Eleven Bracelet We'll Be Practicing today

in Jewelry11 months ago

Salutation Salutation @jewelry teammates. I believe all the things we do to make our business stand strong depends on the level of effort and money we provide. We have a new bracelet we're going to be practicing. The bracelet is covered with different design that look like watch. Because of the creation design for the bracelet, we'll be acting serious to see that the entering of beads and it's creation are done smoothly.


Fishing line
Brown tiny beads
Different bacon crystal bead
Hook to be holding the bracelet.


It's time we'll be putting together the bracelet we have planned to put together. We'll bring out fishing line that we have provided for the putting together of the bracelet. We'll enter three brown tiny bead to the fishing line we have provided for the bracelet putting together. We'll add one brown tiny bead, one white bacon crystal bead, three brown tiny bead, and one blue bacon crystal bead. All the beads we have entered to the fishing line will all be positioned to the middle of tur fishing line. We'll enter the far fishing line to the blue bacon crystal bead. We must maintain to draw the far and wide fishing lines so for all the creation remains fine.

We'll enter the far fishing line back to the one brown tiny bead. That will help the far fishing line to face the down area of the bracelet we're creating. We'll add one brown tiny bead to the far fishing line facing down and allow it to remain there. We'll add another one brown tiny bead from the up area of the bracelet we're creating, we'll also add one bacon crystal bead, three brown tiny bead. The fishing line from the up area of the bracelet we're creating, we'll enter the fishing line to the bacon crystal bead we created. We'll help the fishing line to remain fine.

We'll add another one brown tiny bead to the down area of the bracelet we're creating, we'll add one bacon crystal bead, and three brown tiny bead. We'll enter the fishing line to the blue bacon crystal bead and then allow the fishing line to enter again one brown tiny bead. We'll continue to add brown tiny beads and different colors of bacon crystal bead. The will be five different bacon crystal bead backed by brown tiny beads before we'll create the first round fro the bracelet we're creating. having gotten the complete numbers from the first step of the bracelet we're creating. We'll take the up fishing line which started the whole work from the beginning of the bracelet we're creating and enter the fishing line the fifth bacon crystal bead which is rhr last.

To complete the first step for the bracelet we'll add the last three brown tiny beads to the fishing line and allow the fishing line to enter back tur fishing line. We'll add one blue bacon crystal bead to the far fishing line and another the same blue bacon crystal bead to the wide fishing line. We'll add one brown tiny bead to the far fishing line why we'll whole fishing line will be upside for. We'll follow the entering of beads for the creation of the bracelet the same way we have done for the forming of the first stage.

For the fact we have saved the stages for the bracelet we are creating. We'll add hook for holding of the bracelet but that will be provided when five bacon crystal bead are entered for the earring. We'll also add bacon crystal bead and bread.


Beautiful one dear

Thanks for such words

Wow😯...this look beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you. I'm happy 😁.

This is creativity at it's peak🥹❤️‍🔥
I wish I owned that💓☺️

Muy bonito trabajo. Saludos.

Hola, la variedad de colores hacen de tu joya muy llamativa