New armor Updated after the post is published.
Recently I decided to learn hard surface modelling. I think i am pretty decent in organic sculpting while suck at hard surface. I've been procrastinating from the beginning of my zbrush journey. It was easier than I expected.
The workflow is easy to follow and customize your need. I wont get into too much detail but here how I did the pieces.
First you need a base mesh of a human. I downloaded this free model from the internet to work on it. You need to select slicer tool by pressing ctrl+shift. And slice the shape of armor you want on the model. In this case Shoulder armor.
After that use Zremesher to decrese the polygon numbers. After you have good enough topology, pick the zmodeller brush and hover on a surface. Press Space bar to activate the menu and select extrude + all polygons to give it a tickness.
From there you will have a base mesh of a shoulder plate and you can work your design on it. I wish I started sooner. With my knowledge on organic sculpting the possibilities are larger. I'll share my armor making progress with you.
Well in fairness, organic is more fun XD
Or at least I thought so.
yes I agree, organic is way more fun and free.