Thank you! Sorry that it took a day to come back, I didn't catch all the comments yesterday, lol. Sometimes it may take a few days while I juggle it all :)
It's honestly a full day task and often 7 days a week, I rarely skip a full day doing something but I like what I'm doing and I can be a bit more efficient now that I'm learning how to create better graphics for the emails for example. It gets easier over time :)
If I create a discord server for the team members, are you interested in an invite? So we can discuss things, share resources?
No need to apologize! Answering everyone here can be a tad overwhelming XD
It indeed gets easier (I thank the gods for that XD) I am becoming more organized because of the pressure this makes XD
I would like that very much! Thanks for offering a spot!
Haha, well glad it's getting easier!
Ok, I will let you know once I created one!
Great! I will be waiting for an update then