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RE: When did My Love for Hive begin?

in Loving HIVE ❤7 months ago

I know you are quite smart bob. I really hope you won't become like them, many became homeless years after.

This post is quite very sad, there are more posts as horrible as this I want to share but I can't find it anymore. This one is recently;


Thanks for the compliment 😊

Well my uncle paid off all her debt and bought a place for her mother. She was all for coming back to the States to live with him. He came back and she was suppose to follow a month or so later. He sent money to her to purchase airline tickets and never heard from her again. If that wasn't enough he flew back there to confront her but was met by her 23 year old son who threatened his life to stay away. He was a man with a broken heart and wallet. It took a good 5 years for him to get a footings back. He even had to live with one of his kids temporarily.

That shit rhymes 💔
"He was a man with a broken heart and wallet"

I think that's the saddest human experience..we can't trust anyone in this world. We are living a selfish planet after all and everybody is only after their own survival. That must be a well-learned lesson for you.

Yes, it's a sad reality but I know there are still some good people out there. Yes, a lesson, definitely an eye opener.