Necron Warriors & The Tomb Stalker: The Unrelenting Forces - An Introduction to the Necrons in Warhammer 40,000 - a Lore Series

Necron Warriors & The Tomb Stalker: The Unrelenting Forces - An Introduction to the Necrons in Warhammer 40,000 - a Lore Series

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Hello ! Awesome Community, fellow Hivers, and friends!😁😀🐝

Today we continuing our exploration of Necron Lore;
In our previous post, we delved deeper into the necron troop type: Immortals. (

Today we look another troop unit the Warrior as well as a Machine Construct, The Tomb Stalker.
Let's get into!👽💥

Unrelenting Forces

The Necrons are a terrifying, ancient race of undying machine-warriors, and at the core of their legions stand the Necron Warriors. Meanwhile, their tombs and slumbering overlords are protected by the relentless Canoptek constructs, including the deadly Canoptek Tomb Stalker. Together, these entities ensure the Necrons' dominion over the stars remains unchallenged.👾

Necron Warriors: The Soulless Legions

Necron Warriors form the cold, unyielding heart of a Necron army. Once living beings of the Necrontyr species, they underwent the horrific process of biotransference, their consciousness transferred into mechanical necrodermis bodies at the behest of the C’tan. However, while Necron Lords and higher-ranking nobles retained their intelligence, Necron Warriors were reduced to near-mindless automatons, endlessly marching to war at the behest of their overlords.🤖

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Lumbering yet precise, Necron Warriors wield Gauss Flayers or Gauss Reapers - horrific weapons that strip their targets molecule by molecule. They are tireless, emotionless, and nearly impossible to permanently destroy, as their self-repair mechanisms allow them to return to the fray even after suffering grievous damage. When commanded, they march in perfect unison, advancing without fear or hesitation, their skeletal forms heralding doom for any who stand in their path.🔥

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Yet, despite their unrelenting nature, they bear subtle signs of age - pitted and corroded limbs, misfiring synapses, and jerky movements. These imperfections do not make them less dangerous; rather, they serve as a haunting reminder of the eons they have endured, waiting for the moment their dynasty rises once more.😬♾️

Canoptek Tomb Stalker: The Eternal Guardian

While Necron Warriors form the primary offensive force of the Necrons, the Canoptek constructs ensure that the tombs of their slumbering masters remain undisturbed. Chief among these silent sentinels is the Canoptek Tomb Stalker, an immense centipede-like war machine of living metal and relentless purpose.⚔️

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Tomb Stalkers are nightmarish engines of destruction, capable of burrowing through solid rock and phasing through obstacles to ambush their prey. Their advanced sensors detect the faintest heartbeat even through hundreds of meters of stone, allowing them to pinpoint and eradicate intruders with terrifying efficiency. When they strike, they unleash a storm of bladed limbs, tearing through enemies with mechanical precision. If foes attempt to flee, the Tomb Stalker can bring its twin Gauss Flayers to bear, reducing them to dust from afar.🔫

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Like all Canoptek constructs, the Tomb Stalker is extraordinarily resilient. Even when damaged, its body can rapidly reassemble itself, and some variants carry Sepulchral Scarabs, which further enhance their regenerative capabilities. Additionally, some models are equipped with a Gloom Prism, a device that shrouds them from the effects of Warp-based powers, making them highly effective against psykers.⚛️

The Unstoppable March of the Necrons

Together, Necron Warriors and the Canoptek Tomb Stalker embody the terrifying endurance of the Necron race. The Warriors march ceaselessly to reclaim lost empires, while the Tomb Stalker ensures that the tomb worlds remain undisturbed until the time of awakening arrives. Whether on the battlefield or beneath the shifting sands of a tomb world, these relentless entities serve as a grim reminder that the Necrons are eternal, and their return is inevitable.♾️🌑

Next Time

In the next post, we will be looking into:
Two Fast Attack Units: The Canoptek Wraith & Destroyers !

Thanks for reading!
Until next time - Peace😀✌️!

🐺🤓 @xenowolfza