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RE: Thoughts on Knave 2e

Yeah I honestly don't know if I'll do much for the economy beyond reducing the cost of a few things (arrows most notably) when/if I come across them and they feel wrong.

As long as I am creating and running my own dungeons I can keep things mostly consistent, it's when you start pulling in other OSR modules that things break down when you realize a single Knight in Knave's default economy burns through the entire hoard of gold you almost died for (imported from another OSR module) in just a few months. Why go adventuring at all? If a Knight - not even a noble - is making that much, why is anyone risking fighting monsters instead of signing up for the military?

Its stuff like that, that I have to just actively ignore and work around.

I'll likely spend a lot longer on making the slot system interesting, since it really bugs me. It doesn't do the job I assume it was designed to do, so I'd like to have it do something else entirely. I want to try my plan before I talk too much about it, but I want to have slots matter still without being necessarily tied to literally everything you ever pick up, because that's just annoying.

I'll definitely talk about it more as I go though. I had been complaining about it to my wife and she just nodded along and then like ten min later went: "so when are you making your game?"

Smartass knows me too well 😂