrasqueira en el distrito de Leiria", ponte comodo y disfruta de mi experiencia!💥🌺🌲🌷
Hello sports friends, today I bring you a signposted trail called (Menino do lapedo) which in Spanish translates as (the boy with the tombstone), and there is a very interesting story that surrounds this beautiful and long trail, more than 30 thousand years ago years ago a child was found in a "tombstone" among the rocks in the area, in view of this discovery in the 90s they created a path to go around the valley of the town of "Carrasqueira in the district of Leiria", make yourself comfortable and enjoy my experience!👨🦯👩🦯🚣♀️🚵♂️
Descripcion del sendero🙇♂️🧭/ trail description🚵♂️📚
Apesar de las experiencias de personas que lei que ya habian realizado el sendero decidi investigar un poco las caracteristicas del terreno y no era tan facil como se describia en las reseñas, muchos aventureros decian que era facil y en realidad hay muchas irregularidades en el terreno que podian lastimarnos, debiamos bajar caminos empinados y subir algunas pequeñas salientes casi empinadas, la arena es resbaladiza y la roca es muy suelta! este sendero no era para tomarlo a la ligera!🦾🧠
Despite the experiences of people I read who had already done the trail, I decided to investigate a little the characteristics of the terrain and it was not as easy as it was described in the reviews, many adventurers said that it was easy and in reality there are many irregularities in the terrain that they could hurt us, we had to go down steep paths and climb some small almost steep ledges, the sand is slippery and the rock is very loose! this trail was not to be taken lightly!🤯😵
Various ecological points of interest🧠🦾
Uno de los motivos que me llevo a escoger este sendero en Particular es porque a lo largo de su trayectoria vamos a pasar por varios sitios de interes ecologicos y cientificos, podriamos ver la fauna y flora caracteristica de la region de Leiria, desde pequeños zorros hasta arboles frutales! obviamente el principal foco de interes aqui es las zonas donde fueron encontrados restos fosilizados de civilizaciones con mas de 30mil años. Se cree que Leiria fue habitada hace millones de años.👨🏫🕵️♂️
One of the reasons that led me to choose this path in particular is because along its path we will pass through several sites of ecological and scientific interest, we could see the characteristic fauna and flora of the Leiria region, from small foxes to fruit trees! obviously the main focus of interest here is the areas where fossilized remains of civilizations with more than 30 thousand years were found. It is believed that Leiria was inhabited millions of years ago.👨🏫
El recorrido tendria una duracion aproximadamente de dos horas y cuarenta minutos, iria a recorrer unos 4.2kilometros, vamos a subir a una altura de 250metros maxima, y bajar unos -130metros, por tanto el recorrido es irregular entre subidas y bajadas y lo podemos notar en el video, como yo junte dos senderos camine un total de 5.8km el equivalente a 4horas a ritmo lento! tambien debo resaltar que es un sendero oficial señalizado de tipo circular! la temperatura en la zona era de 35grados.👨🦯💥🦾🧠
The route would last approximately two hours and forty minutes, it would travel about 4.2 kilometers, we will climb to a maximum height of 250 meters, and descend about -130 meters, therefore the route is irregular between ups and downs and we can notice it In the video, as I joined two trails, I walked a total of 5.8 km, the equivalent of 4 hours at a slow pace! I must also highlight that it is an official circular signposted trail! the temperature in the area was 35 degrees.🤯🧭🧭
Inicio del sendero🙇♂️🧭/ trailhead🚵♂️📚
Creo que todo el trabajo fisico que hice aqui consegui quemar mas de 2mil calorias, fue muy exigente y constantemente debia hidratarme porque el sol estaba bastante intenso y me exigia mucho liquido! el sendero comienza aqui en la "lapida" que es un museo pequeño donde esta exhibido el niño que fue desenterrado en los años 90, no puedo mostrarselos porque esta en mantenimiento, sin embargo podemos ver la geografia de la zona, vemos muchas montañas calcareas que forman con el agua pequeñas cuevas donde las civilizaciones antguas construian sus viviendos o hacian rituales funebres!👩🦯🧠💥
I think that all the physical work I did here managed to burn more than 2,000 calories, it was very demanding and I constantly had to hydrate myself because the sun was quite intense and required a lot of fluids! the trail starts here at the "tombstone" which is a small museum where the child who was unearthed in the 90's is exhibited, I cannot show it to you because it is under maintenance, however we can see the geography of the area, we see many calcareous mountains that They form small caves with water where ancient civilizations built their homes or performed funeral rituals!👨🏫❗📚
"El gran cañon de portugal"🧠🦾
El sendero tiene una variada combinacion de terrenos, comenzamos en el pueblo de "Carrasqueira" y seguimos un camino asfaltado hasta encontrarnos con una señal de "sendero que nos envia a coger una ruta con un camino irregular" en este punto comienza nuestra verdadera aventura! mientras vamos avanzando el paisaje tambien sufre varios cambios y podemos ver diferentes "ecosistemas" desde zonas despejadas con vegetacion seca hasta pequeños bosques humedos y frios llenos de liquines!👨🏫🕵️♂️
The trail has a varied combination of terrains, we start in the town of "Carrasqueira" and follow a paved road until we come across a sign for "trail that sends us to take a route with an irregular path" at this point our true adventure begins! As we move forward the landscape also undergoes several changes and we can see different "ecosystems" from open areas with dry vegetation to small humid and cold forests full of liquins!👨🏫
No apto para novatos🙇♂️🧭/ Not suitable for newbies🚵♂️📚
Luego de caminar unos 400 metros llegue a mi primera parada llamada "Abrigo do lagar velho" aqui vemos muy de cerca la zona donde fue encontrado el niño en 1998, un consejo no puedes creer que porque vienes a Portugal puedes simplemente alistarte y comenzar un sendero!!! NO ES ASI COMO FUNCIONA!!! debes educarte primero, a esta altura del año hay muchos incendios y eres propenso a quedar atrapado en uno y simplemente MORIR!! por tanto cada vez que hago un sendero debo revisar cada detalle y uno de esos detalles es buscar en internet si en la zona donde voy hay incendios activos! si no los hay debo siempre estar muy atento ante cualquier irregularidad en el terreno si ves humo eso es mala señal! debes ir rapido a terreno abierto sin vegetacion!❗❗📚
After walking about 400 meters I arrived at my first stop called "Abrigo do lagar velho" here we see very closely the area where the child was found in 1998, a piece of advice you can not believe that because you come to Portugal you can simply get ready and be ready to make a trail!!! THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS!!! you must educate yourself first, at this time of year there are many fires and you are prone to getting caught in one and just DIE!! therefore every time I do a trail I have to check every detail and one of those details is to search the internet if there are active fires in the area where I am going! If there are none, I must always be very attentive to any irregularity in the terrain. If you see smoke, that is a bad sign! You must go quickly to open ground without vegetation!💥
Como puedes ver era necesario caminar por este pequeño camino irregular para poder llegar a mi proxima parada que era una zona de picnic y donde pretendia comer algo e hidratarme, siempre llevo una "gorra, sombrero" para evitar la insolacion! no soy de hacer caminatas verpertinas o nocturnas me parece muy peligroso por tanto para mi la mejor hora es en la tarde! entre 10 a 18:00. Siempre estuve atento a las señalizaciones este sendero es muy largo y perderse NO es UNA OPCION!!💢💨
As you can see, it was necessary to walk along this small irregular path to be able to reach my next stop, which was a picnic area and where I wanted to eat something and hydrate myself, I always wear a "cap, hat" to avoid sunstroke! I'm not one to do evening or night walks, it seems very dangerous to me, so for me the best time is in the afternoon! between 10 to 18:00. I was always attentive to the signs, this path is very long and getting lost is NOT AN OPTION!⛔⛔
Patrimonio mundial🧠🦾
Este no es un simple sendero, esto representa nuestro pais, es patrimonio mundial por sus grandes descubrimientos, aqui podemos ver como era la cultura hace miles de años en nuestra civilizacion, podemos ver las caracteristicas de un "bosque mediterranico" tambien paisajes hermosos lleno de rios! una mezcla brutal entre cultura y belleza natural!👨🏫🕵️♂️
This is not a simple trail, this represents our country, it is a world heritage site for its great discoveries, here we can see how the culture was thousands of years ago in our civilization, we can see the characteristics of a "Mediterranean forest" also beautiful landscapes full of rivers! a brutal mix between culture and natural beauty!👨🏫
Parada de hidratacion 🙇♂️🧭/ hydration stop🚵♂️📚
Segun mi Smartwatch en este punto de mi caminata di mas de 2200 pasos recorri unos 1,8km y queme mas de mil calorias, claro voy a un ritmo lento porque estoy fotografiando y disfrutando del paisaje! me encuentro actualmente en el "Baloiço de Lapedo" que es un "columpio" donde muchos paran para tirarse unas fotos aqui, beber agua ademas de comer cualquier cosa cosa que hice! 💯✅
According to my Smartwatch at this point of my walk I took more than 2,200 steps, traveled about 1.8 km and burned more than a thousand calories, of course I am going at a slow pace because I am photographing and enjoying the landscape! I am currently in the "Baloiço de Lapedo" which is a "swing" where many stop to take a picture here and drink water and eat whatever I did!🧊
Equipo requerido🙇♂️🧭/ Required equipment🚵♂️📚
Creo que ahora en adelante cuando realice un sendero me gustaria añadir cual es el equipamento adecuado para realizar dicha actividad, en este caso recomiendo botas de excursion, bastones de senderismo, 6litros de agua, frutas, semillas, comida no pesada! un mapa del recorrido para que no te extravies! telefono celular OBLIGATORIO, si puedes un power bank.😮😮
I think that from now on when I do a trail I would like to add what is the appropriate equipment to carry out said activity, in this case I recommend hiking boots, hiking sticks, 6 liters of water, fruits, seeds, not heavy food! a map of the route so you don't get lost! MANDATORY cell phone, if you can a power bank.🤯🤯
Llegamos a la cima de la montaña a unos 200 metros de altura, en este punto tienes una hermosa vista hacia el pueblo, tambien puedes ver el ruido del rio a recorrer el valle! nuestro proximo destino es ese rio!👨🏫🕵️♂️
We reach the top of the mountain at about 200 meters high, at this point you have a beautiful view of the town, you can also see the noise of the river running through the valley! our next destination is that river!👨🏫
Rumbo a los 6km🙇♂️🧭/ Heading at 6km🚵♂️📚
Ya estaba llegando a los 6km y finalizando la primera etapa de mi recorrido! solo faltaban unos 3-4km para terminar la segunda fase y que para mi es la mas bonita porque podras ver el cambio en el ambiente.🙂🙂
I was already reaching 6km and finishing the first stage of my journey! There were only about 3-4km left to finish the second phase and that for me is the most beautiful because you can see the change in the environment.🦾👨🦯🦿
Zona de picnic🙇♂️🧭/ Picnic zone🚵♂️📚
Llegue al tramo final de la primera seccion del sendero! aqui podemos ver el rio pasando a nuestro lado, puedes ducharte en el, comprar algo en una pequeña tienda que esta alli! si no quieres continuar puedes salir del sendero!🥵🥳
Reach the final stretch of the first section of the trail! here we can see the river passing by our side, you can take a shower in it, buy something in a small store that is there! if you don't want to continue you can get off the trail!🍌🍎🧊
Ultimos 4,5km🙇♂️🧭/ Last 4.5km🚵♂️📚
Esta fue mi seccion favorita del sendero y solo me faltaba recorrer unos 4,5km obviamente esto incluia la ida y la vuelta ya que era circular pero hasta llegar al final eran 2km, di mas de 15mil pasos y queme mas de 2mil calorias fue un ejercicio muy intenso, como puedes ver aqui ves la geologia de la zona, rocas moldeadas por millones de años, tambien se cree que en estas cuevas habitaron civilizaciones nomadas!🥵🥵
This was my favorite section of the trail and I only had about 4.5km to go, obviously this included the round trip as it was circular but until I reached the end it was 2km, I took more than 15 thousand steps and burned more than 2 thousand calories it was an exercise very intense, as you can see here you can see the geology of the area, rocks shaped by millions of years, it is also believed that nomadic civilizations inhabited these caves!🦿🦾👨🦯📚🌲🌷
OBJETIVO CUMPLIDO!!! realice casi 9 kilometros y di mas de 25mil pasos el dia de hoy! tambien aprendi mucho sobre la zona de Leiria, pero aun tengo algo preparado para ti...🥳🥳🥳🥳
OBJECTIVE ACCOMPLISHED!!! I did almost 9 kilometers and took more than 25 thousand steps today! I also learned a lot about the Leiria area, but I still have something prepared for you...🦾🦿✅
Zona de excavacion🙇♂️🧭/ Excavation area🚵♂️📚
Alli en esas rocas hay una serie de tumbas muy antiguas que datan del paleolitico superior una era que sucedio hace mas de 40.000 años antes de Cristo, en este punto nuestro recorrido termina y podemos ver algunos paleontologos excavando en busca de civilizaciones sepultadas entre las rocas!🤯👨🏫
There in those rocks there is a series of very old tombs that date from the upper paleolithic, an era that happened more than 40,000 years before Christ, at this point our tour ends and we can see some paleontologists digging in search of civilizations buried between the rocks!😮🙂
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Hiya, @lizanomadsoul here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Your post has been manually curated by the @pinmapple team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!
It’s always interesting to hike and witness ancient or old artifacts, whether tombs or fossils.
Here in the states, we have petroglyphs from Native Americans and I found those fascinating since the area around the petroglyphs are preserved so you can get a sense of what it could have been like back then.
Estos son actividades que llaman mucho mi atención ya que no solo es en contacto con la naturaleza sino que se exploran restos de antiguas culturas humanas. Es interesante ver o imaginar cómo pudieron haber sido los seres humanos de hace 30 mil años, quizás iguales o diferentes a nosotros en aspecto, y con otra forma de ver al mundo. De igual forma, se realiza actividad física. Saludos @oscurity
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Wow am pretty sure you burn a lot of vanities for this walk but also you enjoyed every part of it.
Daily Travel Digest #1663.
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Hiya, @lizanomadsoul here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Your post has been manually curated by the @pinmapple team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!It’s always interesting to hike and witness ancient or old artifacts, whether tombs or fossils.
Here in the states, we have petroglyphs from Native Americans and I found those fascinating since the area around the petroglyphs are preserved so you can get a sense of what it could have been like back then.
Estos son actividades que llaman mucho mi atención ya que no solo es en contacto con la naturaleza sino que se exploran restos de antiguas culturas humanas. Es interesante ver o imaginar cómo pudieron haber sido los seres humanos de hace 30 mil años, quizás iguales o diferentes a nosotros en aspecto, y con otra forma de ver al mundo. De igual forma, se realiza actividad física. Saludos @oscurity
Precioso post! Me dio un poco de impresión lo del niño de la lapida por lo que hacen el sender, pero después las fotos presentan a un paisaje hermoso.
Qué bueno que tenías experiencia para poder hacerlo, ya que los sorprendió con un circuito no apto para novatos! Jeje.
Preciosa publicación!! Muchas gracias por compartir!!