Perhaps you believe people don't care about what you're posting? Perhaps it was because you didn't believe in what you were posting? Beliefs, moods, and choices are everything.
You state that
Content is more important than strategies.
Each of us can evaluate for ourselves if a poem is badly written, if a story is badly written or if a photo is badly done.
But if you don't compel people to look at what you wrote with a captivating headline or thumbnail, then why should anyone click on the poem to even read it to find out if it's good or bad?
You get one second before the person is scrolling past your post and if your photo or headline doesn't captivate them then they will move onto the next one who will. It's not deception, it's just the way social media (Hive or centralized social media) works. Everyone here and on ALL socials is 'fighting' for attention for their content. If you don't make it appealing in that one second with the photo and title then people will just keep going by. It's just facts.
censorship or content length or quality content or good hooks might be helpful. He posts it all to help people get more attention on their content. He has YEARS of experience doing this and knows what he's talking about. He has successful clients with 3 million subscribers on YouTube (and huge numbers on other centralized platforms too). Listening to his advice might help. But you're free to choose to do whatever feels best to you.Maybe having a closer look at some of @ryzeonline's posts on
Either way...wishing you much joy and success.
I am not hating on anyone or taking away from anyone's professionalism.
I've worked for 15 years and still work in advertising and help advertisers make graphic choices, in their best interest.
Each of us presumably has experience in the work we've been doing for years, but that doesn't imply that I should blindly accept anyone's talk.
We talk and exchange opinions (that's what a "social" is for, not for genuflecting and counting "likes").
I create things in graphics, things that may or may not be liked, but I do them primarily for my own satisfaction, not to chase the status of numbers.
If someone likes the graphics in a post, they'll show interest, otherwise not.
Here on Hive there is a community related to a 3D program (Blender). It's not very popular here, and I regret it... maybe it's time to be more present because in other social networks Blender attracts more visitors and engagement.
The graphics and images speak for themselves, probably there is less interest in general inside Hive for this type of creativity.
Other graphics-related communities are also under-attended here, as I can see. I think that's a shame.
Also 3Speak is an underutilized service and for the Hive ecosystem it is definitely very useful.
There are areas of communication where everything doesn't necessarily have to be based on text "effectiveness".
Wishing you much joy and success. Ciao.