Para mí, es lo máximo por muchas razones, pero me limitaré a expresar tres de ellas:
Es maravilloso el poder formar parte de un ecosistema formado por creadores de contenido de calidad, por personas creativas en un sin fin de especialidades y quienes se esfuerzan cada día por mejorar. Personas entre las que hay un ambiente de compañerismo que se siente apenas uno comienza a participar, ya que cualquier detalle que no sea adecuado recibe de inmediato apoyo a nivel de sugerencias, consejos. Los que tienen más tiempo son pacientes y comprensivos con los nuevos, porque no olvidan sus propios primeros pasos.
La segunda razón que me hace amar a es el hecho de ver cómo nuestro esfuerzo, nuestro trabajo es valorado y recompensado, lo cual nos estimula. Los hivers que vivimos en países tocados fuertemente por crisis económicas - y de otras índoles, como es el caso de Venezuela - tenemos esta gran fortuna de poder generar ingresos poniendo en práctica el talento que Dios nos haya dado.
El poder participar en comunidades donde interactuamos con personas de todo el mundo a las que les gusta nuestra misma afición es algo demasiado bueno. Y esto me lleva también - en el mismo punto - a experimentar el hecho de que hay talentos naturales que de pronto no son valorados en el medio en que nos desenvolvemos y en podemos encontrar a otras personas que aman lo mismo y en este compartir vamos aprendiendo también unos de otros. Y causa gran satisfacción poder compartir con otras personas con la misma afición, aprender unos de otros y trabajar en lo que más nos gusta y que además podamos generar nuestros ingresos haciendo eso que amamos sin que alguien nos venga a decir: "Lo siento... no tenemos empleo para alguien de su edad" ¡Y nadie nos lo dice porque cada hiver es su propio jefe!
Imagen sin derecho de autor, compartida por Steven Weirather (zapCulture) en Agradecida de poder utilizarla en este post.
Es el entusiasmo lo que llena nuestra vida de alegría y nos hace seguir hacia adelante. Una de las cosas que me atrae mucho de es el que nos mantiene - de una u otra forma - activos en el aprendizaje, algo que es super beneficioso para nuestras neuronas.
Por supuesto que cada persona tiene un ritmo de aprendizaje diferente... unos pueden alcanzar algo con más rapidez que otras...así que acá todos avanzamos a nuestro propio ritmo y velocidad pero no nos detenemos porque... ¡No hay forma de hacerlo! Recuerdo que una vez le comentaba a un amigo que era como un "universo paralelo" - por utilizar esa frase de películas actuales - donde nunca lo sabemos todo ya que cada día hay cosas nuevas por aprender.
El investigar en un área específica antes de publicar, nos lleva a descubrir cosas... por ejemplo... quienes trabajamos con la parte musical, al ir a grabar un video y comenzar a investigar acerca de quien creó la letra de la canción, quién compuso la música, quienes la han interpretado... nos topamos con historias muchas veces no conocidas de antemano y esto hace que a partir de ese momento esa canción tenga mayor significado para nosotros y la disfrutemos más. Y eso es así en todas las áreas y todas las comunidades.
¿Qué más les puedo decir? Si necesitara expresar en una frase lo que es para mí creo que la frase adecuada sería:"¡Con disfruto más la vida!"
English version
For me, is the best for many reasons, but I will limit myself to expressing three of them:
It is wonderful to be part of an ecosystem made up of quality content creators, creative people in endless specialties and those who strive every day to improve. People among whom there is an atmosphere of camaraderie that is felt as soon as one begins to participate, since any detail that is not appropriate immediately receives support at the level of suggestions and advice. Those who have more time are patient and understanding with newcomers, because they do not forget their own first steps.
This atmosphere of harmony is something that I really like about our network. The richness that represents being able to be in contact with people of all cultures, all languages, is something truly wonderful. Make friends all over the world.
I can mention as an anecdotal note, for example, a very esteemed hiver: @jesus-son, Nigerian, who interacts in English and used Google Translate - as many of us do - to make the bilingual version of his publications. Well. One day he started studying Spanish so he could have a more fluid conversation with the Hispanic friends he has gotten to know thanks to At this moment he is in Italy, studying, now in addition to Spanish the Italian language, logically. Surely what he learned in Spanish helped him in his learning of Italian since they are similar languages.
Also @anna-newkey, originally from Hamburg, Germany, began studying Spanish motivated by and many of us have been polishing our English or our Spanish due to this wonderful interaction that occurs on our network.
The second reason that makes me love is the fact of seeing how our effort, our work is valued and rewarded, which stimulates us. We hivers who live in countries strongly affected by economic crises - and other crises, as is the case of Venezuela - have the great fortune of being able to generate income by putting into practice the talent that God has given us.
Being able to participate in communities where we interact with people from all over the world who like our same hobby is something too good. And this also leads me - at the same point - to experience the fact that there are natural talents that are suddenly not valued in the environment in which we operate and in we can find other people who love the same thing and in this sharing we are also learning from each other. And it gives great satisfaction to be able to share with other people with the same hobby, learn from each other and work on what we like most and that we can also generate our income doing what we love without someone coming to us and saying: "I'm sorry... "We don't have a job for someone his age." And no one tells us because each hiver is his own boss!- KEEPING US ACTIVE AND ENTHUSIASTIC IN LEARNING
It Copyright-free image, shared by Steven Weirather (zapCulture) on Grateful to be able to use it in this post.
It is enthusiasm that fills our lives with joy and keeps us moving forward. One of the things that attracts me a lot about is that it keeps us - in one way or another - active in learning, something that is super beneficial for our neurons.
Of course, each person has a different learning pace... some can achieve something faster than others... so here we all advance at our own pace and speed but we don't stop because... There is no way to learn! do it! I remember once telling a friend that was like a "parallel universe" - to use that phrase from current movies - where we never know everything since every day there are new things to learn.
Researching a specific area before publishing leads us to discover things... for example... those of us who work with the musical part, when we go to record a video and start researching about who created the lyrics of the song, who composed the music, who has performed it... we come across stories that are often not known beforehand and this means that from that moment on that song has greater meaning for us and we enjoy it more. And that is true in all areas and all communities.
What more can I tell you? If I needed to express in one sentence what is for me, I think the appropriate phrase would be:"With I enjoy life more!"
El texto fue creado sin utilizar IA
Foto propia tomada con celular Samsung J2 Prime
If you want you may follow me on the networks >Si lo deseas puedes seguirme en las redes ▶️ 3Speak
Hello, community, it is with great pleasure that I participate in this initiative from the hiver @theycallmedan, in which it invites us to express the three main reasons that make us prefer in a sea... rather an ocean that is the web.

That's awesome you're taking part in this..
I too enjoy all these connections I've made around the globe with you and many other people, and all of that ad-free!
Thank you, my friend, for including me in your essay, it's been a great honour 😊 @jesus-son is in Italy? Wow, good for him!
Currently doing a course in thw university here.
I hope you have been well, it's been a while I saw you around.Yea I am in Italy @anna-newkey
That's wonderful! What an experience. I LOVE Italy!
Where abouts are you?
Yes, I'm very well, just a little busy offline. 😃
I am in Rome, very close to the Vatican City
Have a great day dear.
Perhaps you could come to Italy some day, 🤪
Wow, that's cool. I've been to Rome and Vatican City..
Beautiful place.
How long are you going to be in the country for?
You might see me there one day.. 😉
Hehe, I hope so
I will finish my studies next year June and then decide what next: either to return to Nigeria permanently or navigate my way or remain here. Depends, but for now I am still here till next year.
Rime is beautiful but not so much as cities like Florence and even Venice. However, I love my being here.
Hooe to see you some day dear, hehe
Exciting! Enjoy! 🥰
I'm glad I included you two in my essay. Blessings.That's right, dear friend, wonderful connections with valuable people. Geographic distances, "invented" borders, and linguistic differences are no longer a reason to be at a distance. @anna-newkey, @jesus-son, @sayury, German, English, Spanish, Germany, Nigeria, Venezuela And now also Italy!
Hola profe, sin duda que de las tres razones que expone el de mantenernos activos y en constante aprendizaje es uno de los más importantes que debemos tomar en cuenta, ya que ausentarse por mucho tiempo se pierde el norte debido a el constante crecimiento y evolución en que se encuentra la plataforma Hive.
Saludos, profe, así es. Y lo de "mucho tiempo" es relativo... con lo rápido que van cambiando las cosas en nuestra blockchain - cambiando siempre para mejorar - estar una semana fuera de conexión puede llegar a ser "mucho tiempo".
I am very hard to receive such a remark from you my dear friend. Indeed, the hive eco system offers us a lot of opportunities and most particularly, the opportunity to meet new friends from several parts of the world.
You have been an inspiration in this chain and I do not take for granted, the friendship we have established over the years.
Tu sei Veramente una anica Vera. Buona anno nuovo @sayury e spero vhe l'anno vada bene per te e la tua famiglia. Ciao!!
I am very happy to have left a positive mark in some way my very dear friend. Grazie di cuore per gli auguri, continuate a progredire negli studi e nella vita spirituale e quest'anno sarà caratterizzato dai traguardi raggiunti.
Hai avuto per caso contatti con le sorelle Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro lì a Roma?
Non le ho incontrate. Però sono sicuro che ci sono. Forse le incontrerò un giorno.
Gazie anche a te. Buon proseguimento
El aprendizaje constante y la necesidad de aprender son un punto valioso de la blockchain, gracias por participar.
Lovinghive ❤️
Es cierto @soychalbed, puntos super valiosos en nuestra blockchain. Ha sido un placer participar en esta bella iniciativa de @theycallmedan
Great content! Thanks for sharing it on Hive.
We’d love to see you join Block Horse Racing and start winning!
There’s a reward waiting in your wallet to kick off your journey in the BHR-Game multiverse !BHRT .
Let’s enjoy building a healthy movement together on the Hive Blockchain!
Thanks a lot for your gift. Blessings.
Thanks for the support and the invitation. I will see if it is possible for me to participate, since my equipment is basic and the internet is very slow... I will try to see if it is possible.