in Loving HIVE ❀ β€’ last year


Season's Greetings πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„


πŸ’Effective communication is one of the requirements for building a successful marriage and family. The need to constantly improve your communication skills and strategy cannot be over-emphasized. No matter how effectively you communicate with your spouse and family members right now, you can improve on it. There is always a better way of doing whatever you are doing. Someone has said that the largest room in the world is the room for improvement. Don't ever think that you are communicating the best way possible. You can communicate better than you are right now, if you care to constantly improve the strategies you engage. In this segment, we shall be considering how.

Why Must We Communicate?

😍The basis for a fruitful and lasting relationship in any family is effective communication. Lack of this is the reason for so much tension in many homes. It can be said to be the "mortar" that cements the marital relationship. Communication is the key to success in marriage. A wise man said, "If you talk together, you stay together", and I believe it is very true. And you know, marriage is about living together!

β™₯️Let's take a look at the first family, Adam's family; it will help you to appreciate the importance of effective communication. God commanded Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam, I suppose, believed, but failed to effectively communicate the seriousness of this command to Eve. She took it lightly, I suppose. If you read the account carefully, you will find that in Eve's dialogue with the serpent, she mentioned that God "said", not "commanded" (Gen. 3:3). But God did not just say it, He commanded it!

πŸŽ‰The issue is that Adam should have taken the lead in this matter as well. Many families are hitting the rocks today because the men (husbands) who ought to be taking the lead in matters affecting their families are not! I believe this is one of the strong points in my own family. For example, my husband helped me understand the vision God entrusted into his hands, as well as each new phase it enters into. In turn, I pass down those instructions to our children, so that there's no breakdown in communication at any level.

πŸ’―You must be persuaded of this one thing: marriage is about living lives together; it is a relationship between a man and a woman, who have committed their lives first to God, and then to each other. So, communication must first be one-on-one, between the man and his wife, and then other members of the family. That responsibility cannot be shifted to God. He will not leave heaven to come to your home and speak to your wife or your children on your behalf. It is a non-transferable responsibility!

πŸ”₯ SCRIPTURAL PILL πŸ’Š "For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4 KJV)

πŸ†Culled from CHAPTER 5 of one of the Books πŸ“š of the Commission- titled BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE

Thanks for reading, I'm Olamiposi πŸ₯°πŸ₯°