“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul”
- John Muir
Hello dear Hivers !
I hope you all had a great weekend :)
Today I wanted to present you the articles of our 20 participants. Thanks again to them and to all those who read, interacted and supported each other's work.
I must admit that I didn't have enough time to read all your articles and to leave a comment on my feelings and reactions to them. Only the first 12 had this chance ^^ but I will take the time in the coming days to at least read each of your articles. I hope you won't hold it against me too much ! The previous time, 13 people decided to take the plunge and participate here for the first time, with 7 more, we are on a very clear progression and the quality seems to be there too.
In the same way, I can only encourage you to go and read everyone's articles, you have probably done so for some, but it's very interesting to have the whole picture !

I was very interested in your articles in which I had the opportunity to learn a lot about the relationship you have with Nature, with others, with the world around you and finally... with yourself.
I noticed that the closer you lived to natural and more unspoilt or wild elements, the more you seemed to regard Nature as a powerful, loving ally, not feared, but respected. Conversely, those who live in the city seem to fear Nature more, even though they are not in as close contact as others. This is just an impression that has only as much value as you might decide to give it, but it was something I had seen before.
For me, this collective reflection was linked to the previous one, because one can discern and weave many connections between knowledge - or non-knowledge - and an academic, technical knowledge of the natural elements (animals, plants, environments, forests, mountains, rivers, etc.) or more instinctive and without the titillation of the will to understand everything, to dominate everything, to name everything, and finally, to do the opposite of the objective sometimes sought, and to exclude each other when one thought to unite. This is the meaning for me of this quote from John Muir with which I wanted to start this article. He is an author that I can only recommend you to read or discover for those who do not know him !
The Articles.
Below, you will find the 20 articles in chronological order. This will make it easier for those who want to read the whole thing ;-)
What is your relationship with nature ? by @repayme4568
Nature And I Are Brothers by @dwixer
My knowledge about nature by @kingsleymark
NATURE IS LIFE TO ME... by @quduus1
Nature's link to the past, Culture, and Elemental beings by @balikis95
A Complex Relationship with Nature by @oniemaniego
The Natural Life: What's your relationship with nature. by @fashtioluwa
My Relationship With Nature by @mell79
Caring Relationship with Nature : My time to Think by @hollowins
Nature is everything to me by @johnbenn
I am Married to Nature by @george-dee
Nature: Refuge, Muse, Employer & My Delight by @artemislives
NATURE - A MOTHER TO ALL by @hopestylist
Connecting our daily life with Nature by @maryjacy
My Confused Relationship With Nature by @technicalside
A love-hate relationship with nature ❤️ by @misshugo
Nature - My Teacher of Peace, Patience and Possibilities by @merit.ahama
How I am related to Mother Nature. by @princessbusayo
The Prizes
Like last time, I opted for a fair division of the amount of HBD I had and like before, I had 40 HBD but this time there were 20 of us...! I'll let you do the math ^^
I didn't notice any particular abuse, but I'm still thinking of orienting the rewards according to the quality of the articles for future challenges, but we'll see all that in due course !
I know that some have been well rewarded while others less so, this could be a lead, knowing that the texts among the most involved have not necessarily been !
Finally, I'd like to thank @resonator for his support of many participants! Thank you very much, I know it's an extra motivation for many, but remember to do it without expecting anything, as in life, because otherwise, it's the best way to be disappointed !
As the community is new, I mention below some people who might be interested... or who already follow the community :
@riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @littlebee4 @mintrawa @vincentnijman @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @balikis95 @quduus1 @george-dee @hopestylist @merit.ahama @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside ... et vous même, n'hésitez pas à partager ce challenge avec d'autres dont vous pensez qu'ils pourraient être intéressés :)
If you do not wish to be mentioned in the future, please let me know in the comments.
Finally, don't expect 45$ either, that will be when thousands will have joined the adventure ^^I would also like to thank @dwixer for his consistent delegation of 300HP. There are also @merit.ahama, @mell79 and @technicalside who have also jumped in. Be aware that if you decide to delegate even a small fraction of HP, you will be entitled to a daily vote, necessarily depending on what you have delegated, but it will still be significant...
Thanks to all those who played the game to leave the 1% of beneficiaries and even more to those who increased this percentage !
Participation and Involvement.
For the moment, I am alone "at the helm" but if you feel like it, that can change. I have created this space to link people and subjects who are, in the end, already linked, just by their condition as living human beings. This place is therefore as much yours as mine !
But know that according to your desires of implications, you could join the team, at the height of your desire.
Feel free to propose! If you feel like getting more involved, in reading or organizing things, the door is wide open !
I thank you again for your participation and support of the idea of unity. And, needless to say, for reading this article.
Take good care of yourself and your loved ones !
See you soon,
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul”
- John Muir
Bonjour chers Hivers !
J'espère que vous avez tous passé un excellent weekend :)
Aujourd'hui, je souhaitais vous présenter les articles de nos 20 participants. Encore merci à eux et à tous ceux qui on lu, interagit et soutenu le travail de chacun.
Je vous l'avoue tout de suite, le temps - comme à certains - semble m'avoir manqué pour d'une, lire tous vos articles, de deux, laisser un commentaire sur mon ressenti et mes réactions suite à cette lecture. Seuls les 12 premiers ont eu cette chance ^^ mais sachez que je prendrai le temps dans les jours à venir pour au moins lire chacun de vos articles. J'espère que vous ne m'en tiendrez pas trop rigueur !
La fois précédente, 13 personnes avaient décidé de sauter le pas et de participer ici pour la première fois, avec 7 de plus, on est sur une très nette progression et la qualité semble aussi être au rendez-vous.
De la même manière, je ne peux que vous encouragez à aller lire les articles de chacun, vous l'avez sans doute fait pour certains, mais c'est très intéressant d'avoir la vision d'ensemble !

J'ai été très intéressé par vos articles dans lesquels j'ai eu l'occasion d'apprendre beaucoup de choses suivant la relation que vous entretenez avec la Nature, les autres, le monde qui vous entoure et finalement... avec vous-mêmes.
J'ai remarqué que plus vous viviez proche d'éléments naturels et plus préservés ou sauvages, plus vous sembliez considérer la Nature comme une alliée puissante, aimante, non crainte, mais respectée. À l'inverse, ceux qui vivent en ville semblent davantage craindre la Nature alors qu'ils ne sont pas en contact aussi rapproché que d'autres. Ce n'est qu'un impression qui n'a que la valeur que vous pourriez décider de lui donner, mais c'était déjà quelque chose que j'avais pu constater auparavant.
Pour moi, cette réflexion collective était liée à la précédente, car on peut discerner et tisser beaucoup de connexions entre le savoir - ou le non-savoir - et une connaissance académique, technique des éléments naturels (animaux, plantes, milieux, forêts, montagnes, rivières, etc) ou bien plus instinctives et sans le titillement de la volonté de tout comprendre, tout dominer, tout nommer et finalement, faire le contraire de l'objectif parfois recherché, et s'exclure alors qu'on pensé s'unir. C'est un peu le sens pour moi de cette citation de John Muir par laquelle j'ai souhaité commencer cet article. C'est un auteur que je ne peut que vous recommander de lire ou découvrir pour ceux qui ne le connaîtriez pas !
Les Articles.
Ci-dessous, vous trouverez les 20 articles dans l'ordre chronologique. Cela facilitera la lecture de ceux qui voudront se lancer dans la lecture de la totalité ;-)
What is your relationship with nature ? by @repayme4568
Nature And I Are Brothers by @dwixer
My knowledge about nature by @kingsleymark
NATURE IS LIFE TO ME... by @quduus1
Nature's link to the past, Culture, and Elemental beings by @balikis95
A Complex Relationship with Nature by @oniemaniego
The Natural Life: What's your relationship with nature. by @fashtioluwa
My Relationship With Nature by @mell79
Caring Relationship with Nature : My time to Think by @hollowins
Nature is everything to me by @johnbenn
I am Married to Nature by @george-dee
Nature: Refuge, Muse, Employer & My Delight by @artemislives
NATURE - A MOTHER TO ALL by @hopestylist
Connecting our daily life with Nature by @maryjacy
My Confused Relationship With Nature by @technicalside
A love-hate relationship with nature ❤️ by @misshugo
Nature - My Teacher of Peace, Patience and Possibilities by @merit.ahama
How I am related to Mother Nature. by @princessbusayo
Les Prix
Comme la dernière fois, j'ai opté pour une équitable division de la somme de HBD dont je disposais et comme précédemment, je disposais de 40 HBD mais nous étions 20 cette fois-ci..! Je vous laisse faire le calcul ^^
Je n'ai pas constaté d'abus particulier, mais je pense tout de même orienter les récompenses en fonction de la qualité des articles pour les futures challenges, mais on verra bien tout cela en temps et en heure !
Je sais que certains ont été bien récompensés quand d'autres moins, cela pourrait être une piste, sachant que les textes parmi les plus impliqués ne l'on pas forcément été !
Pour finir, je voudrai remercier @resonator pour son soutien de nombreux participants ! Merci beaucoup, je sais que c'est une motivation supplémentaire pour beaucoup, mais rappelez vous de faire cela sans rien attendre, comme dans la vie, car sinon, c'est la meilleure façon d'être déçu !!
Comme la communauté est récente, je mentionne ci-dessous quelques personnes qui pourrait être intéressées... ou qui suivent déjà la communauté :
@riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @littlebee4 @mintrawa @vincentnijman @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @balikis95 @quduus1 @george-dee @hopestylist @merit.ahama @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside ... et vous même, n'hésitez pas à partager ce challenge avec d'autres dont vous pensez qu'ils pourraient être intéressés :)
Si vous ne souhaitez pas être mentionné à l'avenir, n'hésitez pas à me le dire dans les commentaires.
Enfin, ne vous attendez pas à 45$ non plus, ça ce sera lorsque des milliers auront rejoins l'aventure ^^Je souhaite aussi remercier @dwixer pour sa délégation conséquente de 300HP. Il y a aussi @merit.ahama, @mell79 et @technicalside qui ont aussi sauté le pas. Sachez que si vous décidez de déléguez même une petite fraction de HP, vous aurez droit à un vote quotidien, forcément en fonction de ce que vous aurez déléguer, mais qui sera tout de même significatif...
Merci aussi à tous ceux qui ont joué le jeu de laisser les 1% de bénéficiaires et encore plus à ceux qui on augmenté ce pourcentage !
Participation et Implication.
Pour le moment, je suis seul "aux manettes" mais si l'envie vous prend, cela peut changer ! J'ai créé cet espace pour lié des gens et des sujets qui le sont finalement déjà, rien que par leur condition d'êtres vivants humains. Ce lieu est donc autant le vôtre que le mien !
Mais sachez que suivant vos désirs d'implications, vous pourriez rejoindre l'équipe, à la hauteur de votre envie.
Sentez-vous libres de proposer ! Si vous avez envie de plus vous impliquer, dans la lecture ou l'organisation de choses, la porte est grande ouverte !
Je vous remercie encore pour votre participation et support de l'idée d'unité. Ainsi, cela va sans dire, que pour votre lecture de cet article.
Prenez bien soin de vous et de vos proches !
À bientôt,
Appreciating the commitment towards the goals of both Unity and Freedom - it take SO MUCH daily effort to get the ball rolling in a new community, and I can only say that it is noticed, valued and I'm grateful.
Really appreciated :) Yeah, it’s an everyday « fight », mostly pacific, but still in our individual lives, it’s comes with a more or less opposition to the actual paradigm !
Thanks you again for your participation and encouragement 🌟 !
You're doing a good job @anttn. Glad I'm part of this engagement
thanks you ☺️ 🌟 !
Always welcome
This community was recommended to me by someone.. I might gonna stop to check what's inside 🙂
ohhh wow, please do jane, you will love it, we haven't gone to far, but as i told you before, here is a place to share your nature loves and experience isnt that correct @antnn????
Yeah thanks for the recommendation 😊
aye aye, looking forward to seeing you here soon
Hope to see you posting something here, soon.You should @jane1289 .
ohhh yeah @antnn, it was really beautiful being here and also participating in the contest, we are all here to stay...welldone sir
thanks to you :) this great indeed !
You are welcome 🙂
Thanks for the mention Greetings!
Pleasure 😊 Take care !
I love this quote by John Muir.
.Nature is truly everything we can think of, where we can lose ourselves and will not be judged, where we feel at home and safe. Nature is beautiful and undeniably perfect. Thanks for your usual love and contribution to everyone's posts.
Yes, that's exactly it !
You're welcome :) Thanks you for your deep engagement in that reflexion... once again !
Take care and have a good week dear @balikis95
Dear, @anttn
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Vote with Peakd.com, Ecency.com, Hivesigner
Thank you!
done ✅
It's really encouraging seeing how the community keeps attracting people to herself, I hope more people join in the next challenge.
Well done to everyone that made an entry, they were all beautiful, although I haven't read all of them.
@anttn it will be really nice to be of help in any way I can, please what assistance do you need?
Hi dear! Yes, this is very encouraging indeed ! It's great to see so much involvement :)
But me neither, I haven't been able to read everything yet and that, grrr, is bothering me ^^
We can discuss about in the discord, but maybe one way would be to read in pairs...(?)
Have a good evening, I hope you're well 🌿
Hi friend...
Yes, I hope we keep moving forward and forward ☺️.
I totally understand how it feels, it's truly bothersome but let's see how it goes.
Okay, I will stop by at discord soon then.
Yes I am, hope you are too?
Yes, it’s a everyday dedication haha :)
See you there !
Hopefully, everything is fine 😘
Yeah, you are right, dedication it is.
I did see a message but I guess I was late, hehe.
That's good to know, I hope you had a great night? 🥰.
Yeah, didn’t sleep very well as I wasn’t in our place, always better in your own bed haha !
Dedication is the key :) but one thing I really use in my relationships it’s reciprocity :)
Be well dear !
Oh dear, I totally understand how uncomfortable it might have been, I hope you are at home now?
Yes, it's always better when you get what you give even though is a little.
I will, you too 🥰.
Congrats everyone and @anttn, the community is growing! Hoping to get to know everyone here too.
Added a bit of HP to the community account, the only possible I can return and give for now. Will increase it when things get less rough. ;)
yeah, it's a real pleasure :) Thanks you a lot for that !
Have a nice week !
I missed it again, traveling and discovering… exploring nature is much better at this time and takes up all my time on my holidays 🥰 so I hope you excuse me. 🤓
So great to see so many participants. Yay… amazing.
Have a wonderful week all 👋🏻😊
no problem ! discovering nature in direct is sometimes more important :)
Have a good week too 💚
I will enjoy our holidays a bit further. Tomorrow we cross states and go into Vermont 😎😉
Enjoy your week my friend. 👋🏻😁 talk soon.
Take care!
Big huggHappy to hear that @anttn, I truly would have liked to join. It was a perfect topic…
Yeah ! Enjoy for sure :) this is important !!
This week is intense haha, but good also... I’ve to take some rest this weekend because the following days will be tuff too ^^
I hope you’re doing well ! Take care 😘
O my… sounds like you do need to keep it easy and recharge this weekend. Especially when more tuff times are ahead. Take care my friend. 🤗🤗 rest is important for body and soul…
I am enjoying… the area is soooo beautiful. Went on a few trails today and we saw so much nature. Beautiful waterfalls and so many mushrooms 🍄
And all the fall colours around us 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂 yep… having a great time.
Will post about it when back home and transferred the photos of the camera 😎😉
Yeah, those batteries are now well recharged... ready for the battle lol 😂
Seems like your journey will have the same effect for you ;-) Curious to see more soon ! Enjoy and have a great Sunday dear, take care 🌿
Great to hear @anttn 😊👋🏻
It sure looks like that. Recharging in nature 🥰
I bought a new camera here, so can’t show those photos yet. Have to process them first on my laptop at home 😉 but will post in a weeks time (-ish)
Thank you so much, enjoy your Sunday too further. Take care 🌱🌳🍁🍂🍃
I am glad to be in this community.
Keep up the good work! @anttn
Glad to have you 🌟 !
you too :)
This is a great community, thanks
🍀 thanks to all of you !
Thank you for the mentioned, for giving this opportunity to perceived our thoughts about nature.
you're welcome :) have a good week !
Yay! 🤗
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Delegate HP and earn more, by @anttn.
Hi,Anttn sorry for the late reply. I am very glad your community is growing very strongly. and I wish it will become one great community in the hive. thank you for your support and for writing good comments about my post. I know it is not so easy to work alone. But you are clever and strong enough to deal with it. I admire you and am glad you are a community leader. Thanks 🙏 for your kind communication take care and be stronger and stronger. greetings😊🙏