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RE: Hive Merchandising Making Every Resource Counts

The calendar would be very useful for me because my mom doesn't have a very good memory because she is very old haha and every day she asks me what day is today haha and even if I tell her, she asks me again after a few hours and I'm like it's torture to ask me that same question hahaha 😅, the calendar would help me, it would be very useful for my mom 😃

Yes, the most valuable element that the platform has is that pool of talented people with genuine desire to build, that moves mountains and inspires others to move the wheel of success forward, this kind of things are inspiring, I enjoyed reading because I just needed that boost today to do the things I have to do but with courage and enthusiasm 🤗

It is contagious your joy in transmitting your transparency, I think that is much needed because the resources can often be left in the air or is not evident the purpose along with the effort instead this conveys confidence and integrity, professionalism above all, I should take a little of these positive characteristics and add them in me but it is my nature to be a mess Muajajajaj... the good thing I am a lovely mess and I leave many more MuajajajajJA 😅


According to my mom, the calendar is pretty small and I need to make it older people friendly 🤣 one thing I also forgot to add is the holiday but we made the joke that blockchain never rests, there's no need for holiday 🤣

hahaha yes she is right because my mom besides having a bad memory, she doesn't have good eyesight, in fact when we walk in front of our house at night and we see the moon, my mom tells me she sees 5 moons close together hahaha 😅