Interlude: Questions for Q&A and some BATTLE PICTURES (D&D)

Hello, Everyone!

Remember me? I've been away on family business but that doesn't mean that I have forgotten about Mary! Our ARC 4 is now complete, but I'm sure there are some things that you must be wondering about. I, for one, sure had a nice long chat with our DM after everything with the Hydra was over.

So, without further ado, PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE ABOUT MARY AND HER STORY (especially, but not only, about the most recent Arc). Our DM and I will make sure to answer them all!

I leave you with a bigger and scarier version of Mary vs. the Hydra, as well as a few photos of our fights during this Arc. You can see all the miniatures, just the way we saw them during our game!

The fight with the water elemental:
_fights (A4) elemental.jpg

The fight with the sea monster:
_fights (A4) seamonster.jpg

The beginning of the fight with the Hydra:
fights (9).jpg

Near the end of the fight with the Hydra:
_fights (A4 hydra).jpg

Check out the story from the beginning of Arc 4!
Or join us for Arc 5, when I'm ready to start with it.
Also, this link will become active once the Q&A have been posted.

Take care and be well!

Episodes of Mary Windfiddle's story come out every Monday and Thursday.
(Also, here's a link to the Chapter Guide, the Glossary and the Map for the series. You're welcome!)

An important disclaimer: These are my notes from a D&D game turned into a narrative. All the worldbuilding and NPC encounters belong to our DM, and all the actions of the other main characters (Aurum and Bruno) belong to my co-players. My contribution to the story is only everything Mary-related (actions, reactions, inner thoughts), as well as the writing itself.


Love the pictures and the miniatures even more so! 🥰
As far as my questions:

  1. are the miniatures and landscape models self-made or commercial models you bought?
  2. how long did it take to prepare the principal outline of the adventure?
  3. are you considering publishing the adventure once you finished playing it with your group?
  4. did you ever consider streaming your role playing sessions? (I love watching P&P live streams...)

The only question I have is; What kind of "Hydra" is that? I've never heard of a memory eating hydra, that thing is creepy and awesome. Did your DM make it up?

It's my take on the False Hydra and it is indeed creepy as heck. YouTube is your friend :)

That hydra model is awesome, and also rather nightmarish 😀

Is it one that's commercially available, or a print ?