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RE: The Tarak D&D Campaign - Setting Part 1

out-of-game drama involving some of the players getting involved in some complex and spicy divorce/partner swapping/domestic violence kind of stuff.

haha bloody crazy!

Is this online or RL that you play?

Seems it is quite hard to find online games. My wife was wanting to play as a beginner but could not find anything suitable, and she even joined a UK D&D server.



The 5th edition group kind of fell apart during lockdowns, mainly because we couldn't all get the technology to work.

The group I'm currently playing with uses D&D 3.5, and is a bit hybrid. We started all in-person, then moved to all online during the lockdowns, and now we're a mix of 2-3 around a table and 2-3 dialled in. It's a mix of some people who live (or have moved) miles away, and a couple of people who sometimes turn up and sometimes dial in depending on things like shift times and whether they have to keep an eye on the kiddies.

I've started thinking about getting another group together, partly because the one I'm in is very much "owned" by the chap whose house we use. I'm fine with it, he's a good player and DM, but it does mean we tend to play one specific way. If I do it, I'm very much looking at a hybrid or online option, running a Westmarches type campaign, probably in 3.5 to give people flexibility if they can't get to every session.