Hello dear sleepers and lucid dreamers or night owls ! I didn't expect such a participation and, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you ! 35 eligible articles in the space of 7 days, I think we had never reached such a sum of collective work and it is simply PRODIGIOUS ! Once again, thank you all for your commitment, those who have been participating for a long time as well as the newcomers :)
Some people must see this article and think... "But, he hasn't responded to my article yet? " I am well aware of that and rest assured that I will do so no matter what! I preferred to make this conclusion today as it's Sunday and also because the coming week is going to be very, very busy for me and I wouldn't want to abuse your patience !
However, with such a participation, the reading work, even if it is exciting (I won't do it otherwise ^^), takes a lot of time ! A time that I have in a fluctuating way as each of us I think. Of course, I'm ready to make concessions, but there are times when even with efforts, it's complicated to do the maximum :)
This is why necessary changes have to be made in order to keep things and challenges flowing smoothly and pleasantly. The above was important to read, but so is what follows !

There are many ways to do this, and I'm counting on your feedback too (especially!) ! One idea would be for several of us to share the reading of the different articles. This is a first option. Another could be that a challenge is sometimes organized by several people, via the Discord channel... I'm also working on a possible badge, but I don't really know how to go about it, although I'll eventually figure it out.
If you want to get involved, you can contact me on Discord to do so (anttn#0799) and also in the comments of this article.
Regarding the awards, I would like to do a no-awards edition. For several reasons, although I know that most people are here on Hive for the pleasure of sharing and learning, I would not want some people to participate only for the rewards. That's why you can reasonably expect a future challenge without rewards.
In the same way, and in relation to what I had announced, I hesitate to keep the system with a first, second and third prize. There have already been editions where all HIVES or HBDs were shared equally. I've said this before, but this is not a drawing competition and there are no best and last, although there are some quite exceptional efforts compared to others...
That is why I propose :
Option 1 : We share everything. Everyone is rewarded more.
Option 2 : There are three main "winners" and the others share the rest and to tell you the truth, it won't be much...
You can vote at the end of this article, of course, I'm leaning towards one option myself but I won't influence you ^^ !
Anyway, before choosing winners if that's the option, I'll have to finish reading the last 13 articles and that will take a few more days ! That's it, it's up to you to tell me !
This being said and before moving on to your articles, let's try a little synthesis...! :)

An attempt at a synthesis...
Many of you responded and I was both surprised and not surprised that so many people seem to have problems with sleep. Of course, these worries all have different origins, depending on our age, our emotional, social or family situations and many others.
This is why it is difficult to give a complete picture of all that has been said in your articles, which may have been philosophical, metaphysical for some and, as I imagined, very personal and sometimes intimate too.
Sleep and dreams are the territory of the unconscious and very often the tensions of the waking state are found in the other. I have the impression that for many people, a simple meditation (concentration on breathing and letting go without wanting to follow or suppress thoughts) can help.
I often find myself putting things into perspective and I have to say that it helps me a lot too! Tell yourself that the earth has existed since time immemorial, that not everything rests on your shoulders and that life is meant to be lived and if possible lived well !
But what better synthesis could you find than to go and read some (or all?) of the articles, it is really interesting and enriching !
List of items in chronological order of arrival
Sleep, the most underrated human activity by @glorydee
Howling at the moon by @bigorna1
I want to sleep like a sloth ha, ha, ha, ha (Eng/ Esp) by @brujita18
Sleep: A Process that unites the soul and body by @dwixer
[Eng] The sleep: Something so elusive in my life by @sirenahippie
Sleep: Being restless when it comes to sleeping by @jeremiah25
Sleeping between dreams and nightmares [ESP – ENG] by @gabrieladifazio
Sleep: My Most Powerful Therapy in a Noisy World. by @didiee
Sleep is hard to come by by @repayme4568
Sleep Benefits and Disorders by @kingsleymark
MY LITTLE SLEEP STORY by @hopestylist
It's time to go to bed... or not? [ 🇬🇧 / 🇪🇸 ] by @flquin
Sleep; it physical, mental and spiritual impact on me. by @george-dee
Sleep is important by @johnbenn
We can't cheat nature by @princess-dara
Sleep Patterns And Insomnia Experience / Patrones De Sueño Y Experiencia De Insomnio [ENG-ESP] by @ladytitan
SLEEP - IS IT REALLY VITAL? by @cheeamaka
Sleep, privilege or necessity? [ENG-SPA] by @actioncats
Sleep like a Cat by @coquicoin
What about our sleep habits? by @mipiano
Sleep.. Is it a necessity or just a luxury? by @amiegeoffrey
I Take My Sleep Very Important by @graciousvic
Sleep is a necessity that not everyone can enjoy naturally [ENG-SPA]
by @lisfabian
Sleep - An Ultimate & Entitled Luxury For Humans
by @merit.ahama
Sleep Just Started to Happen. by @deraaa
Sleep: Enemy As A kid, Friend As An Adult by @marriot5464
Sleep: Something You Do When You Realize You Cant Cheat Nature. by @wongi
The Connection Of Sleep With Our Physical And Mental Health. by @maryjacy
Para dormir como un bebé (ESP/ENG) by @popurri
My Sleep Paralysis Journey by @funshee
Just flow, get out of the jam / Fluye, sal del atasco
by @nanixxx
Also, if you want to be mentioned (or not be mentioned anymore) please tell me in the comments !@riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @ura-soul @trucklife-family @littlebee4 @bigorna1 @balikis95 @quduus1 @george-dee @hopestylist @merit.ahama @mintrawa @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside ... and yourself, feel free to share this challenge with others you think might be interested :)

A little note for the end...
Please note that I created this community with the idea of unity in mind, so even though I am at the origin of it, I perceive this space as a place of freedom of speech, opinions and initiatives ! Also, if you want to propose something, a project, the result of a particular desire in relation to the idea of unity, you are welcome :)
We could for example read and comment on the articles of the participants together ? Another idea would be to organise the challenges in turn according to a monthly calendar... I'm looking forward to your possible proposals !
Here is also the Discord link - I'm not active enough there, but it's still a good way to communicate. This is also where you can share your ideas and proposals - as well as in the comments of this article !

As you can see, I'm a fan of owls, especially sleeping ones! And don't worry, this one is very sleepy! In fact, it seems that baby owls have too heavy a head and have to sleep like that until they are a certain age !
On this amusing note, I thank you again for your participation and your attentive reading !
Have a good Sunday and take good care of yourselves,
Bonjour chers dormeurs et rêveurs lucides ou bien oiseaux de nuit ! Je ne m'attendais pas une pareille participation et, du fond du coeur, je vous remercie ! 35 articles éligibles en l'espace de 7 jours, je crois qu'on avait jamais atteint une semblable somme de travail collectif et c'est tout simplement PRODIGIEUX ! Encore une fois merci à tous pour votre engagement, à ceux qui participent depuis longtemps comme aux nouveaux arrivants :)
Certains doivent voir cet article et se dire... "Mais, il n'a pas encore répondu à mon article ?" J'en ai parfaitement conscience et soyez bien assurés que je le ferai quoiqu'il arrive ! J'ai préféré faire cette conclusion aujourd'hui comme c'est dimanche et aussi parce que la semaine qui arrive s'annonce pour moi très très chargée et que je ne voudrai pas abuser de votre patience !
Pour autant, avec une telle participation, le travail de lecture, même s'il est passionnant (je ne le ferai pas sinon ^^), prends énormément de temps ! Un temps que j'ai de façon fluctuante comme chacun d'entre nous je crois. Bien entendu, je suis prêt à faire des concessions, mais il y a des moments où même avec des efforts, c'est compliqué de faire le maximum :)
C'est pourquoi de nécessaires changements doivent voir le jour pour que les choses et les challenges continuent à voir le jour de façon fluide et agréable. Ce qui précède était important à lire, mais ce qui suit l'est aussi !

Plusieurs pistes existent et je compte aussi (surtout !) sur vos retours ! Une idée pourrait d'être plusieurs à se partager la lecture des différents articles. C'est une première option. Une autre pourrait qu'un challenge soit parfois organisé à plusieurs, via la chaîne Discord... Je travaille aussi sur un éventuel badge, mais je ne sais pas vraiment comment m'y prendre, même si je finirais à trouver comment faire.
Si vous voulez vous investir, sachez que c'est possible de me contacter sur Discord pour le faire (anttn#0799) et aussi dans les commentaires de cet article.
Concernant les récompenses, j'aimerai faire une édition sans. Pourquoi ? Pour plusieurs raisons, bien que je sais que la plupart des gens sont ici, sur Hive pour le plaisir d'échanger et d'apprendre, je ne voudrais pas que certaines personnes ne participent que pour les récompenses. C'est pourquoi vous pouvez raisonnablement vous attendre à un prochain challenge sans récompenses.
De la même manière et par rapport à ce que j'avais annoncé, j'hésite à conserver le système avec un premier, second et troisième prix. Il y a déjà eu des éditions où tous les HIVES ou HBD étaient équitablement partagés. Je l'ai déjà dit, mais ce n'est pas un concours de dessins et il n'y a pas de meilleurs et de derniers, bien qu'il y ait des efforts assez exceptionnels par rapport à d'autres...
C'est pourquoi je vous propose :
Option 1 : On partage tout. Tout le monde est davantage récompensé.
Option 2 : Il y a trois "gagnants" principaux et les autres se partage ce qui reste et pour tout vous dire, cela ne ferra pas beaucoup...
Vous pouvez voter en bout de cette article, bien entendu, je penche moi-même pour une option mais je ne vous influencerai pas ^^ !
Quoiqu'il en soit, avant de choisir des gagnants si c'est l'option retenue, je devrai terminer la lecture des 13 derniers articles et cela prendra encore quelques jours ! Voilà, c'est à vous de me dire !
Ceci étant dit et avant de passer à vos articles, tentons une petite synthèse..! :)

Tentative d'une synthèse...
Liste des articles par ordre d'arrivée chronologique
Sleep, the most underrated human activity by @glorydee
Howling at the moon by @bigorna1
I want to sleep like a sloth ha, ha, ha, ha (Eng/ Esp) by @brujita18
Sleep: A Process that unites the soul and body by @dwixer
[Eng] The sleep: Something so elusive in my life by @sirenahippie
Sleep: Being restless when it comes to sleeping by @jeremiah25
Sleeping between dreams and nightmares [ESP – ENG] by @gabrieladifazio
Sleep: My Most Powerful Therapy in a Noisy World. by @didiee
Sleep is hard to come by by @repayme4568
Sleep Benefits and Disorders by @kingsleymark
MY LITTLE SLEEP STORY by @hopestylist
It's time to go to bed... or not? [ 🇬🇧 / 🇪🇸 ] by @flquin
Sleep; it physical, mental and spiritual impact on me. by @george-dee
Sleep is important by @johnbenn
We can't cheat nature by @princess-dara
Sleep Patterns And Insomnia Experience / Patrones De Sueño Y Experiencia De Insomnio [ENG-ESP] by @ladytitan
SLEEP - IS IT REALLY VITAL? by @cheeamaka
Sleep, privilege or necessity? [ENG-SPA] by @actioncats
Sleep like a Cat by @coquicoin
What about our sleep habits? by @mipiano
Sleep.. Is it a necessity or just a luxury? by @amiegeoffrey
I Take My Sleep Very Important by @graciousvic
Sleep is a necessity that not everyone can enjoy naturally [ENG-SPA]
by @lisfabian
Sleep - An Ultimate & Entitled Luxury For Humans
by @merit.ahama
Sleep Just Started to Happen. by @deraaa
Sleep: Enemy As A kid, Friend As An Adult by @marriot5464
Sleep: Something You Do When You Realize You Cant Cheat Nature. by @wongi
The Connection Of Sleep With Our Physical And Mental Health. by @maryjacy
Para dormir como un bebé (ESP/ENG) by @popurri
My Sleep Paralysis Journey by @funshee
Just flow, get out of the jam / Fluye, sal del atasco
by @nanixxx
Aussi, si vous souhaitez être mentionnés (ou ne plus l'être) merci de me le dire dans les commentaires !@riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @ura-soul @trucklife-family @littlebee4 @bigorna1 @balikis95 @quduus1 @george-dee @hopestylist @merit.ahama @mintrawa @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside ... et vous même, n'hésitez pas à partager ce challenge avec d'autres dont vous pensez qu'ils pourraient être intéressés :)

Une petite note pour la fin...
Sachez que j'ai créé cette communauté dans une idée d'unité, ainsi bien que j'en sois à l'origine, je perçois cet espace comme un lieu de liberté que cela soit de paroles, d'opinions ainsi que d'initiatives ! Aussi, si vous désirez à un moment proposer quelque chose, un projet fruit d'une envie particulière en rapport avec l'idée d'unité, sachez que vous êtes les bienvenus :)
Comme indiqué plus haut, nous pourrions par exemple lire et commenter les articles des participants à plusieurs ? Une autre idée pourrait aussi d'organiser les challenges à tour de rôle selon un calendrier mensuel... J'attends vos éventuelles propositions avec impatience !
Voici aussi le lien du Discord - je n'y suis pas particulièrement actif, mais c'est tout de même un bon moyen pour communiquer. C'est aussi là que vous pouvez partager vos idées et propositions - aussi bien que dans les commentaires de cet article !

Vous l'aurez compris, je suis un fan des chouettes, surtout celles qui dorment ! et rassurez-vous, cette dernière est bien assoupie ! En fait, il semblerai que les bébés chouettes aient la tête trop lourde et doivent dormir ainsi jusqu'à un certain âge !
Sur cette note amusante, je vous remercie encore pour votre participation et votre lecture attentive !
Bon dimanche à tous et prenez bien soin de vous,
Hey @anttn, about sleeping we've read this one by @mezzane that shares very useful posts on health here it is: https://ecency.com/health/@mezzane/good-sleep-strengthens-the-immune-system-
Ohh, thanks you for sharing this one :) I will have a look !
May you have a good week ahead !
I have always wanted to reach out to you, if there is anyway I can support with the contest because I know how tasking it would be for you to go through all the entries.
It would be best to have a group of people who are willing to work with you in organizing and grading.
People are coming on board everyday and the responsibility will get bigger. I will volunteer to be part of the group if this idea works well and about the reward, it doesn't have to every contest.
Thanks you a lot dear @george-dee for your insights and supportive energy ! I don't know if you already joined the Discord channel, but I would love you to join that team we're talking about !
After, it's a real pleasure to wander among so much quality posts, it really gives you the big picture of the situation on one subjects !
If you accept it, I've nominated you as moderator of the community :)
See you soon and thanks you again for your precious contribution ✌️
I couldn't get through yesterday but I am in now, lets take the community to a whole new amazing level.
I am with you all the way, we need to take more time to be active in the discord server, we need mod and workers that will help you with contest like this and I have said it before I am interested in any way I can help you...
The discord hasn't been too active but if we Had more workers and mods, the workload will be less on you and regarding the reward, any which way I am okay with it, I am in this for a long time and that is why I still submitted even after all the hectic and my busy schedules, I will say its hightime we find mods and workers that will keep the discord active and will also be able to represent you in your absence...
We need more activity to be known everywhere...
I am available to assist you @anttn, feel free with us, we are all one...
Hey dear @quduus1 and many thanks for all those good hints and ideas to develop !
I take the initiative to nominate you as moderator along with @george-dee and @wongi :) It can always change depending on the time needed and schedule, and I will probably start a room in the discord about organisation, but I think keeping the one month challenge is already a great thing for the beginning :)
Thanks you again for your contribution and good energy ! See you soon and do take care ✌️😘
My heart skipped a bit😅. This is totally an honor and I'm ready to give it my all. Thank you for the opportunity ✨.
Haha ! You'll be perfect, plus I remember we talk about your investissement in the community ! It's a honor for me to have so much supportive energy like yours ! I still have to read your article and I will soon, I thanks you for everything and your patience 😘
It's always a pleasure ✨ I do hope you find the time to go through all the intriguing articles. I read some of them, and I must say, they're a lot of interesting entries.
Yeah, I just finished now ! Wow, this was long but totally worthy :) Learn many many things and nice advices ! Pretty impressed by the quality of the contributions too !
I hope you're doing well dear @wongi 🌟
If our members keep this energy, were going a long way
Yes I am. I hope you are too?
Ohhhh yeah it's nice to see this beautiful Change, thanks a bunch anttn, you have earned much more respect boss.
See you in the channel boss and @george-dee and @wongi see you soon and congratulations to us
I look forward to working with the both of you✨
Same here dear
Wow, I feel very honored. I am looking forward to working with others to achieve success with the community.
I'm so happy you agree to join !!! I will create the room tomorrow in the afternoon !
Have a good evening and see you soon 🌟 ✌️
I think the ideas you came up with are tangible and could be worked with. Most contest are usually previewed and judged by a group of people and not just one person. The community is growing and with growth comes greater responsibilities.
Sharing tasks could be an option for the smooth flow and consistency of certain activities and as such, I'd love to get involved.
It's exactly the changes that need to be made and put in action now :) and I accept your precious help and energy ! I nominated you moderators in the community and I think I will create a special room in the discord to discuss about organisation, topics and everything !
Many thanks dear @wongi :) I hope you had a nice weekend 🍀 🤞
I would totally be looking forward to this. Thank you once again for this opportunity.😊
I hope you have a less stressful weak too✨
Being part of the group would be great if we could, there are many many posts that are so meaningful on so different topics on @peakd @ecency @liketu and many others and none but the least @leofinance amazing people all over that can reach us with their sound knowledge, experiments, writings, tutorials that they clearly transmit in ways that are not boring or tiring. they captivate or attract our attention by doing good posts, they keep us reading by recognising them and providing good work. Best!
True that ! The inspiring part is essential even the time it takes, thanks you for your insight and advice :D
Be well 😇 🌿
sincerely speaking, It's not going to be easy to check all the entries, joining more hands with you will go a long way, i.e moderators , at least they'll be able to access all post. two heads are better than one.
I would have love to be part of it, but my school activities will not allow me, but nonetheless,I could see in the comment section that people are willing to work with you:)
For sure, even if it's a pleasure before everything, it's also a big work ;-)
I completely understand and I really appreciate your honesty and dedication too ! Yes, the team is building step by step...
Have a good coming week dear @maryjacy ✌️
I vote for option 2, and I explain why, in my opinion as a blogger, it is always satisfying to have a recognition that stands out in a challenge, contest, since that is the idea, to encourage creators to strive to share a unique, exceptional content and that effort should be rewarded. Apart from all the satisfaction of sharing and meeting new people. These two things should go hand in hand, is my humble opinion, greetings and success!Hello friend @anttn!
I understand this point of view too, but it is difficult to choose objectively and sometimes arbitrarily... Also, Hive is already a platform that (when everything works well) rewards authors' efforts. I have a hard time with the concept of rankings and competition for subjects like this... even though I'm the one who said the awards would be organized this way ! However, I don't necessarily think it's a good idea, as long as everyone has given their best as is the case here.
We'll see, but I think we're heading towards option 1 according to the different comments...
Good day to you, I hope you had a good weekend too 🌟✌️
since we are here with the idea of unity, in my opinion, any prizes can be shared among all who participated. this way, it is also clear that participation is not for a prize, but in order to contribute.
like I said in a previous comment, I can not spare the time to read but I did read a few and commented as yet another way to be involved.
thanks again, for organizing this. I just joined the Discord server.
love and light !Hi all, Hi @anttn !
Hi here @bigorna1 :)
I completely agree with you on that point and I've to say I share the same opinion on the subject !
About joining the team, I understand the time which is not obviously possible to pu into it, and I already appreciate you read some of the works... I've named few moderators and you can join if you want, I think it would not be a huge amount of work, mostly reviewing the articles in common once a month. You'll let me know, I think I will create a special place in the Discord and also thanks you for joining the channel 🌟
Have a good week ahead and see you soon ✌️
I noticed a great turnout for this contest. The topic really is very interesting and of course having to read everything that the community has submitted and then evaluate it, is a very difficult task. In general, the few posts i interacted with seemed very good, they gave tips to manage sleep and i was really surprised by the number of people who have to struggle to sleep, even one has proposed it as a goal for this year. In general, i saw a very good participation, i only noticed the case of plagiarism of a user, which they managed to detect. Apart from that small blemish, i think we all did well. I agree with you in rewarding all work equally.
Maybe in the future, you can make those contests with or without prizes and have certain evaluation parameters and thus see who meets more parameters, until it becomes easier to choose, in case you want to choose only a few winners. You can also use an external person or persons to help you make the decision.
Thank you for making us participate in this, anything else, do not hesitate to tag me or write through the discord that i also just joined.
Yes, there was indeed a great response :) It's a pleasure and I still believe that one of the solutions for more happiness and less unhappiness is unity and union.
I think there will indeed be times with and times without... We are building a larger team to look at the articles with more responsiveness than I can do alone! It's true that I'm not very good at choosing winners and as the approach is quite sociological, I find it complicated sometimes to make hierarchical rankings !
Thanks again for your participation and see you soon, take care ✌️
Sadly I couldn't participate in the contest but It will be great to be able to help out if needed.
Yeah, I noticed that haha ! Next time :)
Do you want to join the small team of moderators ? Our common tasks would be to organized the challenge (on a monthly basis) and to review the articles better and probably faster than I could all by myself :) No pressure, honestly it'll not be a lot of "work" even more if we are a few !
How are you doing those days ? I hope for the best 🤞 Take good care and see you soon '
Yeah, I noticed that haha ! Next time :)
Do you want to join the small team of moderators ? Our common tasks would be to organized the challenge (on a monthly basis) and to review the articles better and probably faster than I could all by myself :) No pressure, honestly it'll not be a lot of "work" even more if we are a few !
How are you doing those days ? I hope for the best 🤞 Take good care and see you soon '
That sounds fantastic. Where do I sign?😁😁.
Yeah, I have been better. Thanks. I hope you are good too?
In the discord hehe :) for the moment, Quduus, George-Dee and Wongi joined ! I can add you to the special channel (team-organisation) for you to tell us what you'll prefer to do :)
I'm good as well, pretty tired the last few days... need some sleep haha !
Take care dear @balikis95 😘
Alright....thank you.
Going by your words in each contest's post, I had wondered how you managed to go through every single entry. And knowing that you handle a lot of other things, I know it was/is not so easy. Getting a few persons to work with would make the whole process a lot more easier.
Also, I think we can work with a contest prompt per month and as time progresses, we can shorten the time range. That'll do.
You're doing really well with the community.
Hey @cheeamaka ! Thanks you for your supportive energy 😊 Straight to my heart !
In fact, I love reading but depending on the number of participation, it can be difficult to handle the commenting part. So yeah, this is a lot of work (and pleasure) but sometime, it gets frustrating also to not be that available as I wanted to ^^ !
A small team is on his way, I think it will improve the thing a lot :)
Have a good week 😘
I personally think sharing the task is great.
The legs on that owl is something else 😂
Yeah, I think too ! And this will be the last edition to review "alone" ^^
Indeed ! I was quite shocked as well haha !!
Be well and see you soon 🌟
Hi, there!
I think that option one of sharing everything is the easiest one. It is already a big effort for you to have to read so many articles to also have to do a selection of winners between so many posts.
It would be best if you had a couple of moderators in the community to share the tasks. But that also implies that you are sure to choose the right people you feel comfortable working with, in terms of criteria and stuff. In the meantime, you could have a figure of guest panelists to each prompt or contest to read and help you decide on the best posts if you want to go that route.
I think too about the rewards ! Thanks you for answering about that and also for your wise advices as well as nice ideas :D
A small team is slowly building and I expect that we could be more efficient for the futures challenges !
I hope you're doing well 😘