Hello Hello Hivians
Last Tuesday on the evening of the 2nd of May I had the pleasure to host #HIVECHAT on Twitter.
I would love the chance to host it again at some point in the future.
This post then details the events leading up to the #hivechat and indeed during and afterwards. The post I hope will serve as a good guide for myself or anyone who is to host #hivechat in the future!
During a Talk Time with Tengo recap post I had asked @traciyork and @epodcaster whether they would like to appear on my show!
This was not the answer from @traciyork that I had bargained for!
But hey... that gives me an idea... maybe we could have a sort of Matilda Day some Tuesday? You could help her come up with five Hive Chat questions that you could tweet out on her behalf from your Twitter account, starting at 6pm UTC (2pm ET), then let Hive Twitter know that Jennifer & I will then be on your Ecency Discord show afterwards at 7pm UTC (3pm ET).
I had been asked by @traciyork to host #hivechat
I am one who generally does not say No to someone or something, I might not do something twice, but I will generally do it at least once.
Of course I said yes now then ...
HELP - What the fluff was #hivechat?
I had vague recollections of seeing the odd #hivechat tweet from @traciyork in the past on tweeter but in reality I had no clue what it was all about!
Traci being Mrs Efficient had set up a Discord chat for @epodcaster herself and myself the week before the #hivechat was due to take place.
It soon became apparent I had no fluffing clue what #hivechat really was!
#HiveChat #3 - My Recap of the August 4th #Hive Chat on Twitter, hosted by me (@TraciYorkWriter)Cue the go and check out this post that @traciyork wrote
Between that post and checking the profiles on twitter of Traci and @shadowspub who hosted #hivechat on April 4th (and later she would tell me that was her first #hivechat as host) and what was said in our wee chat the day before the #hivechat I finally knew what to do!
I had my questions sorted and @traciyork made this quite wicked banners! That was my announcement gif for Twitter!
Que fancy!
#HiveChat is a weekly #Tweetchat about all things #Hive held on Twitter!
There is a different host every week, which means that there is a different time for the #HiveChat every week.
- The chat lasts an hour.
- There is a new tweet every ten minutes.
- There is an IceBreaker question followed by 5 questions
- Your respond with #HiveChat in all your tweets
- Start your tweet with the appropriate A1, A2 etc so people know what you are answering!
My Questions
With the aid of @traciyork I perfected my IceBreaker and five Questions and traci made some fancy visuals to add to the tweets!
Introduce yourselves to Matilda & make her feel at home. #HiveChat
Question 1
Q1: What are some of your favourite Discord live chats related to Hive? #HiveChat
Question 2
Q2: How would you explain Hive to someone who is from an older generation or tech challenged? #HiveChat
Question 3
Q3: Would being a card/character in a Hive game make you more willing to play and/or spend Hive/HBD to play a Hive game? #HiveChat
Question 4
Q4: What regional (related to where you live/language you speak) communities do you participate in on Hive? #HiveChat
Question 5
Q5: What type of posts do you interact with that contain giveaways, or are there any that you will refuse to interact with? #HiveChat
My Tweets
The best advice you will get is to SCHEDULE YOUR TWEETS beforehand!
It is nigh on impossible to keep up answering thereplies let alone try to askanewquestion, so before #hivechat starts, get your tweets written, attach the images and schedule them.
Thank you @epodcaster for your perfect simple and consise instructions on how to schedule your tweets. They worked a treat!
Icebreaker - My favourite answer
I felt quite chuffed when @jeanlucsr joined in the #hivechat as he hosted the first on July 21st 2020 and first coined the hashtag #hivechat, and had been absent for a while!
Thank you for joining in @jeanlucsr
Question 1
Question 1 - My favourite answer
Pimp Your Post Thursday PYPT hosted by @shadowspub as pointed out by @epodcaster hands down was the most popular answer. I was pleasantly surprised to see a fair few tweets mentioning my or is it Matilda's show Talk Time with Tengo😃
Question 2
Question 2 - My favourite answer
I loved this answer from @treefrognada as because Matilda picked her ears at the mention of shops and was wondering when the Gin would be available for her and @ravenmus1c in the @hive-shop 🤔
Question 3
Question 3 - My favourite answer
Matilda was chuffed when she saw the answer from @traciyork after all what lady does not like being congratulated or complimented! Of course, she did celebrate by pinching another tonic from me so that she could have another gin!
Question 4
Question 4 - My favourite answer
I loved this answer from @edwing357 because he really is everywhere and I sometimes see him in my show Talk Time with Tengo, but even though Spanish is his native language he still makes the effort to join in.
Gracias @edwing357
Question 5
Question 5 - My favourite answer
The Weekly Hive Charity Giveaway!
@combination is a fantastic project that runs 50% of proceeds got to @papilloncharity
Thank you @drakernoise for what you do coordinating this!
I had tried to ask questions around topics/projects that I had either experience of or an interest in or both!
Both Traci and Jennifer were absolutely fantastic before and during #HiveChat, they answered all my questions and even preempted them at times. Plus I learnt how to schedule a tweet!
If you ever get offered the chance to host a #HiveChat, don't hesitate just ask When!
Thank you Traci and Jennifer for being awesome and for being great sports on Talk Time with Tengo that followed straight after #HiveChat!
Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!
PS I have seen that today's #HiveChat is being hosted by another Ed @edsull at 10am EST! See you there!!!
All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo May 9th 2023
Haste Ye Back!
You did a great job with HiveChat Ed. This was a great overview as I was not sure how HiveChat was working on Twitter.
Yeah it was a case of learning on the job and still finding tweets I had not seen!
Thanks Steve it was fun though!
10am EST? What's that in Nigerian time? Need to check. I am coming to your DM for more info. I kinda got lost reading this long ass post😂(you know I'm teasing right? Old man?) Anyway. I fluffing love Matilda. That lady should come to the interwebby more often. I bet she'd be a kickass grandma too!
That would be 3pm!
It was long but fluff it, I wanted to do it for me as a reference, and fluff everyone else because I count the most, because you know curmudgeon and all that!
More like great grandma!
😂😂😂Oh my God!!!
Was a pleasure to have you as host @tengolotodo!
Hope to see you more often on #hivechat on Twitter and here on Hive.
And feel free to be a host again in the future if the urges come back :).
Thank you @jeanlucsr it was fun and for sure I will be back. It will get easier to respond, that I am sure of!
I was going to say, is Hivechat the thing where they ask three questions. I know Steevc has done it a couple of times. I don't really spend too much time on Twitter. I have two accounts, but there is just so much content I can't filter through it all in a reasonable amount of time!
Yeah Steevc is a great fan of it and I am sure hosted it! Yes five questions and you answer them etc.
I usually just search a few tags and that does me :)
That is cool. I should try to spend more time on Twitter I guess. I know lots of Hive people are on there.
Yeah I use Twitter for info on my footy team and crypto, and now again Hive people yes :)
#Hivechat seems like an awesome way to spread some more information to #web2! This is the first we've heard about it, hopefully, we can participate in some upcoming Hive chats and Tegno talk time!
Learn more about the SLOTHBUZZ Token at Sloth.Buzz
@tengolotodo! Your post is buzzing, you were tipped 0.01 on behalf of @slothlydoesit. and consider sharing your post there or using the #slothbuzz next timeGood seeing you tonight on Talk Time with Tengo, decks looks great but would be good if all syncs up with each other for the sake of pushing Hive forward as a whole.Yeah I had not heard of #hivechat before, and will try to keep my eyes peeled.
Ah I just said something similar in my reply to your other comment lol! So much going on, it's hard to keep up!
hehe truth😁
Thank you very much for the mention my friend, I hope to connect in the next program. 😎
You are very welcome, thanks as always for engaging everywhere!
We are hive family 😁
Thank you very much, I invite you to my community friend, the doors of my house are open. 🤗
Thank you for that :)
Thanks for the mention @tengolotodo
I only try and do my best to put my 2 cents on this small part (blockchain part) of the big project. The hard work is done by our friend @papilloncharity and his team over the field.
I would love to make It better and bigger...
You both hosted an interesting #HiveChat. Sry but I came late. I wished I had more time to interact and be more active for our Hive community but reality comes as a strong force.
I appreciate the great effort you all do on Twitter to promote our chain, hope It will be rewarded as deserved, one day.
Best wishes for you 🤗
You are very welcome @drakernoise
The #hivechat was interesting as I never really knew much about it until I agreed to host it.
There are so many things going on that it is hard to keep up with what is on, let alone attend things!
Have a great week😎