Pay a tribute to your favorite community on Hive <3
here. If you want to pay a tribute to your favorite community as well, please do so in the Loving Hive Community and refer to the challenge post for instructions.Today I found a challenge started by @rutablockchain where they ask to pay a tribute to your favorite community, the post can be found
Below you can find a few of the reasons why I love the ecoTrain community so much. I'm quite sure I forgot things, so my advice to you is, join the community and be an active community member by writing your content related to the community and/or participate in the weekly questions.
For those unknown to the community, let's first look at what the community description says:
I have to admit, that when I saw this description for the first time, I thought this was a community that I wouldn't fit in as I expected it to be a group of people that live in eco-villages/off-grid etc. Although I totally understand the thoughts behind that way of living (we even thought about it ourselves), it's not the lifestyle I have.
Reading a bit further, you will find that this community is about so much more than what I expected. Nature, love and making the world a better place are things I can relate to for sure. I think that most people can relate to this community in some way and I think it's worth to check it out because the amount of support and respect you will find here is huge.
The last question of the week was about positive consequences of covid19
That question alone sets the example that you should look beyond the surface and if you pay a bit more attention and shift the focus from the extremely negative vibe around the pandemic, you will find positity in at least a few points. Maybe it's hard to see that currently because you are having a hard time, I can understand that, but remember that it's not all negative in the end. I could mention a pile of examples here, but I want to ask you to visit the question of the week post and find the entries in the comments. I hope it will shine a positive light on your mood!
What are the most important reasons for me to pay a tribute to this community?
In difficult times we need some positivity
And that's exactly what this community is about, although negative things will be discussed as well, of course, because that's life, the focus is on seeing the positive things and self-empowerment of the community. I think that a big part of the community members is writing there mostly to pass on their knowledge to empower others n
It's easy to have an opinion about something and to believe what someone says to be the truth. In one way or the other, we have all been doing that automatically, for example, a child believes what a parent tells them to be the truth. We grow up feeling safe and trusting our parents (in most situations) and our foundation has been made during childhood.
It takes more time and effort to seek your own answers and question what has always been put in front of us as the truth. I've noticed that the @ecotrain questions of the week challenge me to think deeper and look beyond the surface. I've been doing so for a few years already, but following the ecoTrain's questions of the week also makes me think deeper about the weekly topics.
There have been weeks that the question was a bit out of my comfort zone and where I thought it was best not to enter, still, it kept me busy during the week thinking about it, and eventually, I decided to enter and found a way to write without feeling uncomfortable.
In normal daily city life, I'd normally not connect this easy with people that have a like-minded view of the world. Although I have to admit that lately, it has become easier, but still, the easiest way to find like-minded people that have a certain view on the world, is here on Hive. I only have to visit one of the ecoTrain's question of the week posts, to find a lot of like-minded people with interesting posts in the comment section.
The comments are always encouraging and never negative in this community. People respect each other and I've never seen an argument because people disagree, which makes it a positive community to be a part of. If you didn't join it yet, you should really have a look as you may find some really supportive and like-minded people that also have quite some knowledge to share.
That brings me to the next reason that I'm paying a tribute to the ecoTrain community: learning. Today, especially in the past few years, I really appreciate it when people pass on their knowledge about certain life skills or things to improve the world or take good care of nature. Not the typical lessons you learn during the school period of your life. Someone has to be willing to pass on their knowledge, and guess what? I've noticed that exactly those people that have these skills are huge fans of paying it forward.
They believe that the good you spread will come back to you one way or the other, and I can't agree more. There's no harm in passing on your knowledge, especially not when it's about making the world a better place. I have a deep respect for those that give others a look into their off-grid life and what food nature gives them, and the life-skills they've acquired during the years. I find it inspirational, even while I'm not living off-grid myself. I hope more and more people will find the ecoTrain community and feel inspired by others as I do every time I read there.
Let's look at a few people that are highly inspiring
First, the man behind the @ecotrain community: @eco-alex.
This is his last update about building an ecoVillage in Portugal. The mission itself (building an ecoVillage) is cool alone, but if you read this update you will find the warm and kind person he is by helping passengers that need a place for the winter and have a very limited budget. Where he has been supported with his project plans, he now also passes on his knowledge and offers them a place to build their "home". How great is that?
here. I don't want to spoil anything in there, but would recommend you to read it yourself.Last, I want to share one of the kindest and warm people in the community: @trucklife-family. This woman is full of knowledge and you can find so much positivity reading her posts. She also answered the ecoTrain question of the week, you can find it
I could mention quite a few active members in the community, but then this post would never end. The inspiration is actually endless there and I'm very grateful to be part of a community like it. I can only benefit from it as a person and gain knowledge while being surrounded by positivity. What more do you want? There's enough negativity in the world already, let's try to make it a better place...
Thank you @eco-train for running this wonderful community!
Feeling very honoured to be mentioned by you here. The @ecotrain is the very first community I joined, when I first found Steemit over 3 years ago and it really helped me to connect with so many amazing people. I'm equally happy to have connected with you on here too xxx
I can see that @ecotrain has a lot of awesome members in it, I love how people keep sharing their knowledge and it has been super helpful so far for my learning process about going towards a more healthy lifestyle as well. On top of that, I find the always friendly attitude very encouraging to keep posting as well. There's always someone that values the time and effort when posting content. This post could also have been about @naturalmedicine or @abundance.tribe but you probably get that lol.. Like-minded people :)