A New Year With RPG

in Tabletop / DND3 years ago

 "vt.png" Hello everyone! It might be a little late, but I wish you all a good and a healthy year!

How's your new year going? What kind of plans do you have? Do you want to try new RPGs? Or, is there any game you want to conclude? Any new adventures in mind? Let me know!

As some of you already knew, I create content and introduce different kind of RPGs with people, generally in my native language. But after I saw the activity on Hive blog, I also want to share my reviews in English here, as well.

I will try to introduce at least two game systems with you, as it's also the goal of my YouTube channel. It's totally in Turkish, but if you want to support my content with your likes, here is my channel.

Here's the first five games I'm planning to review, hopefully I could go further:

1. Call of Cthulhu, by Chaosium Inc.

Call of Cthulhu is the most used game system to me, for horror elements. And now, Chaosium Inc. has started to support my content, which means, there will be more of Cthulhu. Actually, with or without their support, I highly recommend Cthulhu for at least give it a shot.

2. 7th Sea, by Chaosium Inc.


The Seventh Sea is one I heard about, but never checked before. With Chaosium's support, I have a chance to learn what the game is about. Currently reading/learning this one, and I have to say that it has more than I expected. First of all, it's a fantasy setting, with lots of interesting approaches to magic use. I'm still on the learning phase of the game, but once I finish the book, there will be an introduction here as well.

3. RuneQuest: Adventures in Glorantha, by Chaosium Inc.


I believe that I mentioned before, but will say it again. The RuneQuest I knew was a one whole game, but I guess there had been some parting ways, because I remember that I saw RuneQuest, Glorantha and Mythras saparetly. And then, I see a fusion as RuneQuest: Glorantha as a final. With an addition, Mythras is still there, belongs to The Design Mechanism, and I will put its review on somewhere, too.

4. Vampire: the Masquerade V5, by Renegade Game Studios


This one is the most wanted content from me, and also, the most unfortunate one as well. World of Darkness had to change their publisher like several times. At the beginning, Modiphius was going to send me the rulebook, but right now, I'm glad they didn't. Because the core rulebook had some changes, and right now, Renegade Game Studios has sent me a latest copy of it. I also asked for Book of Nod. Book of Nod is like a holy bible to a vampire, and it's basically telling the creation myth of vampires, starting with Cain's story. I'm currently working on its translation into my native language. After I finish it, there will be a nice review as well.

5. Through The Breach, by Wyrd Games


This one is the most surprising one for me. Actually I didn't have any idea about Through The Breach or Malifaux like a couple of days ago. But now, I'm hugely interested in. They will send me some miniatures related to the game, and I will do a review and also start to paint streams for these minis. With this, my channel's content will grow into another branch.

I have contacted with Reaper Mini for their Learn to Paint Kit. They accepted to send me one, and after I get that, I will start to learn how to paint miniatures. I guess I will need some of yours opinion and directions about miniature paintings, so feel free to drop suggestions!

Again, please let me know what you're up to, for this new year, and take good care of yourselves!


Happy new year XD

Aside from resuming work on my own dice system (because I don't have enough to do x_x) the most "exciting" thing we did game-wise was try out Chronicles of Darkness. I'm not sure if it's the latest edition of World of Darkness or a fork, but there's a lot I like and a bit I either don't like or am somewhat ambivalent about. Generally I like that all the subsystems streamline better so it's much easier to run mixed games (which I have so far done 100% of the time), and I like some of the lore rewrites but not others.

My players (my boys and some of their friends) and I are currently in somewhat-discussions about whether we want to switch systems or not. Otherwise it's business as usual of me running games for them.

I was vaguely interested in learning 7th Sea as I read something about magical steampunk pirates, I don't even know if that's anywhere near accurate or not, I haven't yet had a chance to check even that out so the chances of learning a new system are pretty low x_x But I'll hopefully be able to keep up with my feeds enough to see if you write a review about it :)

Have fun painting minis!

Thank you for this lovely reply!


As far as I know, White Wolf's World of Darkness has ended around 2005 in chronology, and after that, Onyx Path Publishing took over the legacy and tweaked it a bit, as called "New" World of Darkness.
After that, I guess it was around 2013 or 2014, Onxy Path Publishing had announced that "Old" World of Darkness (oWoD) will be called as World of Darkness again, while "New" one (nWoD) will be called "Chronicles of Darkness", and OPP created and still creates their content depending on CoD.
Around late 2018, White Wolf published 5th Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade and because of some sensitive content in the book, they had to change lots of stuff. Paradox Interactive got the rights of World of Darkness RPG content, and now they're working with Renegade Game Studios. And looks like Renegade has a permanent role, at least for now. They published a final version of Core Rulebook, and Book of Nod, and the sourcebooks Anarch, Camarilla and Sabbath. I'm not sure if The Second Inquisition book had released, but I hope it will explain lots of stuff people couldn't find in Core Rulebook and other sourcebooks.

I'm curious about your dice system right now, actually my aim is to be a game designer and author for tabletop RPG in general, but right now, I'm only a content creator and paid gamemaster. I'm working on my own game based on Apocalypse Engine, but don't have much time to improve the project. So, I'm always open for learning different game systems, dice mechanics and different approaches to known concepts.

Ahh that explains that, my players and I were a bit confused about the differences between oWoD (which we're mostly playing, though a lot of the hacks I've put in to streamline combat seem to have made their way into nWoD/CoD), nWoD (which seemed to be a distinct thing though it appears it's not actually) and CoD.

Thanks for the unexpected detailed writeup XD

I haven't read either of the Vampire sourcebooks yet (and really should as I currently have two VtM characters in one game and have been told by one of the players I was testing CoD with that he's going to reuse the VtR vampire he made because he liked playing it in the test) so I don't know what the "sensitive content" you're talking about is but given the nature of the game I can guess.

I kind of wanted the dice system to be easy for beginners to learn (I have a vague goal of I should be able to teach it to children in 1-2 sessions) but also open enough for GMs to be able to shoehorn into whatever they wanted. It's currently so open it's going to frustrate anyone who prefers having hard and fast rules to look up for easy arbitration ^_^;

So far it's had two combat playtests (first one worked out a LOT of bugs, second one went a lot better) and now needs a one shot playtest to check the other mechanics.

I've been thinking about blogging about development but as I'm prioritising the projects that are in my weekly progblog, updates on it would be extremely sparse. I think after I've taken it through a couple of playtests I might just throw an "alpha version" type thing online and let other people mess about with it and see what bugs they find. Maybe XD

Happy New year, too!

I have no special goal regarding my hobby especially for this year perhaps I should think about that 😅

I did not know that there was an RPG system for the Malifaux tabletop game. They have some nice miniatures for the system, that's from what I know the setting.

It's great to see you getting into painting miniatures - that's my favourite part of the hobby! The starter kit should be a good introduction and Reaper has the best variety of miniatures for Pen&Paper Roleplaying in my opinion anyways. That reminds me I still have to paint Seoni and Lini from their Pathfinder line so perhaps I found my new goal for this year ^^

There are also many really good painting tutorials on YouTube, I would suggest to watch a couple of videos from different painters after being finished with the starter set. Everyone has a little different approach and so you can find the painting techniques and style you like the most.

From my mistakes in the past I would say the most important thing with painting miniatures is to be patient and not give it a rush. Also a proper cleaning of the brushes after use makes your next painting experience much more satisfying ^^

Glad that it helped you to find a hobby-related goal. Even having a simple goal and completing it will give a nice satisfaction!

I was looking around to discover new stuff, then I came across Wyrd Games. Otherwise, I wouldn't even know that Malifaux existed! I'm happy for the company being so polite and give me a chance to reach some of their products. It may be a known company from now on, for my country of course.

To be honest, Reaper kinda gave me some struggle on communication, but probably it's because of my lack of English skills. We concluded it in a nice agreement, so I'm double excited! I checked some of their miniatures, and there are really interesting stuff there! I want to get some demonic minis. Maybe I could think about it after I learn how to paint :)

I know there are lots of different kind of start-ups, but my priority is using what Reaper offers in their Starter kit. I think there's a guide there, and I'll take everything very simple, as if I'm a random customer and went their shop and randomly bought their starter kit. Want to measure if it's enough to teach people how to start.

Hi Shatargat - Happy New Year !

I think my main RPG goal for this year is to finally get to the grand finale of the story arc I've been putting my players through over the last 3-4 years. I think the characters are (maybe) high enough level to deal with it. It's not that I'm bored of the arc, but it would be nice to see how it plays out, and then be able to move onto telling some other, new, stories in my homebrew world.

If you are learning how to paint miniatures, the Reaper Learn to Paint kit is an excellent place to start. It's worth following Rhonda Bender's blog at https://birdwithabrush.com - she's one of Reaper's top painters. Also, whichever model you paint first, buy a second one. Then paint it exactly a year later and photograph the two together, to show you how far you've developed :)

Hohooow, what a beautiful reply!

Sometimes it's good to end of a story; bring a conclusion, or maybe just a season epilogue. It gives people a break from some constant, ongoing in-game struggles and creates opportunity to change perspective by using a whole new character. Three or four years is kinda big, I guess. My own D&D setting is created since 5th edition has announced. I guess it was autumn 2014, and we played 2.5 storyline on it, but there's a huge leap between the start points, couldn't spend whole 7 years to the game. And it feels like I never run those games. Now I'm re-creating and improving everything I started years ago, on Fantasy Grounds Unity, hoping I could run my games on my very own setting once again.

About painting... I only painted three 3x3 square dungeon-ground foams to a certain grayish colour. That's all my experience. But I got some different type of brushes back then, and they're still with me. I asked Reaper if they could send any additional minis to me. I'm not sure if they're okay with that, but if I could have any similar minis, I will definitely try that 1-year-improvement comparing, for sure! And thank you for the blog link, I will definitely check it out.

Happy New Year! My group and I will be a playing a Genesys adaptation of d20 Modern's Urban Arcana setting. I plan on doing story write ups on the campaign as it progresses. Also with any luck, I can convince someone else to do some one-shots so I can play every once in a while 😆. First Session was going to be last night, but due to illness and a winter storm the session was postponed till next week.

As far as goals, I'm just trying to keep my game running from week to week and my players entertained. Other than that, I'm always checking out stuff related to Genesys. They have a Twilight Imperium Sourcebook coming out sometime this summer, I think.

If you find the time you can check out the Ashes of Power one-shot. Hopefully the link will work, Edge Studio's website sometimes has issues. Happy Gaming and Victory By Dice!

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Ah, Call of Cthulhu... As much as I love the Lovecraftian horror, tabletop games and the universe overall, I never got the chance to play an rpg of that. Not that I'd survive though. I have such a bad luck with dice, I bet I'd die right away, hahaha.

Also, Vampire <3 I've always loved the setting. I wonder how's the new one.

Lovecraftian horror is kinda my thing. There was a chance back then, when you were streaming. I don't remember what happened. You disappeared, me disappeared... Haven't seen you around for a huge while until I saw you on Discord. And now, sadly, I don't have time for extra games :( But if you're still in Eskişehir (at least you were there, as I could remember), I'll probably be there next month. Just saying :P

VTM V5 is on the huge focus of World of Darkness and their community. People in our country don't like it much, I don't know the reason, but the overall community really like it. And their related products, like text-based World of Darkness games on Steam, are based on V5. So will Bloodlines 2.

Unfortunately, I don't live in Eskişehir anymore. I moved to Ankara, hehe. But I'd love to give a Cthulhu game a try, if we ever have the chance. I missed even playing the tabletop games that I have. Couldn't convince anyone around me to play for a long time :(

I'm SO hyped about Bloodlines 2. Already pre-purchased it. I've seen the text based games and the comics too, but didn't have the money to get them. They have damn good art too! I hope I'll get the chance to check them all at some point.