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RE: A Fun-Filled Hive Experience With My Comrades

I know it's hard, but try to get used to not feeling guilty about taking time off.

Especially when you do alot of work with something as creative as writing-- just grinding, grinding, grinding can lead to much lower quality work and also burnout.

Trust me it's something I struggle with too. I've had to literally block off time in my calendar, with weekly notifications, to force myself to not work and just relax. Nice job doing something similar and sharing that with the rest of us.


Hahah I totally understand you, the truth is, I usually take time off before I actually burn out and that's why I do not fall sick, become overwhelmed or even burn out.
Thanks for taking the time to drop your comment, mental stress can even be more devastating than physical stress and i'm happy me and my hive buddies got to take that time off.