Holaaaa muy buen día comunidad Jewelry, espero se encuentren bien y que tengan excelente día, una vez más en este espacio de joyería para seguir compartiendo con ustedes bellas ideas de accesorios que pueden realizar para su uso personal o para vender.
Hello, very good day Jewelry community, I hope you are well and have a great day, once again in this jewelry space to continue sharing with you beautiful ideas of accessories that you can make for your personal use or to sell.
Realicé dos modelos de pulseras de flores utilizando mostacillas y cadena, estás dos pulseras quedan super lindas y son faciles de realizar, puedes realizar las flores del color que desees y así combinar con tus outfit, también queda muy lindo en collares, a continuación les muestro los materiales y el paso a paso.
I made two models of flower bracelets using beads and a chain, these two bracelets look super cute and are easy to make, you can make the flowers of the color you want and thus combine with your outfit, it also looks very pretty on necklaces, below I show you the materials and the step by step.
Materiales | Materials |
30 mostacillas amarillas | 30 yellow beads |
7 mostacillas blancas | 7 white beads |
6 mostacillas azules | 6 blue beads |
6 mostacillas moradas | 6 purple beads |
Cadena dorada | golden chain |
10 Argollas doradas | 10 golden rings |
2 Broches dorados | 2 golden brooches |
Nylon 0.2 mm | Nylon 0.2mm |
Cinta métrica | Measuring tape |
Pinzas de bisutería | Jewelry tweezers |
Paso a paso / Step by step
Para la primera pulsera voy a cortar 20 cm de cadena, luego voy a comenzar a realizar las flores, para esto vamos a utilizar unos 15 a 20 cm de nylon, lo corte un poco largo ya que me hizo más fácil al momento de realizar la flor, para cada una voy a utilizar seis mostacillas amarillas y una blanca, en total vamos a realizar cinco.
For the first bracelet I am going to cut 20 cm of chain, then I am going to start making the flowers, for this we are going to use about 15 to 20 cm of nylon, I cut it a little long since it made it easier for me when making the flower, for each one I am going to use six yellow beads and one white, in total we are going to make five.
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Para realizar la flor comencé introduciendo una mostacilla en uno de los nylon, con el nylon del otro lado cruzamos en el medio de la mostacilla, ahora en cada nylon vamos a introducir dos mostacillas del mismo color, entre los dos hilos colocamos una mostacilla blanca que será el centro, ahora vamos a pasar cada nylon por las dos mostacillas hacia arriba, para cerrar la flor colocamos una de color amarillo.
To make the flower I began by inserting a bead into one of the nylons, with the nylon on the other side we crossed in the middle of the bead, now in each nylon we are going to insert two beads of the same color, between the two threads we place a white bead that will be the center, now we are going to pass each nylon through the two beads upwards, to close the flower we place a yellow one.
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Ahora para realizar el nudo voy a pasar el nylon a través de las mostacillas de esta forma también reforzamos la flor, cortamos el sobrante y ya tenemos la primera flor. Una vez listas las flores amarillas colocamos una argolla a cada una y comenzamos a ubicar en la cadena, colocamos un broche y argolla para cerrar la pulsera.
Now to make the knot I am going to pass the nylon through the beads. In this way we also reinforce the flower, cut off the excess and we now have the first flower. Once the yellow flowers are ready, we place a ring on each one and begin to place them on the chain, we place a clasp and ring to close the bracelet.
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Para la segunda pulsera voy a utilizar 15 cm de cadena, realicé dos flores una color morado y azul siguiendo el mismo procedimiento, esta cadena la vamos a dividir en la mitad, y unimos las flores con argollas en el centro, nos ayudamos con una pinza, por último coloqué un broche a la pulsera de esta forma terminé estas dos bellas pulseras, ambas me gustaron pero mi favorita fue la primera.
For the second bracelet I am going to use 15 cm of chain, I made two flowers, one purple and blue following the same procedure, we are going to divide this chain in half, and we join the flowers with rings in the center, we help ourselves with a clamp, finally I placed a clasp on the bracelet in this way I finished these two beautiful bracelets, I liked them both but my favorite was the first.
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Verás que es fácil armar las flores, y luego unirlas a la cadena dorada, espero pueda servir de inspiración para sus pulseras.
You will see that it is easy to assemble the flowers, and then attach them to the golden chain, I hope it can serve as inspiration for your bracelets.
Espero les haya gustado, gracias por visitar mi publicación nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad con más ideas creativas.
I hope you liked it, thank you for visiting my publication, see you next time with more creative ideas.
Wow! Too beautiful 💕
I like the way you made it, and explain it very well. And also this look beautiful in your wrist.💐
Well done
Thank you so much
Awww this is so cute, these tiny flowers are making this bracelet really so attractive and cute, also the combination of beads is really eye catching 💖
thanks for the support, greetings 🙏🏻
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Discord Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en
This is really aesthetic and cute. I love it so much. Thanks for sharing an easy and creative way to make this braclet.
Super grateful, greetings
These flowers are really cute no doubt. I love yellow bracelet it gives a really cool vibe. Thanks for sharing with us such an beautiful bracelet hack.
I'm glad you liked it, greetings
What a beautiful design! It is charming, lovely, and stylish. It shows your creativity and skills. Love it. Nice work! Keep up the good work!
Waao I love this bracelet you made it very perfectly. I will try it for myself..
thank you, regards