[ESP-ING] Pulsera de mostacillas Simple y fácil 🤍|| Tutorial

in Jewelry16 days ago

Rabbits Junior (11).jpg

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Hello friends creators, how are you? I hope you are very well, having a good time with your loved ones.

Today I come here to show you this nice and simple bracelet, I have for some time a memory wire, that those that always return to its shape, and I said to myself I have not done something with this, so I set out to make a nice bracelet.

About a month ago I made a choker, with beads and Turkish eye, the idea was to publish it here, I had made a video, at the time of publishing it I made a mistake 🫠, when publishing I forgot to put the community 🙃 and as I did not find any solution at that time, I left it like that, well I could not do anything in that sense, it is not the first time it happened, I know I have to be more vigilant. Then I wanted to make a bracelet to match that choker.

The materials I used are the following:

  • Beads in the following colors: pink, gold, pearl white, and old pink.
  • Memory wire.
  • A fimo Turkish eye.
  • Jewelry tools.
    I must emphasize that the beads I used are calibrated, that is, they are the same size, in theory, because there are some that are different sizes and sometimes the piece does not look so symmetrical. It is more noticeable when we do embroidery or weaving.


How did I do it?

To start I cut from the spool of wire two turns of memory wire, in one of the expremos with the round tip tool, I made a ring, so that it would be the stop and the beads, when I placed them, would not come off.


I started with the beads, first I placed 6 old pink beads, then 6 pearly white, 6 pink and 6 gold, I placed in this series two (2) more times, this to resemble the choker. then I placed the fimo turkish eye, I used a pink one.


After placing the eye, I changed the order of the colors of the beads, this time I placed 6 of each one but I started with gold, then pink, white and old pink, I continued with this pattern of colors until I finished the whole bracelet.


When I finished attaching all the beads, with the round jewelry tool, I closed the bracelet by making a little ring at that end.


The bracelet looks very nice and makes a beautiful match with the choker. Finally, I put a pink swarovski crystal in one of the earrings, as an extra detail to the bracelet.


This is what the bracelet looks like, beautiful:

As you can see this bracelet is very simple, easy to make, with few materials, I love the final result, and you?


I leave you the link of the choker post for those who want to see it take a look....

Here we can see it matching with the necklace.... It looks really nice... it looks really nice.


I hope you like it... thanks for your support... 🤍


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Hola amigos creadores, ¿cómo están? Espero se encuentren muy bien, pasando buenos momentos con sus seres amados..

Hoy paso por aquí para mostrarles esta linda y sencilla pulsera, tengo desde hace tiempo un alambre memoria, que eso esos que siempre vuelven a su forma, y me dije no he hecho algo con esto, así que me propuse a realizar una linda pulsera.

Hace un mes aproximadamente realice un choker, con mostacillas y ojo turco, la idea era publicarlo por aquí, habia hecho un video, al momento de publicarlo me equivoque 🫠, al publicar olvide colocar la comunidad 🙃 y como no halle alguna solución en ese momento, lo deje así, bueno ya no pude hacer nada en ese sentido, no es la primera vez que pasaba, se que tengo que estar mas pendiente. Entonces quise realizar una pulsera para hacer juego con ese choker..

Los materiales que utilice son los siguientes:

  • Mostacillas de los colores: rosado, dorado, blanco perla, y rosa viejo
  • Alambre memoria.
  • Un ojo turco de fimo.
  • Herramientas de bisuteria.
    Debo destacar, que las mostacillas que utilice son calibradas, osea, son del mismo tamaño, en teoria, porque hay unas que son diferentes tamaños y a veces la pieza no se ve tan simetrica.. Se nota mas cuando hacemos bordados o tejidos.


¿Cómo lo hice?

Para iniciar corte del carrete de alambre dos vueltas de alambre memoria, en uno de los expremos con la herramienta de punta redonda, le hice un aro, para que fuera el tope y las mostacillas, cuando las colocara no se salieran.


Comence con las mostacillas, primero coloque 6 mostacillas color rosa viejo, luego 6 blanco perlado, 6 rosadas y 6 doradas, coloque en esta serie dos (2) veces más, esto para semejar al choker. luego coloque el ojo turco de fimo, utilice uno color rosa.


Despues de colocar el ojo, cambie el orden de los colores de las mostacillas, esta vez coloque, 6 de cada una pero comence con dorado, luego rosado, blanco y rosa viejo, segui con ese patrón de colores hasta culminar toda la pulsera.


Cuando termine de colocar todas las mostacillas, con la herramienta de bisuteria redonda, cerre la pulsera haciendole un arito en ese extremo.


La pulserita se ve bien linda y hace un juego hermoso con el choker. Para finalizar, le coloque un cristal de swarosvky rosado en uno de los aritos, como un detalle extra a la pulsera.


Así se ve la pulsera, hermosa:

Como ven esta pulsera es muy sencilla, facil de hacer, con pocos materiales, me encanto el resultado final, y a ustedes?


Les dejo el link del post de choker para quienes lo quieran ver le echen un ojito..

Aqui la podemos ver haciendo juego con el collar.. Queda lindo el juego.. se ve realmente bonito.


Espero sea de su agrado.. gracias por su apoyo.. 🤍


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Portada, banner e imagen / Cover, banner and imagecanva
fotos/ picturesown photos, realme c11 device

Gracias por leer mi post (1).gif


Wow! It turned out great and it looks so lovely on your wrist. It’s always nice to try new things as we don’t know what we are capable of doing until we take a leap of faith. Well done friend.

Thank you very much, the truth is so, I like what you tell me, because it not only works in this case for jewelry, but also for life ... thank you ... I'm glad you liked it.❤️

simple but interesting

Thank you very much.❤️

This is cute.