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RE: Unity Toward Freedom - Announcement of a New Community

in Unity Toward Freedom2 years ago (edited)

I like your heroes.

I notice little things (hence "EverNoticeThat" the police here say I would have made a great dectective). And logo #3 at the top right with the black hole centered and filling the white space, stands out from the rest on this page. The fourth flower-like one with the moonlet, is "too eastern" and looks like every other logo based around that subject. The rest are jarring and not easy on the eyes.

Say you were to use a typical Buddha image. It defines and draws a box around the community on sight. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but there's a ton of those out there). That's why I love the simplicity of what I call the "target" logo. It allows each person to imagine what the community means to them, without being defined again, by say the lotus flower for example.

The community name will also be important. "Unity Toward Freedom" sounds like a dystopian/prepper/resistance group. (I picture guys with gas masks and lots of guns flying the "Don't Tread on Me" flag). I wish I had more time to think on this, but I'd choose a shorter maybe even a one or two word name of few sylables and easy to remember.

It would need to pass what I call "the phone test." Which is; can the name be remembered and easily spelled after hearing it only once over the phone? If so, it passes the test.

With classes and work coming up, I won't have time to jump in as I'd like, so thought I'd add my thoughts on at least the logo now. The point is to avoid the sterotypical "sameness" that every other mindfulness-based front page offers. I'd also hope you hear from differing voices than the usual ones that always end up driving these communities. Best wishes.

 2 years ago  

hey @evernoticethat !

Thank you really much for your comprehensive and well constructed commentary ! I agree about your logo's analysis, I think it will stay like that for the moment... As for the name, even if I agree about the survivialist ambiance it could bring, even if it was not so much I saw it at first glance :) I will continue to think about it too...

The phone test is indeed a great test, I will try it on my side.

The point is to avoid the sterotypical "sameness" that every other mindfulness-based front page offers.

Totally agree with you. For me, it's important to keep a clear identity with a simple (but good) aesthetic that allows us to bring together different labels, because the theme of unity is actually quite broad !

Thanks you again and I hope to see you soon around - maybe for the first challenge I will organise - or before if you're tempted ;D

Courage for this new school year which, I feel, will be eventful for many 💫