Unity Toward Freedom community, and today again I come to participate in one of his great challenges, (sorry to have lost others, but sometimes time gets elusive for me too). Today again I salute my friend @anttn's

This is my third time writing in this community, and I was drawn to this new activity called:

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and I invite my friends @edwing357 and @anggreklestari to participate in this challenge.

The sleep and I have never had a very cordial relationship, although I would love it to be different. For some strange reason in my biology, (reason unknown to me), it is very difficult for me to fall asleep easily, and most of the time when I do manage to sleep, the sleep is very light. And I deeply regret this, because sometimes, when I get deep enough in sleep, I have very powerful lucid dreams, full of sensations, colors, smells and sounds; dreams that sometimes bring important messages for my existence. The last lucid dream that I remember with great clarity was almost a year ago. I was in a beautiful area where there were many orchards, orange and tangerine trees, many flowers, everything very organized, with many vegetables of all kinds, baskets with fruits and vegetables. It was a very special and vivid dream that I still remember with absolute clarity, and which announced something very important in my life: The Plant Power (Vegan) community.

Since the pandemic, my relationship with a good sleep has cracked even more. I don't know if it was the concern or the change in routine, or perhaps both, that kept me awake and still keeps me awake. I barely manage to sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, although experts say that the ideal is 8 hours minimum. On the other hand, during the day I can't fall asleep, it's impossible, and the very few times that I have, I wake up with the sensation of being out of place in time and space, which in turn generates anguish and stress, it could be said that it is difficult for me to land...

Since I do not agree with the consumption of psychotropic or artificial sleep medications, I have opted at certain times for various natural alternatives that help me sleep, for example, in the cover photo you can see a cayenne flower (pink Hibiscus -sinensis), which on certain occasions. I prepare a tea with it and it helps me a little to sleep. Also at certain times I have drunk infusions of a plant that in my country is known as Melissa (Lippia alba), and which I grow in my backyard, and it has also been of some use to me; however, it is something brief, transitory. Below I share a photo of a Lippia alba plant from my house.

I recently read that magnesium consumption helps regulate some natural processes, such as sleep, and I decided to buy some capsules this week; I will tell you later if they were useful or not, although not only good sleep is what motivates me to buy them, there are also other important aspects, for example, it prevents cramps, it protects against circulatory system problems, which is always good, take care of that part of our body.

I also believe that one of the reasons why I do not stay in a state of deep sleep is because I perceive my surroundings with total clarity. The sounds, the vibrations, however small they may be, and even though I know that they are normal or natural to my environment, they keep me awake. There is nothing more unpleasant than hearing something dripping, for example the drain from the air conditioner, if the drip that ejects is very loud, it prevents me from sleeping, so I have to get up and fix that. Sometimes there are also cats and dogs that make noise and this wakes me up.

In summary, I doubt that I can ever solve my bad relationship with sleep, but in the meantime, I try to find an alternative that will help me enjoy something as valuable, healthy and beneficial as a good dream. Then I'll tell you what happened with the magnesium.

Well, and with this I conclude my reflection for today, getting ready to see how my sleep is going today, hoping that it won't be as elusive as usual... A hug to all!

These photos are my own, and were taken with a Xiomi REDMI 8 A phone
The dividers used are courtesy of @eve66 who shares beautiful designs that embellish the layout of our post.
In case it is required to use the content or images of this post and of my other publications, I would appreciate if you could refer to my authorship (Fabiola Martínez) and cite the corresponding link. Thanks.

Find our community here IICuration Trail

Thank you very much for the invitation 🤗
You're welcome my friend!
Hi, very nice post about your relationship with sleep. Impressive. thanks for sharing. a hug 💓😊
Hello @hindavi, thanks for stopping by to read and comment, I hope you will be encouraged to participate too.
I believe that each one of us has a very particular relationship with sleep, unfortunately mine with it is not very pleasant, I hope that one day it will harmonize.
A hug.
So maybe I have my neighbors to thank for playing loud music for several hours all week long... it's been like sleep training even if a hurricane is passing over my bed.
Thank you for sharing with us your reflections, I liked the publication.
Ohhhh, I couldn't sleep for a minute like this. I'm sorry you have such disrespectful neighbors, it's a pity. Thank you very much for your visit to my blog, a great greeting @gabrieladifazio
Thank you for sharing this.
curious to see if the magnesium proves helpful.
and this reminds me of Borax. I believe I mentioned it to you before..
apparently, it regulates many different things in the organism, one of which is the balance between Calcium and Magnesium. maybe this could be of interest to you.
wishing you a good, dreamful regenerating night sleep.
Hi @bigorna1, yes, I remember the borax thing, let's see if I can buy it. I will try magnesium first and share my experience, then I will try borax and share my experience as well. On many occasions the solutions to our health problems are simpler than we think.
Thanks for your kind words!
I was sure you were having lucid dreams! On the other hand, I am sorry that you have slept too lightly for your needs or at least not enough... I'm not making a sexist comment here 😇 ^^, but it seems that women's light sleep goes back to cave times and in case a predator broke into the shelter, it was better, in the idea of the survival of the species, that the husband was devoured and that the wife could get away with the children... It's like the blood circulation which is more centralized in women than in men (for the cold). Even if there is no real reason for it nowadays !
I hope you'll be able to sleep better, meditation has really helped me and I must say that the magnesium my girlfriend makes me take also helps ^^ ! It's also very common for sensitive people to have this kind of sleep and for me being sensitive is really a strength, much more than a weakness, even if it's sometimes more difficult to live with these abilities, stronger and more powerful connections to the elements and to everything around us !
I thank you from the heart for this third participation, take good care of you dear @sirenahippie 😘
Your comment is not sexist at all, it is really true, there are biological differences between men and women that are fundamentally the product of adaptation to the environment, and yes, I agree with you, women sleep more lightly than men, For example, my husband sleeps like a dormouse, hahahahaha.
On the other hand, the connection with the whole, with the elements, I also consider it a blessing, that's why I need to have nature nearby, because otherwise I wither, I dry up, that's why I love my backyard, it's a way to connect with Mother Earth, and with everything.
Thank you very much for your beautiful comment, a big hug!
I knew it wasn't but in the times we're living, better to take precautions ^^ !
I completely share that with you, I used to consider it as a weakness when I was younger, but I know now how powerful that sensible connection is ... even if I'm sleeping as a sloth on my side too ! Many thanks again; I hope you're doing good dear 💚