Warhammer 40k - Battle Report 32 - 1000pts Space Wolves vs Astra Militarum

in Tabletop / DND18 days ago

Hello Hive, its me again Zak Ludick, here with another Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report.

I am actually going to play another game tomorrow night (Maybe two) so I felt a bit guilty since I am still way behind getting these matches out fast enough onto Hive.

I apologize in advance if I am a little hazy on the details of this match. It was a really good while ago. Another reason why I should try to catch up with these!

This game was a Slow-Grow 2024 Extra game at 1000pts.

On my side, my growing horde of infantry Space Wolves.
On my opponent's side, Astra Militarum. Plenty troopers plus tanks!

Who is my opponent?

Gerhard Becker!

This gentleman comes from Paarl and drives out to @swordandboard specially to hunt for games. His Astra Militarum army is modelled as a Traitor Guard Scheme so though they play in an official game as the Astra Militarum, they are pledged to Nurgle, the God of decay and plague!

He also has a Death Guard army and a Daemons of Chaos army. Right now he is working on his 2025 Slow Grow army of Daemons of Slaanesh!

To Battle! What are we playing today?

The Mission cards.

Deployment style is Crucible of Battle, which is a short end slanted deployment zone.
Primary Mission is Priority Targets, so that is merely to capture objectives. You get 5VP per objective but you max out on 10VP for turns 2,3,4 and 5 and at the end of the game you can max out at 15VP additional. This gives you 55 possible VP where you max out at 50VP.

We drew Maelstrom of Battle as the Mission Rule which meant we needed to draw 2 more Mission rules!

We got Secret Intel and Scrambler Fields. So we get a good chance of getting good Secondary objectives for the first turn and it messes with Reserves and Deepstrike.


Deployment - The Battlefield

Deployment - Another angle

Deployment wolves - One pack stays behind a ruin while the others are out and about.

Deployment wolves - These out and about units are led by a Rune Priest and thus can afford o be a bit ballsy.

Deployment Wolves - These wolves are still using a part of the terrain to keep line of sight difficult for the Guard.

Deployment Guard - Meanwhile the Guard. This side 2x infantry units, Mortal unit and Ursula Creed.

Deployment Guard - On the other end, another Infantry unit, a Tank Commander and a Leman Russ Punisher.

The Battle

I won't be able to break this down as a turn by turn thing. So I will just describe what is going on on the photos.

Space Wolves surge forward and take the objective on this flank while the others get ready to attack.

The Guard take the objective on the other flank!

The Guard come in on this flank to try remove me from that Objective.

The unit of Wolves made the Guardsmen on that flank disappear!

Meanwhile, in the center of the Battlefield, my Space Wolves fight against Kriegsmen led by a Marshall.

On this flank the Space Wolves managed to kill all the guard as well.

The Guard have a Stratagem to bring a unit back again. Gerhard did this and this unit of Blood Claws had to fight a second unit of Guardsmen over this objective.

In the Center the Blood Claws were winning!

This squad gets ready for the next wave.

This unit gets ready to be shot off the board by the tanks!

However, a handful of them make it to the tank. Including the 2x Power Fists!

Meanwhile the centre unit crashed through the buildings and wiped out the Mortars and the heretical Creed counterpart.

Some Militarum Tempestus units arrived and shot at this Blood Claw Pack. Retaliation was swift!

As those reinforcements arrived, these Space Wolves had to continue fighting wave after wave!

Both Leman Russ tanks took a beating but I do not think that I managed to kill either of them.

In the end of the day though, the Space Wolves had managed to score more points.

Space Wolves Win!

It was a tough game. It feels alsmost like playing against Necrons with squad returning the the battlefield!

10th Edition game stats

32 Games Played
27 Wins
5 Losses
84.37% Winrate.

Thank you for reading this post!

Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed, @owen-turner

*PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!


Hive South Africa


I absolutely love that you're managing to get out and play actual games! I mean posting is cool, but the real purpose is to play!

Hehe, thank you my babe. Yeah, indeed. It IS the purpose of the game after all!

epic battle !

Honestly though, you had an unfair advantage since the ruins were Space Wolves colour, the guard couldn't see you to shoot at you.

I imagine the lower point battles are a little bit harder for the guard because their units that can deal with tougher units are probably some of their more expensive units... still, looks like they put up a decent fight.

Lol. My Horde Wolves are is made of mostly Battleline units. What would be called Troops in the past.

He did OK.

He had a Leman Russ Demolisher and a Punisher. That's plenty. This was 1000pts. As opposed to 2000pts in regular battles.