Sounds interesting ! I like the idea of rules-light systems, although interestingly I take it in what seems like the opposite direction. What you're describing seems to be like bridging the difference between RPG's and tabletop wargames or board games, where the rules are used to constrain actions so that players have to think about their strategy. It's certainly a valid approach, and one I like for wargames, but for RPG's I prefer to use the rules-light approach to free players up to use their imaginations. It puts more work on the GM, with all the risks of being thought to make subjective decisions, but it leads to the kind of collaborative storytelling approach I presonally favour.
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That is an excellent point to bring up. It does make me question if my goal of balanced gameplay and strategic depth is stripping away from the potential for player expression and roleplaying. There are always trade-offs to consider.
I am sorry for the late reply. I had trouble with getting the keys for the account which I made through 3speak, and had already started posting on the @projectburner account, which I will be continuing to use in the future.