Happy monday morning lovers of good jewelries, I am here today again to show you how I made my neck peace and that of my best girl for a weding we attended yesterday.
So early morning on Sunday my bestie came to the house which we had arrange already to go for a wedding and that she will be coming to my place and from there she will dress and we move. As planned she came and when I was trying to select what I will wear she Brought out her own dress and even mine too. After the cloth selection I told her that I cannot wear these cloth like this without a neck peace oooo and she said if you are making yours you must make mine. I said see this girl oooo, there is no much time but let me see what i can do. I brought out my leftover materials, started selecting the colours and finally I saw the colour that will fit her dress, well mine was already determined in my heart cos I had these big pearl beads that I had already pictured in my heart to use.
So I had to start the production while she did her make up. So I thought of showing you all the tutorials today.
These are the materials I used.
Elastic tread
Big pearl beads
Pearl stone beads
Blue beads
Lighter used for the surface of the elastic thread
So I started by cutting the elastic thread into two since it was not big enough for it to remain.
I had to make a knot at the edge of the elastic thread so that when I start putting the beads it will not go out.
After cutting the elastic thread, I went ahead to using my lighter to make the edge of the elastic thread to be
Sharp so that it can be easy to go throught the beads.
I started putting the big pearl beads one after the other.
I continues putting the pearl beads. At initial I wanted mixing it with the orange since I'm using orange cloth but I change my mind and go with only the pearl beads.
Still putting the pearl beads till I reach the end and I was already exusting the pearl beads I had to bring the edges together and make a knot then I moved to my best girl own.
So in this her own I started by putting the pearl stone beads on the elastic threads. I will put five pearl stone beads and one blue normal beads.
So in every five pearl stone beads I will put one blue beads.,
I continued putting the beads in an orderly manner ontill I reached the end of the production, I now noticed the first side and then bright the edges together and make a knot and then that was the end of making these beautiful neck peace for me and my best girl.
See us looking beautiful for the wedding.
Thanks for going through my post lovelies
Wow,is so beautiful
You both look beautiful. Is nice you where able to come out with such amazing design. Keep it up