Hello everyone, I wish you a good weekend and welcome to this first challenge of the year !
Sleep has always been a fascinating subject for me and I think it is for most of us. When I was younger it was one already, mostly because I didn't understand why we had to spend a third of our time as dead, lying down with nothing else to do. That's what I thought then, probably because I had too much energy! I understood of course that it was necessary for physiological needs and good mental health, but I have to admit that it came later and as a teenager I still didn't like sleeping...
I used to spend my nights reading with a headlamp and often fell asleep without thinking of turning it off. I must have cost a lot of batteries in those days! When I went to study in another city as a teenager, I was already living on my own and no one was there to tell me to go to bed or to do anything else. I didn't discipline myself and at one point I slept like a solo sailor : two or three hours a night and four times during the day I took 15 minutes naps. It was at this time that I learned to fall asleep in just a few minutes. Because before, even if I went to bed reasonably early, it took me at least two hours to fall asleep. That was a first step towards the present situation...
For a few years now, I have been loving to sleep. It almost came out of the blue, without warning. When I was younger, I had a lot of rituals, but they didn't help me find sleep any easier. We lived opposite a large river and every evening a barge with a restaurant would pass by at 8pm and then the other way round at 10pm. I won't lie to you, every time it came back I would get up to watch it go by and I thought it would help me fall asleep, but it didn't make any difference.
One of the things that has helped me the most to get to sleep is, I think, the practice of mediation. Not that I fall asleep on my cushion when I meditate ^^ but rather that it has brought me an almost complete serenity and that allows me not to torture myself or not to let my mind assail me with existential and metaphysical questions at the moment when I am supposed to be the most quiet and to blame myself the least...
Almost every night I drink an herbal tea, the blend varies, but it's not necessarily the linden or Roman chamomile that helps you sleep. No, it's more like a combo of mugwort for the immune system, ash for longevity and purifying effects and mallow for mucous membranes. But although I tend to associate herbal tea with sleep, I don't think it's what particularly helped me to find sleep, nor to like, or even adore this moment of rest that I found odious as a child !
No, from now on, I sleep like a baby, without any worries and I am fully happy about it. I shape my ear for a few seconds so that it has the right shape - not too deep, not too bulging - I put my head on it, close my eyes, breathe three times and fall asleep. It's as simple as that and it's really intense for me because I remember those waking nights of racking my brain and tossing and turning !
As you will have understood, this challenge, following the previous one which was related to health in a more general way, will concern sleep more specifically. But it is not necessarily required to consider it from the sole point of view of health. No, I haven't talked about dreams (and nightmares), but that's a fascinating subject that you can deal with too !
The topic is therefore only what you would like to share about sleep. Your stable, troubled and evolving relationship with this state ? One of your striking dreams ? Tips on how to sleep better ? A story from your life or a made-up one? An overview of your research on Jung and the unconscious ? It can be anything you want as long as your article is related to the subject of sleep !
article which I thoroughly enjoyed reading and which totally inspired me to delve into this introspective study of my own relationship with sleep and thus inspired the birth of the topic of this challenge ! I recommend you to go and read this article, you will probably understand a little bit my state of mind regarding this article, but don't limit yourself to follow the lines already drawn, but surprise us, be original or personal, but speak with your heart !
Thank you @acidyo for this recent

- Post to the Unity Toward Freedom community
- Maximum date to participate is Saturday, February 4th.
- Use the tag #unitytowardfreedom and add the link of your answer under this article. (You can also mention me)
- A minimum of 400 words is required, but be aware that you increase your chances with quality articles.
- If it is technically possible for you, try to take pictures yourself, I think it could be more interesting and more related to your daily life and your close environment. Here I'm using some found on the Internet, but let's try to make it as aesthetic as possible !
- You can write in the language of your choice, but an English translation is a must !
- Reblog this article - it will be really appreciated :) The community is very young and needs visibility ! If it's too much for you, I'll understand too ^^
- You can use the logos available in this article.
This time I would like to distribute 20 HBDs according to this idea, 5 for the first, 3 for the second, 2 for the third and the rest to be shared in HIVE, for the other best articles. I would like this distribution of rewards to encourage everyone to give their best and not expect to be rewarded for any effort.
However, all articles eligible for the challenge will receive support from me and the community account.
@riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @ura-soul @trucklife-family @littlebee4 @bigorna1 @balikis95 @quduus1 @george-dee @hopestylist @merit.ahama @mintrawa @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside ... and yourself, feel free to share this challenge with others you think might be interested :)
If you do not wish to be mentioned in the future, please let me know in the comments.

A little note for the end...
Please note that I created this community with the idea of unity in mind, so even though I am at the origin of it, I perceive this space as a place of freedom of speech, opinions and initiatives ! Also, if you wish to propose something, a project born from a particular desire in relation to the idea of unity, you are welcome to do so :)
We could for example read and comment on the articles of the participants together ? Another idea would be to organise the challenges in turn according to a monthly calendar... I am looking forward to your suggestions !
Here is also the Discord link - I'm not particularly active there, but it's still a good way to communicate. It's also where you can share your ideas and proposals - as well as in the comments of this article !
I thank you for reading this long article. And, needless to say, for your eventual participation and support of the idea and actions of unity. I hope you will find the subject interesting :)
Take care of you and your loved ones !
See you soon,
Bonjour à tous, bon weekend et bienvenue à ce premier challenge de l'année 2023 !
Le sommeil a toujours été un sujet passionnant pour moi. Plus jeune ça l'était car je ne comprenais pas pourquoi nous devions passer un tiers de notre temps comme mort, allongé sans rien pouvoir faire d'autre. C'était alors ce que je croyais, probablement parce que je disposais de trop d'énergie ! Je comprenais bien sûr que c'était nécessaire pour des besoins physiologiques et de bonne santé mentale, mais je dois avouer que c'est tout de même venu par la suite et alors adolescent, je n'aimais toujours pas dormir pour autant...
Je passais mes nuits à lire avec une lampe frontale et bien souvent, je tombais de fatigue sans penser à l'éteindre. J'ai dû pas mal coûter en piles à cette époque ! Lorsque je suis parti étudier dans une autre ville, à l'adolescence, je vivais déjà seul et personne n'était là pour me dire de me coucher ou pour faire quoi que soit d'autre. Je ne me suis pas discipliné pour autant et à un moment même, je dormais comme un navigateur en solitaire : deux ou trois heures par nuit et quatre fois dans la journée, je faisais des siestes de 15 minutes. C'est à cette époque que j'ai appris à m'endormir en quelques minutes à peine. Car auparavant, même si je me couchais raisonnablement tôt, je mettais deux heures minimum à entrer dans le sommeil. Ça été une première étape vers la situation actuelle...
Depuis quelques années, je me suis mis à adorer dormir. C'est presque venu comme cela, d'un coup, sans prévenir. Plus jeune, j'avais tout un tas de rituels et pour autant, cela ne m'aidais pas à trouver plus simplement le sommeil. Nous habitions en face d'une grande rivière et tout les soirs, une péniche avec un restaurant passait une première fois à 20h et dans l'autre sens à 22h. Je ne vous mentirai pas, à chacun de ses retours, je me relevais pour la voir passer et je croyais que cela m'aiderait à m'endormir, mais ça n'a absolument rien changé.
Une des choses qui m'a le plus accompagné vers ce plaisir de dormir, c'est je crois, la pratique de la médiation. Non pas que je m'endors sur mon coussin lorsque je médite ^^ mais plutôt que cela m'a apporté une sérénité presque complète et qui me permet de ne pas me torturer ou de ne pas laisser mon esprit m'assaillir de questions existentielles et métaphysiques au moment où je suis sensé être le plus tranquille et me reprocher le moins de choses...
Quasiment tous les soirs, je bois une tisane, le mélange varie, mais on n'y trouve pas forcément le tilleul ou la camomille romaine qui aident à dormir. Non, c'est plutôt un combo armoise pour le système immunitaire, frêne pour la longévité et les effets purifiants et mauve pour les muqueuses. Mais bien que j'ai tendance à associer la tisane au sommeil, je ne pense pas que c'est cela qui m'ai particulièrement aidé à trouver le sommeil pas plus qu'à aimer, voir adorer ce moment du repos que je trouvais odieux étant enfant !
Non, dorénavant, je dors comme un bébé, sans aucun souci et j'en suis pleinement heureux. Je façonne mon oreille quelques secondes pour qu'il ai la forme adéquate - ni trop profond, ni trop bombé - je pose ma tête dessus, je ferme les yeux, respire trois fois et je m'endors. C'est aussi simple que cela et c'est pour moi vraiment intense car je me rappelle ces nuits de veille à me triturer l'esprit et à me tourner et retourner sans cesse !
Vous l'aurez compris, ce challenge, dans la suite du précédent qui était lié à la santé de façon plus général, concernera le sommeil plus particulièrement. Mais il n'est pas forcément demandé de considérer cela du seul point de vue de la santé. Non, je n'ai pas parlé des rêves (et des cauchemars), mais c'est un sujet passionnant qu'il vous est possible de traiter aussi !
Le sujet est donc seulement ce que vous souhaiteriez partager par rapport au sommeil. Votre relation stable, tourmentée et évolutive par rapport à cet état ? Un de vos rêves marquants ? Des astuces pour mieux dormir ? Une histoire vécue ou bien inventée ? Un aperçu de vos recherches sur Jung et l'inconscient ? Cela peut-être ce que vous voulez du moment que votre article sera lié au sujet du sommeil !
article que j'ai pris un vif plaisir à lire et qui m'a totalement donné envie de me replonger dans cette étude introspective de ma propre relation avec le sommeil et a donc inspiré la naissance du sujet de ce challenge-là ! Je vous recommande d'aller lire cet article, vous comprendrez sans doute un peu mon état d'esprit par rapport à cet article-ci, mais ne vous bornez pas à suivre forcément les lignes déjà tracées, mais surprenez-nous, soyez originaux ou personnels, mais parlez avec votre coeur !
Je remercie @acidyo pour ce récent

- Postez dans la communauté "Unity Toward Freedom"
- La date maximum pour participer est jusqu'au samedi 4 février.
- Utilisez le tag #unitytowardfreedom et ajoutez le lien de votre réponse sous cet article. (Vous pouvez aussi me mentionner)
- Dans la mesure du possible, essayez de laisser le 1% de bénéficiaire à la communauté, 1% ce n'est pas grand chose et cela pourrait nous permettre d'accumuler un peu plus de HP afin d'augmenter le soutien... à voir dans une perspective de long terme bien-sûr.
- Un minimum de 400 mots est requis, mais dites vous bien que vous augmentez vos chances avec des articles de qualités.
- Si c'est possible techniquement pour vous, essayez de prendre des images vous même, je trouve que ce pourrait être plus intéressant et plus lié de fait à votre quotidien ainsi qu'à votre environnement proche. Ici j'en utilise trouvées sur Internet, mais essayons de rendre la chose aussi esthétique que possible !
- Vous pouvez écrire dans la langue de votre choix, mais une traduction en anglais est indispensable !
- Rebloguez cet article - Cela sera vraiment très apprécié :) La communauté est toute jeune et a terriblement besoin de visibilité ! Après, si c'est au dessus de vos forces, je comprendrai aussi ^^
- Vous pouvez utiliser les logos à votre disposition dans cet article.
Cette fois-ci, je souhaiterai décliner 20 HBD selon cette idée, 5 pour le premier, 3 pour le second, 2 pour le troisième et le reste à partager en HIVE, pour les autres meilleurs articles. J'aimerai que cette distribution des récompenses encourage chacun à donner le meilleur et à ne pas s'attendre à être récompensé quelque soient les efforts fournis.
Quoiqu'il en soit, tous les articles éligibles au challenge recevront un support de ma part ainsi que du compte de la communauté.
@riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @ura-soul @trucklife-family @littlebee4 @bigorna1 @balikis95 @quduus1 @george-dee @hopestylist @merit.ahama @mintrawa @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside ... et vous même, n'hésitez pas à partager ce challenge avec d'autres dont vous pensez qu'ils pourraient être intéressés :)
Si vous ne souhaitez pas être mentionné à l'avenir, n'hésitez pas à me le dire dans les commentaires.

Une petite note pour la fin...
Sachez que j'ai créé cette communauté dans une idée d'unité, ainsi bien que j'en sois à l'origine, je perçois cet espace comme un lieu de liberté que cela soit de paroles, d'opinions ainsi que d'initiatives ! Aussi, si vous désirez à un moment proposer quelque chose, un projet fruit d'une envie particulière en rapport avec l'idée d'unité, sachez que vous êtes les bienvenus :)
Nous pourrions par exemple lire et commenter les articles des participants à plusieurs ? Une autre idée pourrait aussi d'organiser les challenges à tour de rôle selon un calendrier mensuel... J'attends vos éventuelles propositions avec impatience !
Voici aussi le lien du Discord - je n'y suis pas particulièrement actif, mais c'est tout de même un bon moyen pour communiquer. C'est aussi là que vous pouvez partager vos idées et propositions - aussi bien que dans les commentaires de cet article !
Je vous remercie pour votre lecture de ce long article. Ainsi que, cela va sans dire, pour votre éventuelle participation ainsi que le support de l'idée et d'actions d'unité. J'espère que le sujet vous intéressera :)
Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches !
À bientôt,
I am impressed with the amount of entries !
will need to retire early in order to read them all ; )
wishing us all a peaceful weekend.
Omw 🥲. This topic was made for me... I'll join in on this one, there is so much I can say about sleep 💤
😅 😇 ! Haha ! Somehow, instinctively, I thought of you for this topic. I remembered your article which I really liked !
Can't wait to see your participation and thanks for your enthusiasm :D
Have a good weekend both of you ✌️😘
Hello everyone, the topic made me reflect a bit😅. Here's a link to my post.
Thanks to @anttn for this prompt✨
😴 good morning!!
I just arrived from the world of dreams :D
Let's hope I could be on time for this cool topic 😉
Hey there :D
So you're on good position to have a fresh return about it haha !
We'll see, but I guess, I always can move the deadline a bit 😅
I hope you're having a nice week ✌️😘
Bonne chance dans ton concours :-)
Je vote pour aider.
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but then I changed my mind.
Credit: marshmellowman
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(1/4)@anttn, I sent you an on behalf of @itharagaian
Merci beaucoup !
C'est sympa :)
J'espère que tu va bien 🤞
Post Link
I will read your participation this evening after work :)thanks you @dwixer !
Have a good day ✌️
Thank You and have a great day at work
I almost missed out.
Here's my entry 👇
Can't believe i missed this. Hope I can make it this morning. Hahhaa!!!!!
Hey there. I made it!
I will begin to read others now!!
Here's my entry
Me alegra particiar en esta iniciativa y por primera vez en esta comunidad. Me gustó escribir sobre este tema. Espero haber llegado a tiempo.
Hello @anttn, I do not know if I arrived late, I was delighted to discover this community. Here I leave my link and thank you for this initiative. I also found very little 1% reward for #unitytowardfreedom I want to support you more. I give you 5 😜.
haha ! Thanks you :D
The deadline was already out, but not problem at all, what's are few hours compared to your participation ? I announced it yesterday, but I might be late to read and review your article, but I will for sure in the coming days !
Take care 🌟✌️
Hello, I hope my entry is not too late. I just came across this prompt a few hours ago. And I found this topic very interesting to talk about.
Very interesting topic to talk about, I really enjoyed trying to approach it from my experiences. I hope you all like it and to be able to continue participating within the community.
Here is my entry Sir @anttn 🙂
Hello team, I hope to arrive in time to participate in this great initiative, I hope to be active in this community. I am already very sleepy
Haha ! Thanks you again dear @lisfabian :)
Yeah, I completely fall asleep too 😂 Sorry for being late, I will read you're article in the coming days !
Have a good week ahead ✌️
Oh.. What an interesting topic.. But I have been away from hive for some reason I'm going to write about soon.. Feels good to be back. Probably the next challenge I will join
Hey @fashtioluwa ! That will be for the next one :D
I hope everything is fine for you ! Take good care dear and have a good week ahead ✌️
Hi, finally I did write something about sleep.
Hi, there!
For some time, I've been meaning to join some of your prompts, but I've been holding off on the intention. But this time, I made it, and here is my participation. Cheers!
🤣 I assume I alone knows how to do this to get some decent sleep, especially in a noisy environment. This is an interesting topic. I present my take on it.
Thank you! 😊😊
Hahaha, special technics of sleepy ninja masters ^^ !
Thanks you for your participation, I may take a bit of time to read it, but I want to do this properly and with a fresh mind 😉 ! Take good care 😘
No problem, take your time! I appreciate your thoughtful approach. 😊
What a great topic you proposed. There is a lot to talk about. I wanted to address other things, but the post was already a bit long-winded. I hope you enjoy it.
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Really nice prompt and this is my entry: https://peakd.com/hive-189277/@didiee/sleep-my-most-powerful-therapy-in-a-noisy-world
Sleep, one of my favorite thing to do but adulthood makes it difficult, I'll definitely be writing on this
True that !
I will read you participation today hehe ! Thanks you 😊 !
Hope you had a nice weekend,
take good care ✌️
I will be looking forward to your comment.
Yes, I am, thank you
Have a lovely weekend too.
And this topic is dear to me, lol! XD
And how could it be otherwise hehe ^^ ? This is precisely what interests me, the universal aspect of this action of rest and letting go :)
I hope you're doing good dear ✌️ Take good care 😘
On sleep, I guess I have a lot to share.
Amazing topics choice!
Glad you enjoy it hehe :) Thanks you 😇
I will look froward to your participation !
Take good care dear 🍀
I guess I took quite long.
Hello @anttn. But, here's my participation; https://hive.blog/hive-189277/@cheeamaka/sleep-is-it-really-vital
Thanks again for the topic.
Thanks @anttn I love your invitation, it's very interesting, I'll be seeing you here, greetings!
You're welcome dear @brujita18 ! I will look forward to your participation 😉
Greetings, I hope you're having a enjoyable weekend ✌️
Hi @anttn and I'm already in the process for my participation hahaha I hope you like it, greetings!
Long time no see boss, it's been a while since I talked about my sleeping things xd..
Let's see how it goes boss🥂🙌..
Thanks for the tag, I will cook up something next week for the entry sir..
It's always when you don't expect it that I'm back hehe,
I will look forward you participation... Thanks you :Dhey dear @quduus1 !
I hope you have a nice weekend, take good care 😇
Here is my entry
Not promising anything but I might write about this theme. In fact, I have a possible book related to it, in the works, titled 'Hypersensitivosaurus and Mrs. Mosquito, that I shared some glimpses of last year on my blog here.
That would be awesome, but no pressure anyway :D I would be curious to see those articles one time... Feel like I'm going to have to go spelunking for a little while ^^
Thanks you 😇 !
I realize now, after publishing my latest post, that this one could have been about sleep ( or a difficult night ) haha! The 'pleasure' of moving house ;<)
What do you mean about going spelunking?
Indeed, it could have been the occasion ^^ ! Didn’t manage to read this article, but I will today :)
I meant going down in your previous articles to find the one you’re talking about above !
Belle journée à toi ‘
Awesome ! here is my entry:
thank you for doing this ! https://ecency.com/hive-189277/@bigorna1/howling-at-the-moon
You're most welcome ! Thanks you 😉 I will read that with pleasure this afternoon :)
I hope you're doing well dear 🍀 ✌️
Enjoy your Sunday !
Sleep, this is definitely another beautiful topic to write about. Thanks for coming up with something amazing for another contest, I hope you are doing great on your end.
I indeed love the universal aspect of it :) Will look forward to your participation, thanks dear 😊 !
I’m doing great and I hope it’s the same on your side ✌🏼Have a good week ahead !
I indeed love the universal aspect of it :) Will look forward to your participation, thanks dear 😊 !
I’m doing great and I hope it’s the same on your side ✌🏼Have a good week ahead !
I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
itharagaian tipped anttn (x1)
(1/5) @flquin tipped @anttn (x1)
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Thanks for the mention, just seeing this now, because I've been so busy with exams...
This is good topic to write on, I'm gonna write about my experience with this, hopefully.
Hello @anttn! https://ecency.com/hive-189277/@brujita18/i-want-to-sleep-like
thanks you dear @brujita18 ! I will read your participation this evening :)
Have a good day ✌️
It was a pleasure, best regards my friend @anttn!
Thanks you, be well 😇 😘 !
A very interesting topic, sleep has been there and I think no one can escape this sleep of a thing for more days, I'll throw my opinion on this topic.
Here is my entry:
Here is my entry.
This is a really nice topic
Here is my entry @anttn
My entry
The Link to my article:
My entry is here,
My entry https://ecency.com/hive-189277/@babamb03/minoring-the-necessity-of-health