Our woefully outdated copyright laws are getting overwhelmed in this digital era we live in, it wouldn't surprise if definitions and lines change more and more.
creatives existed long before copyright laws
you cannot copyright a recipe - and yet innovation exists in the culinary arts
you cannot copyright a shirt or a dress pattern - and yet innovation exists in the fashion industry
you cannot copyright a joke - and yet innovation exists in comedy
you cannot copyright a dictionary - and yet innovation exists in lexicography
not to mention
all patents expire after 20 years
all copyright should expire after 20 years
how many versions of the three pigs and cinderella and pinocchio exist
copyright was only created to protect CREATORS from CORPORATIONS
now copyright is used as a weapon of CORPORATIONS against CREATORS (remix-mashup-reimagine)
All excellent points to contribute to the discussion, and an easy-to-understand explanation in the linked video. Thank you again. 🙏