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RE: I'm auctioning The HivePunk Grinch!

in Hive Punks2 years ago

Why are you downvoting my content? Are you trying to censor free speech just because you do not like the hard truths I show? Please explain. I believe Hive should be a place of free speech not censorship but your downvotes are hiding my content from the masses. You are using you HP to censor HIVE just because you don't want certain facts to be seen.


Because it's garbage? Lol!!!!

Russian tools deserve sanctions.

We are just trying to do what we can to follow the rest of the world especially since Russia is now under the most sanctions of any country in the world. Since you lived there and since you are a high-level propaganda piece? You deserve this.

However your job depends on lying and making things up so... Yeah.

The international banking cartel will own Russia and the dreams of the rise of another USSR are a mirage.

You did this and made yourself into a joke.

I have no sympathy. Lol