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RE: 5 Often Overlooked Details To Get Votes & Follows (EN/ESP)

in Loving HIVE ❤4 years ago

Thanks for this, @minismallholding ! You raise an excellent point about post-timings. That can definitely play a role. Hopefully if a person makes enough posts, eventually they catch the right timing, lol.

And you raise another great point about people actually 'reading' our posts, rather than auto-voting. I do my best to write clearly and well, so readers have an easy time understanding my intentions, but I've definitely noticed many people voting/commenting on my posts while only skimming them, or even not reading them at all. :) It's good to be aware of this, and I believe it makes my tips even more important. If people are only reading the title/thumbnail and not reading the article, then these two elements become 'extra important' in that case, right?

I also love your conclusion here... "just don't give up." That's pretty solid advice in any endeavor we pursue, I'd say. Thanks for this excellent comment, wishing you a great day! 🙏


If people are only reading the title/thumbnail and not reading the article, then these two elements become 'extra important' in that case, right?

Absolutely. This way you are more likely to actually attract people in to read who do see it.

I was also going to add, but was being rushed, that for the early days on Hive when you're trying to get seen, if you're posting regularly (once a day for example) you aren't going to get big votes from the curation projects on every single post, because they are trying to spread votes across lots of different accounts. So, with ocd for example, if you've already had three votes that week you won't get any more. These projects don't want to be seen showing favouritism, after all. 😉

Totally agreed.

And very interesting point regarding curation projects, and I understand. That said, I care little for 'appearances' and would prefer people curate on 'merit' or 'value' alone, but I get that many people would rather not be seen showing favoritism.

Great addition to the discussion, definitely something to be aware of, especially for early-days, thanks again! 🙏