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RE: Hive's Most Effective (But CONTROVERSIAL) Marketing Video (So Far)

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago

Ayyy, glad you're feeling it. Yes, drama, hooks, etc. these are the foundations of effective marketing and allure. They're why people --practically everyone-- buy the books, shows, and music that they do.

I'd say my video has gotten more views, clicks, shares, and resulted in more increased traffic than any of the other two videos I linked above... in less time, but I could be wrong. Either way, glad you believe it deserves to be added into the mix.

I considered linking to my own guide but this video was mainly made to:

demonstrate an elevated level of Hive marketing materials that can get people to click/take action. The rest is up to other coders, devs, and the hive community at large.

Basically, if Hive wants outsiders to have an easy time signing up, I already made the mega-guide for them, and I made 4 separate landing pages for Hive.Blog months ago. Now it's up to them to implement them or add similar items to their own official landing pages. To nudge them in this direction, I direct people to hive's official pages, hopefully it wakes them up to make them more user friendly. If not, they deserve to lose anyone who arrives, whether due to key loss or otherwise, imho. :)

Maybe Hive's official pages should all be linking to my guide instead (grin)

Anyway, thanks so much for the kind words and insights, wishing you a great day!


yeah i get that! :)

you just want to get them there! hehehehe I just hope that they know where to go when they get here


cuz I opened up a new account the other day - and thought - if i was doing this on my own???? i wouldn't even bother LOL

the only way that I figured it out is because someone BROUGHT me and held my hand the whole time hahahahahaha but - I agree with you.

that's not your responsibility!

and thankfully there are people who do find them once they make their way here! hahahaha

you're welcome! and wishing you a wonderful day and weekend! hehehe

Exactly, no video can 'do it all', this one serves one purpose, to get people onto hive's 'official' sign-up page. If they don't know what to do when they get there, I've already made suggestions to improve that, but since I don't control that page, it's up to other people, coders, etc. to implement them.

Yep, I agree, I wouldn't bother either, lol. And thankfully there are people who do, agreed! Rock on, superstar! 🙏