Things Ms. Dee Likes, Edition 85, August 9, 2024 [ENG/ESP, and a bit of German -- Ein Bisschen auf Deutsch]

in Loving HIVE ❤7 months ago

things ms dee likes thumbnail 1.jpg

Editor's Note: To see the Spanish-language content, choose "View As Post" when you open this collection in PeakD, and then the Spanish portion will be right below the English portion. Also, where authors who write in German are featured, readers of German will find a summary in German as well, in the English section. This is a respectful acknowledgement of the German community's increasing impact on Hive. This week, the German contribution is in the Art segment, and the news articles also will have a German summary because of the news about the changes to HBD interest.

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: Bei der Nennung deutschsprachiger Autoren finden deutschsprachige Leser im englischen Teil auch eine deutsche Zusammenfassung. Dies ist eine respektvolle Anerkennung des zunehmenden Einflusses der deutschen Gemeinschaft auf Hive. Diese Woche ist der deutsche Beitrag im Reisen-Segment, und die Nachrichtenartikel werden aufgrund der Neuigkeiten zu den Änderungen im HBD-Interesse auch eine deutsche Zusammenfassung haben.

ENGLISH/INGLÉS (with some German -- mit einigen auf Deutsch)

The Roundup

In this edition we have highlights of Hive's HBD interest rate being changed, and how to change your witness votes if you like or don't like the difference. This edition is a little shorter because your editor is recovering from Covid-19, but you will still see the usual blend of amazing art, photography, fiction, travel insights, and New Hivers to go meet as well!

Most posts in this edition are in the payout period still, so if you like what I like, show the content creators some love!

News and Views You Can Use (die Nachrichten)

Der HBD-Zinssatz für Hive wurde von 20 auf 15 Prozent geändert – besonderer Dank geht an @lbi-token für diesen Artikel, durch den wir alle es herausfinden können![//]: #1 HBD interest on Hive has been changed from 20 to 15 percent -- special thanks to @lbi-token for this article by which all of us can find out!

Zu seiner Ehre muss man sagen, dass @acidyo, der die sehr wichtige OCD-Zeugen- und Kurator-Community von Hive vertritt, einige der Gründe für die Änderung des HBD-Interesses aus seiner Sicht erläutert hat und aus technischer Sicht erklärt, warum die Änderung so plötzlich erfolgte und so weit verbreitet war vor Ankündigungen zu diesem Thema an die Community.[//]: #2 To his credit, @acidyo, representing Hive's very important OCD witness and curation community, has come forth and explained some of the rationale around the change in HBD interest from his perspective, and explains from the technical side why the change was so sudden and got ahead of announcements on the subject to the community.

Im Geschäft von Hive gibt es nichts Wichtigeres, als zu wissen, wer die Kette leitet, und für die Top 20 derjenigen zu stimmen, die die zukünftige Ausrichtung von Hive bestimmen werden – @sircork hat hier eine Liste toter Zeugen, die Sie suchen um Stimmen von denen zu ziehen und sie denen hinzuzufügen, die das repräsentieren, was Sie auf Hive sehen wollen! GOVERNANCE-ANGELEGENHEITEN. Die Top-20-Zeugen von Hive haben sich gerade über das Interesse an HBD entschieden ... ABER WIR WÄHLEN, WER IN DIESEN TOP-20 IST. Denken Sie daran![//]: #3 In the business of Hive, there is nothing more important than knowing who is running the chain and voting for the top 20 of those who will determine the future direction of Hive -- @sircork has a list here of dead witnesses that you'll want to pull votes from and add to the ones who are representing what you want to see done on Hive! GOVERNANCE MATTERS. Hive's top 20 witnesses just made up their minds on HBD interest ... BUT WE CHOOSE WHO IS IN THAT TOP 20. Keep that in mind!

New Hivers -- Welcome Aboard!

[//]: # In Case You Are TRULY New If this just happens to be the first post you see and you haven't done your introduction post, here is a good template to use, from the Hive Onboarding Committee -- the community account is @hive-193566, and thanks to @bitcoinman for the send!

[//]: #1 An English major with a passion for modeling and with a deep capacity for empathy comes to Hive -- everybody go show @presbliss some good Hive love!

[//]: #2 A businessman with a penchant for travel and an eye for photography arrives on Hive -- everybody go show @blade1k89 some good Hive love!


[//]: #1 Just so lovely from @justclickindiva ... a magnet for souls that need the relief of beauty in these troubled times!

[//]: #2 A magnificent multimedia art experience from @avdesing on peace and freedom ... both of which we MUST stand for in this world, or we will not have them!


[//]: #1 So utterly lovely ... a magnificent day around a mountain from @sharker!

[//]: #2 We have a claim here from @goga22 that this is the most beautiful sunset in the world ... and I'm willing to entertain the idea!


[//]: #1 Buckle up. This from @ttblogger is going to bend your brain and scare you a little ... you are not ready for what is in this package ...

[//]: #2 A story of immigration put in terms of our feathered friends, dealing with resource exhaustion and a changing climate from @estilodereba ... it will make you think!

Travel (Reisen)

[//]: #1 I personally found this from @friendlymoose quite enlightening ... the story of one of the most beautiful and meaningful religious sites in the world, plus some glorious photos!

Also las ich einfach weiter, mein Deutsch hatte sich so weit erholt, dass ich eine Zeit lang nicht bemerkte, dass darin kein bisschen Englisch enthalten war ... aber fahren Sie mit @stayoutoftherz zu diesem wunderschönen Seenplateau, egal welche Sprachen Sie lesen , denn die Schönheit dieses Ortes spricht die ganze Menschheit an (und PeakD übersetzt für Sie ins Englische oder Spanische – nutzen Sie die KI-Tools)![//]: #2 So I was just reading along, my German having recovered sufficiently so that I did not realize for some time that there is not a BIT of English in this ... but go with @stayoutoftherz to this beautiful lake plateau no matter what languages you read, because the beauty of this place speaks to all humanity (and, PeakD will translate into English or Spanish for you -- use the AI tools)!


El resumen

En esta edición, presentamos los aspectos más destacados del cambio de la tasa de interés HBD de Hive y cómo cambiar sus votos de testigo si le gusta o no la diferencia. Esta edición es un poco más corta porque su editor se está recuperando de Covid-19, pero aún así verá la combinación habitual de arte, fotografía, ficción, información sobre viajes y New Hivers increíbles para conocer también.

La mayoría de las publicaciones de esta edición aún se encuentran en el período de pago, así que si te gusta lo que a mí me gusta, ¡muéstrale un poco de amor a los creadores de contenido!

Noticias y vistas que puedes utilizar

[//]: #1 El interés de HBD en Hive se ha cambiado del 20 al 15 por ciento. ¡Un agradecimiento especial a @lbi-token por este artículo mediante el cual todos podemos descubrirlo!

[//]: #2 Hay que reconocer que @acidyo, que representa a la muy importante comunidad de curadores y testigos del TOC de Hive, se presentó y explicó algunas de las razones del cambio en el interés de HBD desde su perspectiva, y explica desde el punto de vista técnico por qué el cambio fue tan repentino y tuvo antes de realizar anuncios sobre el tema a la comunidad.

[//]: #3 En el negocio de Hive, no hay nada más importante que saber quién dirige la cadena y votar por los 20 primeros que determinarán la dirección futura de Hive. @sircork tiene aquí una lista de testigos muertos (probablemente estén vivos). en la Tierra, pero no en Hive) de los que querrás obtener votos y agregarlos a los que representan lo que quieres que se haga en Hive. CUESTIONES DE GOBERNANZA. Los 20 testigos principales de Hive acaban de tomar una decisión sobre el interés de HBD... PERO ELEGIMOS QUIÉN ESTÁ EN ESE TOP 20. ¡Ten esto en cuenta!

Nuevos Hivers: ¡Bienvenidos a bordo!

[//]: # En caso de que seas REALMENTE nuevo Si esta es la primera publicación que ves y no has hecho tu publicación de introducción, aquí tienes una buena plantilla para usar, del Comité de Incorporación de Hive: la cuenta de la comunidad es @hive-193566 y gracias a @bitcoinman. para el envío! [//]: #1 Una estudiante de inglés apasionada por el modelaje y con una profunda capacidad de empatía llega a Hive. ¡Todos vayan a mostrarle a @presbliss algo de amor por Hive!

[//]: #2 Un hombre de negocios con inclinación por los viajes y buen ojo para la fotografía llega a Hive. ¡Todos vayan a mostrarle a @blade1k89 algo de amor por Hive!


[//]: #1 Qué hermoso de @justclickindiva... ¡un imán para las almas que necesitan el alivio de la belleza en estos tiempos difíciles!

[//]: #2 Una magnífica experiencia de arte multimedia de @avdesing sobre la paz y la libertad... ¡ambas DEBEMOS defender en este mundo, o no las tendremos!


[//]: #1 Totalmente encantador... ¡un día magnífico alrededor de una montaña de la mano de @sharker!

[//]: #2 Tenemos un reclamo aquí de @goga22 de que esta es la puesta de sol más hermosa del mundo... ¡y estoy dispuesto a considerar la idea!


[//]: #1 Abróchate el cinturón. Esto de @ttblogger te va a torcer el cerebro y te asustará un poco... no estás listo para lo que hay en este paquete...

[//]: #2 Una historia de inmigración puesta en términos de nuestros amigos emplumados, lidiando con el agotamiento de los recursos y un clima cambiante de @estilodereba... ¡te hará pensar!


[//]: #1 Personalmente encontré esto de @friendlymoose bastante esclarecedor... ¡la historia de uno de los sitios religiosos más bellos y significativos del mundo, además de algunas fotos gloriosas!

[//]: #2 Así que estaba leyendo, mi alemán se había recuperado lo suficiente como para que no me diera cuenta por un tiempo de que no hay un POCO de inglés en esto... pero ve con @stayoutoftherz a esta hermosa meseta del lago sin importar los idiomas que leas. , porque la belleza de este lugar le habla a toda la humanidad (y PeakD traducirá al inglés o al español para usted; ¡use las herramientas de inteligencia artificial)!

 7 months ago (edited) 

@steevc, @collinz, @ifarmgirl, @papilloncharity, and @pboulet, respected colleagues who are making things happen with Hive and educating the world -- as of YESTERDAY, HBD interest has been dropped to 15 percent. The news on the what and some of the whys and what Hivers can do if they are or are not pleased is in the "News and Views You Can Use." My newsletter covers English, Spanish, and German, but I also recognize that British and Commonwealth English, French, Tagalog, and the language groups of West Africa are important to the conversation.

Some witnesses have decided this, so people need to support those who they think do the best for Hive.

Exactly ... but first, we need to actually KNOW about it. There was no announcement. @lbi-token found out quite randomly, and I just as randomly saw that post. I am a professional journalist by profession, so I am breaking the news.

I saw some others mention it. I'm more into HP, but I know a lot of people like this income. I guess nobody is obligated to notify the community, but communication is soldering that may affect witness choice.

The issue is just plain respect. I am a crypto investor who is a best-selling author on this subject. If my bank, or any interest-bearing platform, had done this BUT HIVE, I would be GONE today ... but it is Hive, and I like to think we can grow as a community past this type of thing. We must. If we ever want people to stay long-term and lock in their HP as well, these kinds of changes, and the reasoning, need to be communicated. Trust is important. If there are 20 people making these decisions, and they are just changing things without notice, that trust will never be earned or given. That is what is at stake for Hive, itself, long-term.

I don't know if people colluded on this. As a decentralised platform people can do what they want and the community can judge them. Freedom matters.

Collusion I say nothing about -- the lack of communication is the issue. I tend to believe Acidyo that this was not coordinated to look like what it looks like, and posted Acidyo's explanation in fairness on the issue -- and he said he found out in a chat. He, representing OCD, was not directly told. Fair enough. But still, the lack of communication will defeat the idea of trust.

Yeah, I noticed it yesterday and couldn't help sharing on threads.

Good to know ... let's keep getting the word out!

Thank you for the inclusion here! I certainly hope folks will make better use of their electoral power for the blockchain's best governance than just leaving old votes on discontinued dead witnesses!

Choose wisely! Every voice counts!



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We appreciate your support! Vote @PolleNation as your witness.


My pleasure, @sircork -- your article could not have come at a better time.

Thank yu very much @deeanndmathews 💗

You're welcome!

Thank you very much for accepting my idea dear @deenndmathews but you should and must see and hear this beauty live ❤️

If I ever travel in that region of the world, that is DEFINITELY on my list!

I am looking forward to this comment dear @deeanndmathews ... My Croatia is a beautiful country, you will enjoy it if you come and see it and its beauties. Starting tomorrow, I will start posting about her beauty ❤️

Thanks for mentioning my post!

You're welcome ... your explanation about Lourdes is the best I've read and helped me get an understanding!

Thanks for the mention 😊
I really appreciate ♥️

You're welcome!

Thank you! Glad you liked the photos :)

I did ... and you're welcome!

Thanks so much for including my mixed media art project in your curation effort. I appreciate it. Take care.