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RE: My Confused Relationship With Nature

This is quite a rare gem!

I should be fixing my curator pet account @hivehealth to add this to the daily good reads... it's been down for a year now.

My previous gardening posts are purposely garnished with strong words against unresolved socio-political issues that usual people might be too afraid to talk about or are just too boring for the majority.

As adults, we should also be aware about data privacy and security for every action we do online especially in a blockchain setting. This is one of my huge apprehensions when posting personal works online as it can be stolen or used against you.

Censoring your thoughts or playing-safe over topics can be limiting at times, maybe this is one contributing factor that it is rare to find good contents leaving you inspired or contemplating.

I don't care helping lizards away from our cats too, even if my cats hate me for 'stealing' their meal.

I find your perspective on the relationship with nature very interesting, I guess this should how humans feel and you shouldn't be ashamed that you value life and feelings. Helping living things may be your calling, continue doing it even if it against the norm.

It somehow share the same relevance with the Colors of the Wind song by Disney, but we also wouldn't forget that accidents happen.

There are just events that are beyond our control, it can haunt us for years, but it is what it is. Doctors and Vets somehow learn about how to remove attachments when dealing with patients whom they know are no longer of their power to cure or heal.

Shame on me, I like cold brew or americano 😂


I also enjoy cold brew, even is winter 😎. But a hot cup of coffee in the morning is a must. I'll be the bridge between the two of you 😂

I like a cup of hot coffee too, when it's cold. 😂

Nice to meet you both, see you both around Hive!

Just letting you know.. Ive worked through what feels like a ton of comments now, I think you are the last one I need to respond to. However you gave quite a hefty reply and it would feel wrong if I just gave you a thumbs up xD If you know what I mean.

Ill circle back to this one somewhere over the weekend!

No worries, just taking part of the algorithm XD