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RE: ¡Soy minnow por un mes!/ I'm a minnow for a month! 💪

in Loving HIVE ❤5 years ago

De nada, @ rosa4 y estoy muy contento de que tu participación te haya llevado a un resultado tan asombroso. Además, gracias al comentario de #postbot, ahora te sigo en Twitter con mi cuenta personal y @HiveBlogShare. ¡Espero verte crecer aún más durante el próximo mes! ¡Felicidades de nuevo!

(Y sí, Victoria, todavía estoy usando Google Translate, porque no puedo hablar español, ¡lamento decepcionarlo!)

You're very welcome, @rosa4 and I'm so glad your participation led to such an amazing result for you! Also, thanks to the #postbot comment, I'm now following you on Twitter with both my personal & @HiveBlogShare accounts - I look forward to seeing you grow even more over this next month! Congratulations again!

(And yes, Victoria - I'm still using Google Translate, because I can't speak Spanish - sorry to disappoint! )


Thanks for the support you give in #Hive. I voted your comment for being so warm and honest.

Por aquí pasó | El Comentador |


Oh wow, thank you so much @elcomentador / @garybilbao! This was such a wonderful surprise, and you've actually inadvertently helped me to realize I forgot to change out the name, "Victoria" for @Victoriabsb after I ran my comment through the translator. 😂

Much appreciation on both counts & I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

😂 need to learn Spanish lovely lady!!

It's slowly sinking in... 🤣

Gracias por seguirme en twiter, venir a mi blog y comentar. Saludos, éxitos también para ti.

Thanks for following me on Twitter, coming to my blog and commenting. Greetings, successes to you too.