What do you wish for so I'll snap it into existence. Hahahahhaa.
I was just trying to take a page out of your book. You know you are the king of writing fiction about alien life and planetary conquest. I love it.
What do you wish for so I'll snap it into existence. Hahahahhaa.
I was just trying to take a page out of your book. You know you are the king of writing fiction about alien life and planetary conquest. I love it.
Coming from THE Pirate Thanos that is one hell of a compliement! Seriously though thank you, I really appreciate that. I'm still on the road to learning how to do it well, but I'm so happy to have Hive here. I hadn't really written any kind of fiction in months until I started doing it here and I'm really happy to be able to share it publicly too. Something that I've never done. Usually, in the past, I had to beg some close friends to read my stuff and give me feedback haha
Well, you have us. And I'd love to read an entire work that wrote.