
Do you care to elaborate on the time frame of "now and then"? And exactly how much property I "stole" from you and other people?

You're a fool to invest in Steem without understanding what it is and what you're buying.

Hive hardforked from Steem. Do you understand what you're saying? Do you understand Steem? 🤔 Do you understand that individuals can post whatever they want to on any platform and people can invest into anything they want to? Why are you so butthurt over someone making a dollar on a post? People post porn on here and make way more, but you don't see people downvoting all their posts and calling them out for posting sexual shit posts for attention. Why is everyone being such assholes on this platform? 😒 Hive has became a true joke and it's because of people like you that make people turn away and run back to steemit.

If you think a bunch of scammers and criminals is equivalent to here, you're ignorant too. We shed off a lot of them with the birth of Hive, but it's good to see the ignorant apologist scumbag rats left behind leave the ship eventually.

Apparently Hive is where all the scammers and criminals congregated, because they're pussies and can't properly socialize with other humans. Without feeling the need to shit on "noobies" or other people just trying to get their footing and figure out how all of this words. Hive is nothing but a fucking circle jerk, that strokes each other's dicks and egos. Hive is the baby, of a bunch of narcissistic babies who couldn't handle being told no, by the people who run shit and actually really matter.

It's just like I told @acidyo a while back; quit shitting on my posts just because I'm affiliated with others you all keep downvoting. It had nothing to do with me, but yet my sweet nothing posts, trying to get my foot in the door, and obtain my investback that I put in, was all downvoted from you circle jerk assholes, which ultimately made me want to retract all of my stakes and go elsewhere where your alls "security" isnt dictating my small percentages being made. Grow the fuck up. The only ignornance here is you trying to dictact what people are allowed to make. It doesn't fucking matter who posts what. Everyone is on this platform for a reason, and mainly that reason to is to have a passive income by creating content that represents themselves, or helping others learn. Instead of trying to educate others, you all just decide to shit on others. You, and your circle jerks, will be the reason Hive fails. Just a bunch of pussies hiding behind keyboards with nothing better to do. You and @acidyo are the criminals here.

Look at you @pfunk, made $2.57 from @acidyo sucking your dick on a shit comment; whilst my posts were barely making fucking anything, and you all felt the need to take that away. So who's the real criminals here? Fuck you guys.