Is a great privilege to be here once again anf to be able to share with you all my simple but elegant earrings i made for my neighbors wife to use to an occasion she have ,the neighbors wife has been seeing my work whenever am out to do one or two things and she has been wanting to me to make something for her for awhile now, .so today since i was a little bit less busy,i decided to make this simple but elegant earrings for her ,so she can use for the occasion she have.though is the style of earrings she brought from her YouTube channel for me to help her make it.Greetings wonderful people in this community @jewelry, how is everything going with you all, i hope is going well and sound.
The materials I use are:
White bead,
Red crystal bead,
Earrings hook,.
Fishing line,
Scissors and
Let's begin with the simple steps I carryout in making this earrings
To start with , I carry my fishing line and I cut out a long straight line with the help of my scissors,and I inserted my Needle on my fishing line,the next thing,I carried one of my red crystal bead plus two of my white bead,plus one of my red crystal bead,plus two of my white bead,plus one of my red crystal bead,plus two of my white bead,plus one of my red crystal bead and lastly two of my white bead , making it twelve altogether,that is eight white bead and four red crystal bead and I tight it up.
I move to the next step, I pass through one red crystal bead ,then I carry three of my white bead and I skipped one of my white bead and I went through one of my white bead and one of my red crystal bead and I tight it properly.
Again,I carry three of my white bead and I skipped one of my white bead and I went through one of my white bead and one of my red crystal bead and I tight it properly.
Next, I still carry three of my white bead and I skipped one of my white bead and I went through one of my white bead and one of my red crystal bead and I tight it properly.
And again,to complete that particular step,I still continue by carrying three of my white bead and I skipped one of my white bead and I went through one of my white bead and one of my red crystal bead and I tight it properly.
Then I go through two of my white and I carry my earrings hook and I go back through one previous top white bead and I tight it properly, and then I went round till I got to a particular place then I tight it up properly.
Wow my earrings are read for my neighbor's used,
And she really love it so much .
Am glad i was able to help her out with the earrings.
Thank you everyone for stopping by my blog.
See you on my next post
This is lovely 💞
Thank you
These elegant earrings are a beautiful example of how simple materials can create stunning accessories. The combination of white and red crystal beads adds a classy touch, making them perfect for any occasion. It’s wonderful to hear that your neighbor’s wife loved them, it shows how much thought and care went into the design. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you