
Yeah... this is group starts as more Monty Python than Lord of the Rings. I stayed up way too late talking with the DM about game mechanics and how we were likely to incorporate my character into the world. Apparently I went on walkabout looking for The Cat Lord, the deity of the Tabaxi. Somehow I stumbled into the Astral Sea, and that's how I spent 83 ageless years and met the god of wisdom, who apparently gave me clues to find my warlock pact weapon.

LoL sounds like fun XD

It really is! Did you know that the Cat Lord is an inherited position? Like any felineoid can become the Cat Lord. Its kinda neat.

I had no idea XD

Everything I know about 5e is stuff I overhear the kids talking about and then being in the same room as the Saturday game (my computer and the table are in the same room) ^_^;