Beautiful bracelet for my wife

in Jewelry4 months ago

Greetings Greeting Greeting to you all, happy new month great people, welcome to the month of December,may all your secret prayers be answered in Jesus name, Amen
Am so delighted to be here once again and to share with you all my beautiful bracelet i made today for my wife as a new month gift.
The finishing came out so beautiful and she love it a lot.

Let me share my materials with you all, which are:
Green crystal bead,
Silver bead,
Fishing line,
Hook and jump ring,

First of all, I got started by carrying my thread and the I cut it out to the size I needed the I inserted my Needle on both side since am using two needle, then I carry three of my silver bead and I then carry one of my silver bead and I intertwined with both lines and I tightened it.

I carry one of my silver bead,one of my green bead into one side of my fishing line, the next line I also carry one of my silver bead, one of my green bead ,and then I carry one of my silver bead and I intertwined with both lines and I tight it up.

Next, I carry one of my green bead, one of my silver bead into one side of my fishing line,while on the other side ,I also carry one of my green bead, one of my silver bead and I then carry one of my silver bead and I intertwined with both lines,and I tight it up.

Next, I carry one of my silver bead,one of my green bead into one side of my fishing line, the next line I also carry one of my silver bead, one of my green bead ,and then I carry one of my silver bead and I intertwined with both lines and I tight it up.

I continue the process till I reach this point,now I carry three of my silver bead into one side of my fishing line and I go back through one of my silver bead .

I tight it up and I go down through one of my silver bead,
I carry four of my silver bead and I go through three previous silver bead .

I carry another four of my silver bead and I go through previous three silver bead and I continue till I reach the end.

I now carry my other side of my fishing line, I go three one of my silver bead and one of my green bead, after that I carry one of my green bead and I go through one of my green bead ,three of my silver bead .

Then I continue with my green bead bead ,till I got to the end, I then carry my jump ring and inserted,on the other end I inserted my hook and I tight it properly to avoid loosing, I then use my scissors and cut out the thread.

That is all for today.
Thanks lovely people for stopping by my blog
See you on my next post.


What a great way to start the new month. A beautiful bracelet for your partner. Good work

Thank you,I appreciate

Wow, it's amazing piece of work and I hope she will like it and thanks to you.

Keep doing your efforts