Five Friends Just Joined HIVE, Yay!

in Loving HIVE ❀ β€’ 3 years ago

Loving Hive Introducing Hive to Friends.jpg

Hola, hivers! πŸ‘‹

I have been quite busy these past few days as I transition into a new workplace and new kind of job opportunity as well, so a lot has been going on. I'm guilty of not as active as I once was and not as engaging. I apologize.

So what's your life update, I hear you ask. (My sense of hearing is pretty strong even when you're miles away from me lol) Last week I scheduled a meeting with some friends in order to discuss Hive. These are friends and siblings of my good friend/ex-co-teacher @charisse.craves, as they haven't stopped being curious about Hive since I briefly shared it when I attended Cha's bridal shower and wedding.

This meeting has been rescheduled a couple of times since I was pretty preoccupied with a lot of things that needed to be done for my new job. It was a great thing that last Friday, I finished with my orientation early so I was able to free up my schedule that afternoon.

What happened during the meeting, I know you're meaning to ask this. I basically walked them through the basics of Hive, like the concept of the following: Hive power, voting mana, resource credits, Hive Backed Dollars, etcetera. I discussed how to post a blog and upvote posts in the blockchain. I emphasized the importance of engagement and helping other authors succeed as much as they want to have their own successes. Hive is all about community and making meaningful and impacting relationships among its people, so it is vital to be genuine and honest since your blog is a direct representation of yourself. I stressed the importance of creating original content in blogging and being very critical and looking out for red flags of plagiarism, as this is a crucial clear way of adding value to Hive, a goal that all members of the blockchain share.

I concluded the short meeting with a testimony of how my life was impacted since I joined Hive. One of the best things that happened to me in the year 2021 was meeting authentic, thoughtful, kind, caring and loving people who are part of the ever-growing Hive Cebu Bloggers Community @hivecebubloggers 😊 I GAINED MORE FRIENDS! And these are not just friends, they are now a family. I love that we would arrange random eat-out sessions or coffee catch-ups and not just talk about Hive but talk about anything under the sun! How rare it is to find people who truly care via online, right? So I can say with utmost certainty that these people are blessings and angels-in-disguise, and have been answered prayers all along. Since the pandemic hit in 2020, one of my prayers was "a change in my routine and be able to meet and build friendships" and then came Hive with all these beautiful souls I was able to meet.

And no. I am not just saying or typing these words because it would "sound good" to you dear reader, but I am expressing myself through these words because they feel right and I am at a place wherein I am assured with my relationships with all of these people. I am bursting with gratitude because my life before Hive was different than now--and it is way, way better.

My experience in Hive, though it has some downs because it is not "up" all the time, has been nothing short of amazingly-awesome-wonderful and yeah I just made this word up as the dictionary is horribly limited. I always make sure to share this whenever I tell people about Hive because I firmly believe that more than the rewards you get, it is the happiness and support from people and the meaningful relationships that makes a person stay-- whether in the crypto blogging world, in business, and even in relationships. Money should be secondary and relationships, primary. What would your money do if you are the most miserable, empty and relationship-less person in the world, right? Yes, money might entertain and make you happy for a while but it will never suffice if you're looking at it for the long term. At the end of the day, you won't be defined by how much money you have in the bank or how much you can make, but you'd be defined by the relationships you keep as these show where your values are and what you hold important to you. Also, at the end of our life, we won't be taking our money, but we will be taking memories of how we shared our time and talent and money with the people we are surrounded with. I'm sorry I'm blabbing so I'm going to stop there.

Mandatory group selfie after the discussion πŸ˜…


These friends have successfully been onboarded by me this week, yay!! πŸ₯³ Please follow them, dearest Hivers πŸ€—


Two of them have successfully introduced themselves just recently, you can find the Intros here:

πŸ‘‰Welcome to generosesity blogs! by @generosesity

πŸ‘‰INTRO: GET TO KNOW ME; SIMPLY.KIMMY by @simply.kimmy

It would mean a lot if we welcome them and show our support to these vibrant, young and talented peopleπŸ€—

I appreciate that they were so attentive during my discussion. They even took down notes and asked some questions/ clarifications. I love the energy! They were so excited about onboarding and I am happy that finally, they have successfully joined Hive. Yay!! 😚

Whenever I talk about Hive, I usually get "intense" so yeah my face in this photo kind of captured that. πŸ˜…




This is just the beginning.
I have more friends who want to join the platform, and I hope to have more people on board next year.
Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely weekend, dear one on the other side of this screen. 😘

PS, Tomorrow December 11th is the Hive Cebu Bloggers Community Christmas Party!!!!! Will I see you there? πŸ’–A nd I am so excited so I needed to use all exclamation marks I could type haha

PSS, It's almost Christmas OMG I hope you're done wrapping your gifts, as I'm still far from finishing my presents-wrapping lol

β€˜Til the next post, hivers! Remember that you are loved beyond borders and beyond time & space. Okay? Okay. πŸ’›β€οΈ

Ciao for now! πŸ€—πŸ₯°

This original article is written by Jong, the blogger behind All photos are hers, too.

Jong CL

Hive-llo, everyone! Welcome to Jong's little buzz-y corner in Hive. Jong believes that every person she meets can teach her a thing or two (or three, or more) about life. She shares her love for life here-- the captivating beauty of life! To be more specific, but not necessarily in this order, she's interested in: wisdom, love, poetry, single life, books, travel, health&fitness, fashion, gratitude, unspoken hurts, heartbreaks and healing. Lastly, she loves Jesus.

Do you like her content? Make sure to upvote, then! Drop some love by leaving a comment-- she really appreciates listening to your thoughts! πŸ’› Feel free to reblog if her post resonated with you. Kindly follow her to not miss a post! Happy hiving, loves! πŸ’›

write to wander by jong cl.gif

Sort: Β 

Awwww <3 thank you so much miss @jongcl! We'll see you soon <3 xoxo

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Yeah see you soooon generose! πŸ₯³πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’‹

So happy for a your ganap iyaan and see you sa party! 😍

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

yiee thankyouuuu iyaan kitakits ugma! na excite kos imong ootd story ahahaha😘

Good luck to your new chosen path!
Nice post! :)

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Yay, thank youuuu DaleπŸ™ŒπŸ§‘

You are a real Hive ambassador! :D

This is so amazing and I hope you'll get more people to join as you're so good at it!

Welcome to all the new members of Hive!

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

I hope to invite more in the coming yearπŸ€—πŸ₯°

Thank you for the warm welcome! πŸ™Œ

Wow! So happy that our community is growing! Welcome to Hive to these newbies, Ms. @jongcl! 😍

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

We're getting bigger and stronger na jud Ms πŸ™ŒπŸ₯³πŸ’œπŸ§‘

Maka-happy jud, miss! 🐝😍

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

We're getting bigger and stronger na jud Ms πŸ™ŒπŸ₯³πŸ’œπŸ§‘

Welcome sa hive guys

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Thanks for the welcome! πŸ₯³

Congratulations @jongcl you have been so passionate about sharing #hive with your friends. I am inspired. I will challenge myself to invite more.
Keep it up!

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Yay! Thank youuuu. Let's hive on!! πŸ™Œ

I miss you already 😍 See you tomorrow sis! ❀️

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

My sis, IMISSYOU! Kitakits laterrrrr😘

Welcome on board

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Thank you! πŸ™Œ

You are welcome

Yay! πŸ€—
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yay! pasko! :) hey intense girl, i like ur pink laptop! that's so cool.. u sharing hive like dat. it's ok if u babble.. i will promise to try and read all the words and NOT just look at the pretty pics.. :P

The growth of the Hive Cebu Bloggers Community is truly amazing! Such an excellent influencer Ms.@jongcl! To the newbies, Welcome to Hive!