Beautiful Rainbow Clay Earrings🌈

in Jewelry2 days ago


Today I did something different from my routine. Because it had been a long time since I had done any shopping and I couldn't go without shopping. On top of that, I was busy due to Ramadan. That's why Mama did my Eid shopping and told me about it. Then I thought of making earrings for you today to entertain my heart.

I Also Share My Little Process Video with My Sweet Gyus😊

Material Used

Some Colour of Clays Including White, Orange, Blue, Green, Brown And Upar Part Of ear Rings.


First I Take white Clay and Rool It After Rolling It I Cut In To 2 pieces Because I Made To Ear Ring In Two Time And after Cutting I Join Separately Two Parts

In Second I pick Orange Clay And roll It After Rolling I s
set On The Upar Side Of White Clay Shape.

Then I pick green Colour Clay And Do Same Process That I Share On Upar Part. Pic Share In Blow

Then I Pick Blue Colour Clay First And Rolling Ot After Rolling Adjust On The Upar Of The Shape And Then Pick Brown Clay And Do Same Process.

In Last I Take The Upar Part Of Ring And Adjust on The Tope Of The Shape Of. Then It Made A Beautiful Ear Ring Here my Today Entry In Complete☺️.

I hope You Like My Post😍
This isn't the end it's just a new beginning. So I will come back with a more inhancive projuct Inshallah.
Until then you take care of yourself😊
Allah Hafiz


There’s nothing as fulfilling as creating various crafts with our hands and enjoying every bit of them. Lovely work friend, thanks for sharing.