Warhammer 40k - Ragnar Blackmane added to my collection!

in Tabletop / DND2 days ago (edited)

Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane

The Young King!

Gifted One!

The Allslayer!

Hello everyone! I have been playing Warhammer 40,000 for over 20 years and in all this time, I have never been able to get my hands on this model. Finally, that day has come!

Back in the day, Ragnar had a metal model that I just could not find. Then later, this version I THINK came out in Finecast. Later on that same model came out in plastic, thank the Emperor!

Some models, especially when they have a chunky, low center of gravity, then having Finecast is alright. Not Ragnar, he is launching himself at the enemy with one tip of a boot touching a piece of terrain which is a spike pointing up.

This would snap too easily with a resin model.

Armed with Frostfang, the legendary Forstsword, Ragnar is a whirlwind in melee. He has Warhowl that gives him and his squad Advance and Charge and he has Battle-Lust, granting him extra Attacks and Strength on the turn he Charges!

Ragnar is the main character in the Space Wolf Omnibus by William King. These are the first 3 books in his series:
Space Wolf
Ragnar's Claw
Grey Hunter

There are then three more books:
Wolfblade - also William King
Sons of Fenris - by Lee Lightner
Wolf's Honour - by Lee Lightner

The series starts with Ragnar as a Fenrisian Clansman and goes through his selection process, becoming a Space Marine of the Space Wolves Chapter and then through many many adventures and quests!

I really recommend them as a read!

I am so glad to have him. I will need to get him painted and add him to the Grand Imperial Army and my Space Wolves collection!

Thank you for reading this post!


Hive South Africa


awesome man. Really glad you finally got your hands on a model you have been looking for!!😁

The Young King is so awesome in combat! He killed a lot in the big game!

awesome. Glad to hear you took apart some bots. not so great if he pulls that on tau🤣

Yeah the other SW player used Ragnar. But yeah, he killed a lot.

Well... we know nothing in your army is going to fight him on equal footing in Melee.. Except for Farsight.